This Elon Musk dude....


Mar 24, 2014
Don't forget back in 2017 when theColi was hyping up "Trump gonna announce reparations checks on Black History Month!!" salivating like puppy dogs at the prospect of black people "switching Republican" and Democrats losing every election; joining hand in hand with cacs shouting build the wall cheering on every shallow white power political stunt against Latino immigrants. Talking like a bunch of straight up fukking rednecks.

And if you dared remind anyone that black people cheering on inhumane white supremacist political agendas against other ethnic groups is damn stupid you was called a fearmongering "DNC shill" who "capes for latinos", "dOnT cArE aBoUt bLaCk aMeRicAn ADOS!!!", and of course "we already been a target of white supremacy!" on some smart dummy shyt. As if that explains black people clapping for it like circus seals.

Today, latino immigrants are still here, still getting brought in by employers and corporations that need their labor, still getting hired at your hotels, diner kitchens, and wherever. But affirmative action is GONE. So is a woman's right to an abortion. By law. And its the nikkas who swear they dont get fooled by "liberal agendas" who are the most easily distracted by sensationalist conservative cac garbage about "immigrants" while its OUR rights getting taken out in courts; and then calling this shyt the height of pro-black thought.

And some of these nikkas in particular will STILL speak the virtues of "black Americans" passively voting Republican and becoming "more conservative," as if conservatives havent made it 100% clear that eliminating any "woke" or "DEI" laws advancing black representstion in academia and jobs is not their greatest cause. The justification will be that Republicans and anything they do are somehow above our criticism or concern because we don't vote for them and give them a chance. Like if we owe racist cacs to appease them. They just refuse to get it and get wit the program.

Coli nikkas wanna be loved by white comservative zaddy so bad. Some of them frankly want to be white. You can't tell me all that Musk, Rogan, Trump ass kissing, and all that "black people are actually more conservative" "I ain't African" "drape ourselves in the American flag" "immigrants and liberals are a bigger problem for black people than Trump" was not simply the height of genuine cac-aspiring c00nery disguised as black militancy that I pray we never go back to as a "movement." I was never more aware until Trump got elected and the hashtags showed up that some black folks desperately wish they could talk like and align politically with bigoted cacs; associate "free thinking" with beung agreeable to cacs; and some of us get some weird joy out of being contrarian and on the absolute wrong side of history as a way of looking somehow more militant.

Trump isnt giving money out, his head doesnt work that way..he only wants money coming in, not going out.
I understand desperation can mess with your head, but the brehs who thought such were somewhat retarded.

Youd have to be mentally disturbed to think Trump of all people would give reparations to Black people for unpaid services centures ago. Trump wouldnt even pay contractors who worked on his properties, and they sued him.
He's telling NATO cacs he'll let Russia do as it pleases with them if they dont pay up..and you think such a creature will support the reparations movement??Learn to become better judges of character, people..smdh


Paper Boi

May 15, 2013
What's dudes problem with us? For real. I saw the DEI bullshyt he was spouting earlier this week and last, and some of yall said before he was a racist piece of shyt but I can't recall seeing anything that definitely led me to that view but this shyt....

At this point dude isn't even hiding his hatred for us. Only if you're white or Asian. First I heard DEI was only for us. And this guy owns Twitter and can do what the fukk he wants. Nobody holding him accountable. Owner of a platform showing bias, tweeting whatever the fukk he wants with complete impunity. Honestly, probably gonna leave the platform this has gone beyond just an Elon rant

the nerve of this guy….



I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
What's dudes problem with us? For real. I saw the DEI bullshyt he was spouting earlier this week and last, and some of yall said before he was a racist piece of shyt but I can't recall seeing anything that definitely led me to that view but this shyt....

At this point dude isn't even hiding his hatred for us. Only if you're white or Asian. First I heard DEI was only for us. And this guy owns Twitter and can do what the fukk he wants. Nobody holding him accountable. Owner of a platform showing bias, tweeting whatever the fukk he wants with complete impunity. Honestly, probably gonna leave the platform this has gone beyond just an Elon rant

It’s exactly why Tesla lost a discrimination suit that had to pay a breh out millions lol


Dec 25, 2014
Unless you're a huge clown and racist this shyt doesn't shock you.

"Creating share holder value" is the top priority and you can see the results. Worse products, worse services and higher costs you're expected to bear.

I work in the games industry and they have the same mentality. You have these multi-million-dollar games, and you cheap out on stuff like support teams.

So many of our support teams here were fired and replaced with people in India and Pakistan cheaper workers who won't argue back but also have no real want or drive to make the best product possible. But I guess shareholders will get more 'value' been happening at multiple companies over the last few months.

Then they wonder why the product is broken on release and people are requesting their money back.



Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles


Posted about this before, one of the best posts and threads I've ever read on Reddit, by actual Engineers:

This part about that post in particular:
As we've lost domestic production, a lot of industries like finance and marketing which, to a degree, "skim some off the top" rather than purely increase domestic production have gained a lot. There was no equivalent to Google before Google, and advertising is the reason they're such a juggernaut. Consequently everything we buy has a much larger margin for those sorts of things.

I've posted before, that a lot of our tech and electrical engineering work is actually done in China/Asia now, while we got more finance majors. One of those (engineers) actually makes stuff. The other (finance) plays with money.

So we got rid of our engineers and hired finance bros.

What we're left with is a bunch of people who contribute nothing, tank companies, blame other people (the real engineers) for their problems , talk real loud and play into race.

They'll blame non-white people who actually know the STEM material for their problems but are easy targets to rile up uneducated casuals because they look different.

Grifting, ponzi schemes, rug pulls, pump and dumps and psychological manipulation. That's what these Finance Bros know best. Nothing about real quality STEM work and value creation.
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