Do black women and white men couples..

Oct 27, 2013
Interesting that you said "most white men" that you knew....are dating "attractive black women"...notice you didn't say most "successful, attractive white men" as if we're all suppose to assume that he's attractive and successful BECAUSE he is white LOL...

This is what Im talking're trying to hype this up and make it appear as if the pairing is a big deal....I know plenty of black dudes with all races of women...some married, some dating, some "hooking up", some successful, some poor, some doing alright for runs the gamut. But I don't need to make it out to be some complex social upswing worthy of saying that black men are improving themselves when they do so...that's primarily because I don't rest myself esteem on the acceptance of other races like A LOT of desperate black women do.

And, most "attractive successful" White dudes I know, are with WHITE blonde skinny women. Most of them prefer attractive white blonde skinny women, and a few of them date Asian women and Indian women. The ones who are working class IMO...tend to be more open to Latin women, and a few of them are open to black women...I bet that hurt for you to hear right?:pachaha:...i'll never understand some of these BW who are into this interracial madness...most of you feel entitled to if you're suppose to be the "arm trophy" and his own WW are not....LOL. It's a sickness.

Either way, most "Attractive" black women I know are with BLACK men, and most of those women and men prefer one another.

And that's nonsense, about "real love" ...first of all...who are you to say it's "real love" for anyone? What's the metric for that any way? Most people of the same race get together with people of the same race for the same superficial reasons people date people of other races do. I personally think you're basing your entire outlook on celebrities (i.e. entertainers and Athletes) who are in the spotlight with multiple divorces hook ups etc. It's just easier for you to look at the ones involving BM because there are FAR more of them than the reverse.

And who cares about confidence? What relevance does that have? The "studies" also say that they're the least attractive race of women to men. They also say that they're the poorest and most overweight. They also say that most men prefer lighter complexions in general.

Theres plenty of successful and attractive white men that prefer black women, think what you want to think. Youre going to believe what you want and ill believe what i want.

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
Theres plenty of successful and attractive white men that prefer black women, think what you want to think. Youre going to believe what you want and ill believe what i want.



Slaying Bed Bucks™ since 1981
Apr 21, 2014
SoCal and AZ
Theres plenty of successful and attractive white men that prefer black women, think what you want to think. Youre going to believe what you want and ill believe what i want.

Black men like @thereheis are HEAVILY invested in the degradation of black women. The idea of black women being seen as beautiful and desirable to non-black men enrages him. Notice how quick he was to bash black women with anecdotal yibberyabber in order to defend his point. This is NOT a man who respects black women so why would a black woman listen to such a man. His hatred of black women is palpable yet he will never be called out on it. I laughed at his assertion that white men somehow express all of their desire to him as if they actually value his opinion.

The fact remains that WMBW relationships/marriages are the fastest growing segment of IRR and that concerns men like him. White men who are multimillionaires, billionaires, European royalty and nobility, high profile politicians, etc., etc. have seen fit to make black women their wives and yet this guy @thereheis wants black women to focus on Cleetus and Bubba on a message board who state that they don't want black women. Its laughable. White men of high status will marry black women yet the same can not be said about the white women who marry black men.


Sep 25, 2012
Black men like @thereheis . White men of high status will marry black women yet the same can not be said about the white women who marry black men.

Heterosexual men of any race couldn't careless about "status"
We're mostly checking for looks and attractiveness.
And if we're using celebrities and famous people as an example. Than bm are doing pretty well in that department


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Black men like @thereheis are HEAVILY invested in the degradation of black women. The idea of black women being seen as beautiful and desirable to non-black men enrages him. Notice how quick he was to bash black women with anecdotal yibberyabber in order to defend his point. This is NOT a man who respects black women so why would a black woman listen to such a man. His hatred of black women is palpable yet he will never be called out on it. I laughed at his assertion that white men somehow express all of their desire to him as if they actually value his opinion.

