
  1. JadeB

    6 White People vs 1 Secret Black Person

  2. B

    Royce White sounds off on the NBA and he is 100% correct

    fukked up he was labeled a liar and diva.
  3. Indiglow Meta (R$G)


    :jbhmm::jbhmm::jbhmm: Rochester men charged in plot to attack Muslim community near Binghamton Greece, NY police found three improvised bombs, 23 guns in investigation into bomb plot GREECE, NY (WROC) - Three men in Greece are facing charges, accused of making bombs for an attack against a...
  4. The Amerikkkan Idol

    REAL TALK: I Have Never Met Black Men Afraid of Losing Sistas To White Men

    . . . . .except on The Coli. Like seriously, the amount of insecure nikkaz on here who literally think that the world is full of Black women who don't fukk with nikkaz is astounding. Like, I've been around nikkaz my whole life, and I swear, I've never heard my father, brother, homies, cousins...
  5. Crude Abolitionist

    EA on the backlash against women in Battlefield V: ‘Accept it or don’t buy the game’

    They don't give a fukk about these alt right gamergate incel white losers :mjlol: And the funny part is they bytch all the time and still end up buying the shyt :russ: EA like we know how weak they are we going to do what we want :yeshrug: EA on the backlash against women in Battlefield V...
  6. R

    CAC girls wearing hoodies during the summertime

    Is this a Texas only thing? These bytches be having on short ass shorts but wearing big ass hoodies in the middle of the heat. Straight weirdo shyt
  7. SAINT

    If you’re a man and can’t make atleast 7/10 free throws...

    Her phone number is located at the bottom
  8. Karume


  9. Crude Abolitionist

    New Mexico School Shooter Had Secret Life on Pro-Trump White-Supremacy Sites

    Surprise! New Mexico School Shooter Had Secret Life on Pro-Trump White-Supremacy Sites You know that shyt burned him up when nobody gave a fukk about his pathetic existence. This article made me think. Every single mass shooting done by a white terrorist in the world not just...
  10. Crude Abolitionist

    French President Macron blamed Africans for the slave markets in Libya...

    Macron Blames 'African Traffickers' for Libya's Slave Trade I have no words... These people are evil incarnate. There is no reasoning with them...
  11. N

    Do you think your life would be more different changing race or gender?

    I was talking with some people and most people said changing gender would have more of a difference since race is just skin color (Lol). Do you think your life would be more different as a white person but you are the same sex you were or Changing sex but still the same race. Do you think you...
  12. HopeKillCure

    America really needs a Biracial/Colored Distinction

    England and South African brehs, how well has this Biracial/colored racial Category worked out for your respective communities?:wow:
  13. King of Creampies

    College Campus Shut Down After Professor’s #LetThemfukkingDie Hashtag Scares White People

    Trinity College (YouTube screenshot) In a twisted narrative that includes butt-hurt wypipo, conservative trolls, a black college professor, a racist congressman and an online essay, a Connecticut college shut its campus down for what it called “threats received” after a professor at the college...
  14. lowkey0z

    "my kid has chest pains - - i want to see a white doctor"

  15. lowkey0z

    army fukkery: white woman tries to fukk breh, dude says no & she starts spreading rumors (vids)

    the white dude was in other girl's messages too :mjlol: moral of the story?
  16. The Plug

    Pawg says "I'm definitely a mumble rapper. Bars don't matter"

    She's bad too
  17. President Sakora

    Suspected white supremacist woman has shyt thrown in her face.

    Bon Apetite!
  18. lowkey0z

    Heroin use in the U.S. has increased fivefold, hitting young, white men the hardest...

    a supervised injection facility :gucci::gucci::gucci::gucci::gucci: where the fukk was this in the 80s/90s..no need to answer that :gucci::scust:
  19. M

    LMFAO: OBAMA Ponders Retirement + Chops It Up with Joe Biden & John Boehner Before Leaving Office

    This was actually from April 2016, But I never saw it until today. :wow: Obama had straight jokes, I miss this guy already GOATBama ran out of fukks to give :blessed:\ @:25 seconds "F**k You Chuck Todd" :obama: @2:06 the guy next to Michelle Obama who is laughing his ass off:heh:- then...
  20. GhostoftheMan

    Kyrie Irving says he didn't like Get Out

    He was on the "Road Trippin" podcast, the same one where he said he was a flat Earther, and “I wasn’t a particularly great fan of Get Out, I wasn’t. And I will let you guys go see it…”