Youtube CØØN apologizes to Tariq Nasheed after he fu¢ked up associating w/ White supremacists


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
That's not the context that this photo was taken under. And that's part of my point, ppl are completely oblivious to the communities outside of the coli because they never leave here, and they use that ignorance to mischaracterize a situation. The fact that you categorize the skeptic community as a generic "white friend" in your conception of how that photo appears to you is the proof. That's why i'm saying the criticism about some_blackguy itt is not really reasonable. To the coli, Sargon of the Akkad is probably considered the same as Richard Spencer. You can't make a proper judgement when you're that unaware.

Your assertions that people "never leave the Coli" and that this means "they are wrong" is 1) presumptuous to the extreme and 2) logically invalid as the second statement does not follow the first.

Your logic is like saying that a person who spends most of their time on Reddit can't spot a racist. Yes, yes they can.

Suffice to say, a person can never leave the Coli, or never be on the Coli, or be on it 50% of the same or whatever, and be 100% right about the fact he knew she was a racist because, after all, Occam's Razor implies that the available evidence points to this (very reasonable) conclusion. What determines a person's ability to divine truth is their intellect and efficacy at appraising evidence, not where they hang out (the Coli, the Breakfast Club, etc). Indeed, the "skeptic community" you reference is precisely the cabal of disingenuous racists Coli posters allege. How do I know? Because I have seen these people on Twitter and knew what what they were immediately. So it seems the Coli is on a roll as far as predicting racists--and hence fairly criticizing some_blackguy--itt, while you're floundering about trying to defend him (maybe even yourself).

So before you accuse Coli posters, or anyone for that, of not knowing a racist when they see one, you should find some examples of where the Coli is wrong and you are right. Then you can claim people "can't make proper judgment", because as of now, Occam's Razor implies only you and some_blackguy fit that bill.

They can, I just don't think they're being reasonable.

You have said you don't think people are being reasonable in assuming he should have known she was a racist after persuing his Twitter, examining her ideas, her followers, friends, etc. Your presumption makes little sense in earnest. She doesn't hide she's a racist or race realist; she wears the hat proudly and so it's more reasonable to assume he knew all long she was a racist. Assuming otherwise goes against the evidence and hence Occam's Razor.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
I'm half white/mexican. I actually apologize because I didn't realize this chick was on some racist shyt.

This seems to be a reoccuring theme with cacs, which is to say cacs conveniently only see racism when they wish to see it, like the sheer number of cacs who don't see racism in Kaepernick's ban from the NFL. According to cacs, Kaepernick is banned "because he is bad not because of any racism". The above considered, I'm sorry if I don't believe you--but I don't and nor should anyone else.

Palm Tree's & Blunts

Big timah timah
Aug 15, 2015
This seems to be a reoccuring theme with cacs, which is to say cacs conveniently only see racism when they wish to see it, like the sheer number of cacs who don't see racism in Kaepernick's ban from the NFL. According to cacs, Kaepernick is banned "because he is bad not because of any racism". The above considered, I'm sorry if I don't believe you--but I don't and nor should anyone else.

Not me and if you're a white person that doesn't acknowledge racism then your part of the problem. If you don't believe me then that's on you. :yeshrug: I know I'm not racist.


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
He knows what that flag is modeled after.
You completely missed the entire point I made about the generic white friend. I'm not claiming he doesn't understand the flag, i'm claiming you don't understand the context. But not only do you not understand it, you're unaware that you don't understand it and you're drawing assumptions from that place of ignorance, willingly.

You expect that some_blackguy should have been able to make an inference regarding the Race&IQ views of the female in question from the act being captured in the photo. However, what you fail to grasp - due to your ignorance - is that the point behind the photo bares no resemblance to your assumption about it.

What you're seeing in that photo is the Skeptic community parodying ***** culture as a way to mock identity politics and identitarians like Tariq, which is a common theme in their community. Its not an expression of white supremacy, its meant as the opposite. Therefore, no inference could be made by some_blackguy with that since the act is a fukking meme.

And this is why I say majority of the commentary itt is so guys view internet memes like kekistan as literally Nazism because, internet wise, you're so uniformed about anything outside of the coli.

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
You completely missed the entire point I made about the generic white friend. I'm not claiming he doesn't understand the flag, i'm claiming you don't understand the context. But not only do you not understand it, you're unaware that you don't understand it and you're drawing assumptions from that place of ignorance, willingly.

You expect that some_blackguy should have been able to make an inference regarding the Race&IQ views of the female in question from the act being captured in the photo. However, what you fail to grasp - due to your ignorance - is that the point behind the photo bares no resemblance to your assumption about it.

What you're seeing in that photo is the Skeptic community parodying ***** culture as a way to mock identity politics and identitarians like Tariq, which is a common theme in their community. Its not an expression of white supremacy, its meant as the opposite. Therefore, no inference could be made by some_blackguy with that since the act is a fukking meme.

And this is why I say majority of the commentary itt is so guys view internet memes like kekistan as literally Nazism because you're so unformed about anything outside of the coli.
I know that Pepe meme didn't come from the "alt right" because it's been on the Internet for years and was falsely labeled an "alt right frog"

Before I was on the Coli I was on other forums and websites and noticed how racist places like ***** and Reddit are.

I'm not as "naive" or "ignorant" as you want me to be.

But as a black man I ain't "mocking" shyt that's purposely supposed to resemble the nazi flag.

Then gunna act surprised by a white person who does so when it comes out that they are racist.

This has less to do with me being a Coli member and more to do with me being a black man in America. shyt I'm not surprised by any white person possibly being racist. I've felt that way way before I joined the Coli.

And I have to look at any black man funny who is shocked by that.

The fact of the matter is, he is naive and ignorant way more than you claim any Coli member to be if this shocks him.

And another thing.
Its not an expression of white supremacy, its meant as the opposite.
How are they fighting white supremacy?

By attacking Tariq Nasheed?
A person who speaks out against white supremacy himself?

I don't even follow Tariq at all but how exactly is attacking him supposed to fight white supremacy?

You're a black man trying to fight white supremacy and the best way to do that is join together with white people to go against a man who is himself, trying to fight white supremacy?

The Plug

plug couldnt trust you now u cant trust the plug
Feb 11, 2017

He and his friends did a video inviting her and debunking her. She didn't come to the live stream


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Jesus Christ at the comments :snoop:..

Internet garbage at it's finest. Had no idea this was the same chick from that other thread. I went and dapped some guy post saying she was hot :gucci:..:why:

Zak Bible

Dec 11, 2016
Dude really didn't "wake up" though...He's slowly emerging to the realities of his place in this little game of life.

You can tell he's resisting the realization that people he thought cared for him literally think he's inferior

Former c00ns end up going the hardest tho