The data trends (read: not anecdote, but population research) for non-black men have already been elaborated upon - and they support @@thereheis assertions and refute yours. Everything else he said is just supplementary.. The irony is that the one most using unsubstantiated ancedote here is you. you have done nothing but selectively choose which points you to apply and obfuscate around the issue with conjecture (i.e. drivel (i.e. "hated of blah blah"). You need to stop saying "black women" in order to give yourself credence. You're a troll, not like any woman I've ever met. Let's go over your delusion again:

1) You continue to side step around the fact you lied about not having heard of yt men racially degrading black women ever . You posted 5+ messages in the Cumia thread talking about the issue only a few weeks ago, yet somehow here you had never heard of such happenings. Every time I bring up this point you never reply. It's almost like you're a troll or something that has no interest in the truth.

2) Your very own point--that yt men prefer yt women--is viewable and representative of the very data point you reject as being unrepresentative of yts. How could the data point be invalid if it agrees with your own assertions? So either you are wrong about your generalization or you're wrong about the data point's--the forum--representation. And since it's obvious the generalization is right, the forum is representative. In addition, all of @thereheis ' general points around relative attraction are supported by the same data.

The fact remains that WMBW relationships/marriages are the fastest growing segment of IRR and that concerns men like him. White men who are multimillionaires, billionaires, European royalty and nobility, high profile politicians, etc., etc. have seen fit to make black women their wives and yet this guy @thereheis wants black women to focus on Cleetus and Bubba on a message board who state that they don't want black women. Its laughable. White men of high status will marry black women yet the same can not be said about the white women who marry black men.

There's no reason to think high status white brehs have different standards, trends or think different to normal white brehs or society in general. In fact, as yt brehs get richer, they tend to get more conservative (verified in study) and conservatism is associated with less interest in dating IR (verified in study). So the implication is that they will date their most preferred more and since they get the opportunity to date the best, that's how they fukk with. The percentage of high status white brehs marrying people like you is probably similar to the percentage marrying obese women: damn near zero. Go to any rich white neighborhood in the USA, it's not even 0.5/10 on average:laff:. Same is probably true in Europe (study trends are true in Europe as far as it goes). There are poorer white dudes with fewer options excluding bw at a 90% level on OKCupid, you think rich cacs with options will downgrade themselves? They can get the 9 and 10 white or Asian or Indian females the rest of us can't, so why wouldn't they? You are just a delusional troll. The fact is that the plurality and super majority of rich white brehs either don't like bw or have the least interest in them, the same as white brehs in general, as evidenced ancedotally and through population study. go look at the top 100 richest list and find me the many dark skin bw :laff:
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Slaying Bed Bucks™ since 1981
Apr 21, 2014
SoCal and AZ
Heterosexual men of any race couldn't careless about "status"
We're mostly checking for looks and attractiveness.
And if we're using celebrities and famous people as an example. Than bm are doing pretty well in that department

Men of high rank and power DO care about status. Black women have been able to marry white men who are billionaires, power brokers, high profile politicians and into prominent political families, and even into European royalty (with heirs to the throne). Black men who are very accomplished and successful have yet to marry into prominent families or royalty. We aren't talking about black male athletes or celebrities marrying a mediocre actress, PR rep or model...that is very "common". But why haven't black men been able to penetrate the higher levels of society through their interracial marriages?

I think that the attitude expressed in your post is one of the reasons that black men tend to lose in their interracial relationships. A successful black man is content with marrying the hot blonde nanny, the bikini model or the sexy former stripper and when they divorce (and most of their marriages do end in divorce) their assets flow back into white hands. It is very short sighted.


Sep 25, 2012
Men of high rank and power DO care about status[/B]. Black women have been able to marry white men who are billionaires, power brokers, high profile politicians and into prominent political families, and even into European royalty (with heirs to the throne). Black men who are very accomplished and successful have yet to marry into prominent families or royalty. We aren't talking about black male athletes or celebrities marrying a mediocre actress, PR rep or model...that is very "common". But why haven't black men been able to penetrate the higher levels of society through their interracial marriages?

I think that the attitude expressed in your post is one of the reasons that black men tend to lose in their interracial relationships. A successful black man is content with marrying the hot blonde nanny, the bikini model or the sexy former stripper and when they divorce (and most of their marriages do end in divorce) their assets flow back into white hands. It is very short sighted.

No they don't. Billionaires wife thots,waitresses,whores all the time. Again men don't care about sht like this. No black dude or dude dude is trying to obtain status through their women other than her looks.
Oct 27, 2013
The data trends for non-black men have already been elaborated upon - and they support @thereheis assertions and refute yours. Everything else he said is just supplementary.. The irony is that the one most using unsubstantiated ancedote here is yo. @thereheis has based most of his arguments vis-a-vis your delusion with research. On the other hand, you have done nothing but selectively choose which points you to apply, obfuscate around the issue with conjecture and drivel (i.e. "hated of blah blah"). You need to stop saying "black women" and just speak for yourself too. Let's go over your delusion and your yibber yabber:

1) You continue to side step around the fact you lied about not having heard of yt men racially degrading black women ever . You posted 5+ messages in the Cumia thread talking about the issue, yet somehow here you had never heard of it. Every time I bring up this point you never reply. It's almost like you're a troll or something that has no interest in

2) Your very own point--that yt men prefer yt women--is viewable and representative of the very data point you reject as being unrepresentative of yts. How could the data point be unrepresentative if it agrees with your own assertions? There must be logical validity there somewhere (of course, I have already explained how much validity there is in every bit of research provided here). Moreover, all of @thereheis ' general points around relative attraction are supported by the same data. It's deliciously ironic how you swear everyone else

3) the data says that

Where do you get these ideas? First, it's not hard to "grow" from like 0. Second, there's no reason to think high status white brehs have different standards, trends or think different to normal white brehs or society in general. In fact, as yt brehs get richer, they tend to get more conservative (verified in study) and conservatism is associated with less interest in dating IR (verified in study). The percentage of white brehs marrying people like you is probably similar to the percentage marrying obese women: damn near zero. Go to any rich white neighborhood in the USA, it's not even 0.5/10 on average:laff:. Same is probably true in Europe. There are poorer white dudes with fewer options excluding bw at a 90% level on OKCupid, you think rich cacs with options will degrade themselves? They can get the 9 and 10 white females the rest of us can't, so why wouldn't they? You are just a delusional troll. The fact is that the plurality and super majority of rich white brehs either don't like bw or have the least interest in them, the same as white brehs in general, as evidenced ancedotally and through population study.

another white men dont prefer black women post lmao. how many times are you guys going to post the same thing? "They can get the 9 and 10 white females the rest of us can't, so why wouldn't they?" because maybe they prefer black women, whats so complicated about that? why would a white woman date a black man if she could get a white man? maybe because she likes him. Its not that deep. Theres plenty of wealthy white men married to black women. how is being with a black woman degrading themselves? You obviously find white women more attractive than black women admit it.



Heather Headley husband is a decent looking white man and was very wealthy sports player...why didn't he get a white woman? It can't be because he simply found her beautiful? You're really the only c00n on here, smh..


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
another white men dont prefer black women post lmao. how many times are you guys going to post the same thing? "They can get the 9 and 10 white females the rest of us can't, so why wouldn't they?" because maybe they prefer black women, whats so complicated about that? why would a white woman date a black man if she could get a white man? maybe because she likes him. Its not that deep. Theres plenty of wealthy white men married to black women. how is being with a black woman degrading themselves? You obviously find white women more attractive than black women admit it.



Heather Headley husband is a decent looking white man and was very wealthy sports player...why didn't he get a white woman? It can't be because he simply found her beautiful? You're really the only c00n on here, smh..

are you retarded? i just told u the super majority of rich white (like 90%) brehs either don't like bw or like them least. so what i wrote, ""They can get the 9 and 10 white females the rest of us can't, so why wouldn't they?", that applies to the average and super majority rich yt dude. u posting an exception does not change anything, the my posting some athlete with an obese wife does not mean athletes fukking with obese bytches. super majority of white athletes aint fukking with bw or marrying them. that's drama for no reason. go to and see for uself. entire teams on the no-black tip. shyt i used to watch soccer and i dont remember seeing a euro player with a black WAG. they fukk with the finest euro bytches and obv. those ppl aint black. only black players tend to have black WAGs

and obviously when ur a part of a group which downgrades female racial groups , the bottom piece is a downgrade compared to the top. u slow
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Oct 27, 2013
are you retarded? i just told u the super majority of rich white (like 90%) brehs either don't like bw or like them least. so what i wrote, ""They can get the 9 and 10 white females the rest of us can't, so why wouldn't they?", that applies to the average and super majority rich yt dude. u posting some abberations and exceptions does not change anything. super majority of white athletes aint fukking with bw or marrying them. go to and see whom they marry :laff:.

and obviously when ur a part of a group which considers bw to be the ugliest and least attractive (all groups outside of black men, mostly), it's a downgrade. i think ur retarded

We already know that most white men prefer their own race why keep stating it? but most men will not deny when a black women is attractive. A minority of white men preferring black women is still a lot since they are the MAJORITY. If he finds her attractive why would he care about what others think? This is why white men are more successful on average than black men. Everything you guys do is influenced by your home boys, sounds like some gay shyt to me. Black women aren't considered ugly for the most part because of their features its their attitudes that turn a lot of men off. and is you calling me retarded suppose to hurt my feelings? I think your retarded as well and jealous of bw/wm relationships period. You've repeated your self through out this entire thread. 'most white men dont want black women' 'most white men dont want black women' Like okay, we get it.


Jun 21, 2012
Men of high rank and power DO care about status. Black women have been able to marry white men who are billionaires, power brokers, high profile politicians and into prominent political families, and even into European royalty (with heirs to the throne). Black men who are very accomplished and successful have yet to marry into prominent families or royalty. We aren't talking about black male athletes or celebrities marrying a mediocre actress, PR rep or model...that is very "common". But why haven't black men been able to penetrate the higher levels of society through their interracial marriages?

I think that the attitude expressed in your post is one of the reasons that black men tend to lose in their interracial relationships. A successful black man is content with marrying the hot blonde nanny, the bikini model or the sexy former stripper and when they divorce (and most of their marriages do end in divorce) their assets flow back into white hands. It is very short sighted.

LOL How long are yall gonna hold onto George "you ain't gettin none of this money/prenup" Lucas, Peter "divorced from a hood rat" Norton, Robert "I dumped Grace's ass 3 times" Dinero and some prince of Linchenstein (a country 99% of the world doesn't even know exists)?...yall been yammering about them since 2001 LOL...Heck I bet Bill Deblasio's biracial kids end up marrying WHITE, and their black (formerly lesbo) mom will end up looking like the maid in the family photos LOL.

Former Defense Secretary William Cohen doesn't have any children with his "black"jump off/wife, and John McCains son's black wife is a conservative who might end up having children who marry other conservative whites....

And just the idea that you consider "white" European royal family ( I presume you mean that country Linctenstein...a royal title that WILL not be passed onto a black female) as if they were some "step up" the social ladder proves my point as to how thoroughly warped your minds are around this nonsense... the hair hat to cover it up is just the icing on the cake LOL. :pachaha::dead:

Asking why haven't black men "married into" one of these white female's families is just as retarded as asking why haven't white men "married into" black elite families...when the answer is fairly obvious....because there aren't that many high end white females or black families to begin with...

Heck, your question doesn't even make a lick of sense...there are a few white women are marrying into "prominent" political families, scientists, and multi the top of my head alone...Neil Degrasse Tyson (prominent physicist), Henry Louis Gates Jr (top notch African American scholar, tenured at Harvard), Clarence Thomas (Supreme Court Justice), hell even...Jeh Johnson (Secretary of Homeland Security) has a white I care? Nope, do I think that makes black men look all hyped up? NOPE......And not to mention all of the multi millionaire Athletes who proudly display their snowbunnies live on TV for the world to see that they aint marryin ya ass lol.

How about we compare Apples to Apples...and compare who WHITE WOMEN are marrying compared to yall? Let's see who's marrying the billionaires, millionaires, "power brokers" and "prominent political families" that you hold in such high self-esteem and see who's winning that game?

Come to think of it, the two greatest living Athletes in the world, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods had NO SHAME (and still gives no fuks) that they aint marryin one of yall. lol.

And all this talk about "assets" is pure BS; can you name ONE black female married to a wealthy white male where his resources, connects and assets have "flowed" into the black community? If they ever marry yall (which usually makes yall the 2nd or 3rd wife because they already or usually have WHITE children with whom their assets will be passed on to) and 9 times out of 10 yall are prenuped out of the will/inheretence altogether anyway. George Lucas himself saw to that.
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Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
LOL How long are yall gonna hold onto George "you ain't gettin none of this money/prenup" Lucas, Peter "divorced from a hood rat" Norton, Robert "I dumped Grace's ass 3 times" Dinero and some prince of Linchenstein (a country 99% of the world doesn't even know exists)?...yall been yammering about them since 2001 LOL...Heck I bet Bill Deblasio's biracial kids end up marrying WHITE, and their black (formerly lesbo) mom will end up looking like the maid in the family photos LOL.

Former Defense Secretary William Cohen doesn't have any children with his "black"jump off/wife, and John McCains son's black wife is a conservative who might end up having children who marry other conservative whites....

And just the idea that you consider "white" European royal family ( I presume you mean that country Linctenstein...a royal title that WILL not be passed onto a black female) as if they were some "step up" the social ladder proves my point as to how thoroughly warped your minds are around this nonsense... the hair hat to cover it up is just the icing on the cake LOL. :pachaha::dead:

Asking why haven't black men "married into" one of these white female's families is just as retarded as asking why haven't white men "married into" black elite families...when the answer is fairly obvious....because there aren't that many high end white females or black families to begin with...

Heck, your question doesn't even make a lick of sense...there are a few white women are marrying into "prominent" political families, scientists, and multi the top of my head alone...Neil Degrasse Tyson (prominent physicist), Henry Louis Gates Jr (top notch African American scholar, tenured at Harvard), Clarence Thomas (Supreme Court Justice), hell even...Jeh Johnson (Secretary of Homeland Security) has a white I care? Nope, do I think that makes black men look all hyped up? NOPE......And not to mention all of the multi millionaire Athletes who proudly display their snowbunnies live on TV for the world to see that they aint marryin ya ass lol.

How about we compare Apples to Apples...and compare who WHITE WOMEN are marrying compared to yall? Let's see who's marrying the billionaires, millionaires, "power brokers" and "prominent political families" that you hold in such high self-esteem and see who's winning that game?

Come to think of it, the two greatest living Athletes in the world, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods had NO SHAME (and still gives no fuks) that they aint marryin one of yall. lol.

And all this talk about "assets" is pure BS; can you name ONE black female married to a wealthy white male where his resources, connects and assets have "flowed" into the black community? If they ever marry yall (which usually makes yall the 2nd or 3rd wife because they already or usually have WHITE children with whom their assets will be passed on to) and 9 times out of 10 yall are prenuped out of the will/inheretence altogether anyway. George Lucas himself saw to that.

I respect your posts @GiGi, but @thereheis really is breaking it down here. :yeshrug:


Slaying Bed Bucks™ since 1981
Apr 21, 2014
SoCal and AZ
LOL How long are yall gonna hold onto George "you ain't gettin none of this money/prenup" Lucas, Peter "divorced from a hood rat" Norton, Robert "I dumped Grace's ass 3 times" Dinero and some prince of Linchenstein (a country 99% of the world doesn't even know exists)?...yall been yammering about them since 2001 LOL...Heck I bet Bill Deblasio's biracial kids end up marrying WHITE, and their black (formerly lesbo) mom will end up looking like the maid in the family photos LOL.

Former Defense Secretary William Cohen doesn't have any children with his "black"jump off/wife, and John McCains son's black wife is a conservative who might end up having children who marry other conservative whites....

And just the idea that you consider "white" European royal family ( I presume you mean that country Linctenstein...a royal title that WILL not be passed onto a black female) as if they were some "step up" the social ladder proves my point as to how thoroughly warped your minds are around this nonsense... the hair hat to cover it up is just the icing on the cake LOL. :pachaha::dead:

Asking why haven't black men "married into" one of these white female's families is just as retarded as asking why haven't white men "married into" black elite families...when the answer is fairly obvious....because there aren't that many high end white females or black families to begin with...

Heck, your question doesn't even make a lick of sense...there are a few white women are marrying into "prominent" political families, scientists, and multi the top of my head alone...Neil Degrasse Tyson (prominent physicist), Henry Louis Gates Jr (top notch African American scholar, tenured at Harvard), Clarence Thomas (Supreme Court Justice), hell even...Jeh Johnson (Secretary of Homeland Security) has a white I care? Nope, do I think that makes black men look all hyped up? NOPE......And not to mention all of the multi millionaire Athletes who proudly display their snowbunnies live on TV for the world to see that they aint marryin ya ass lol.

How about we compare Apples to Apples...and compare who WHITE WOMEN are marrying compared to yall? Let's see who's marrying the billionaires, millionaires, "power brokers" and "prominent political families" that you hold in such high self-esteem and see who's winning that game?

Come to think of it, the two greatest living Athletes in the world, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods had NO SHAME (and still gives no fuks) that they aint marryin one of yall. lol.

And all this talk about "assets" is pure BS; can you name ONE black female married to a wealthy white male where his resources, connects and assets have "flowed" into the black community? If they ever marry yall (which usually makes yall the 2nd or 3rd wife because they already or usually have WHITE children with whom their assets will be passed on to) and 9 times out of 10 yall are prenuped out of the will/inheretence altogether anyway. George Lucas himself saw to that.

You are comparing Clarence Thomas to European royalty? LOL. And LOL at calling Peter Norton's wife Gwen (who is a Wall Street power broker) a "thot". Shake my head.

Actually the REAL answer to your non-response is that white woman of higher status (higher education, from old money families, from powerful political families, etc.) do not view black men (no matter his status and accomplishments) as an asset. Yet white men of higher status do view black women as powerful asset.

And since you are tired of hearing about billionaire George Lucas and his black wife Mellody Hobson...I'll add a few more names to the roster for your consumption.

Ronald Betts (billionaire) and his family

Mats Carlston (billionaire) - black wife
Count Ferdinand of Austria - black wife
Baron Christian de Massy of Monaco -black wife
Viscount of Weymouth of England (black wife)
Jack McCain (son of Senator John McCain) - black wife
Malcolm Hall (Palm Beach old money) - black wife
Arne Næss, Jr (billionaire was married to Diana Ross)

Jean Yves Cendrey - black wife
David Guetta -black wife
Wolfgang Puck - black wife
Luca Orlandi - black wife
Roger Ebert (RIP) - black wife
William Cohen (former senator) - black wife
Scooter Libby - black wife
Stone Phillips (former NBC news anchor) - black wife
Director Tom Verica - black wife
Iggy Pop - black wife
Carlos Santana - black wife
Maximillion Cooper - black wife Eve
Wissam Al Mana (billionaire) - married to Janet Jackson
Larry Gagosian (world renown art dealer)
Remy Shand - black wife
Timothy Fales - black wife
Mike Adenuga (billionaire) - black wife
Boris Becker - black wife
Dirk Nowitzki - black wife
Albert Dobrish - black wife
Matt Stone - black wife
Ol Parker - black wife
Mark Ecko - black wife


Slaying Bed Bucks™ since 1981
Apr 21, 2014
SoCal and AZ
I respect your posts @GiGi, but @thereheis really is breaking it down here. :yeshrug:

Sorry but all @thereheis "brokedown" was the same regurgitated rhetoric that is used to denigrate black women. But feel free to cosign whatever you wish. Sometimes its easier to accept being told that no one else wants black women than to acknowledge the true reality. But I will not swallow lies that are fed to black women just because the feeder happens to be a black man.