What advice would you give to somebody who just turned 18?

Goon for hire

All Star
Dec 5, 2016
Happy bday my brother I’m not too much older than you, (I turn 20 in December:wow:) but here is what I can tell you and share with you what I’ve learned over the course of my gap year from school:

Save your money

Read books (seriously breh, read. Some of these people don’t read enough and it shows, motherfukkers are borderline illiterate)

Exercise and take care of your self, physically and mentally.

Learn work/life balance (I am still working on this one heavy)

Drop toxic people from your life(this one I’m still learning too)

Strap up when you smash :wow: I’ve made the mistake of hitting several girls without a rubber this year and have had headaches/staying up all night worrying about shyt. I got a uti and thought a bytch burned me bad earlier this year, I thought I was done for my g. Save your peace of mind and strap up

Also don’t be scared to take a gap year, especially if you don’t know what the fukk you want to do.

That’s all I got,
I wish you success in adulthood :salute:
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All Star
Oct 31, 2014
A lot of the advice you have been given here in this thread by your fellow brothers is generic but generic advice is time tested and comes from a point of wisdom. Don’t try to be any different or ever think you are exempt to the nature of life.

If I could give 18 me advice I would say

Never eat any processed or refined food ever again. 100% natural and “organic versions” of Meat, Dairy, Egg, Fish, Vegetables, Rice and Fruits. If you cannot get them in their natural form, I would just fast as long as possible until I can. Never risk your health for anything in this world. Who you trust with your food, you trust with your life.

Never masturbate. This might sound silly but the difference between not masturbating and practicing sexual abstinence is night and day. Ejaculation is extremely taxing on the male body. Limit as much as possible and only do it with a woman.

Fast. Nothing is healthier than fasting. If you cannot be bother to eat or don’t think you can eat good, just fast, the longer the better (Obviously up to a point)

Remove all negativity from your life ASAP. Whether family or friends, sadly it is those who closet to us that are of jealous of us. Don’t be afraid to do this.

Put yourself first in a healthy manner. Your life is important as anyone. Don’t take it for granted. Carry yourself highly, in the way you eat, live, dress, socialize and spend your spare time. Don’t think anyone can live your life for you or know best. The earlier you start this the better

Knowledge is everything. The more you know, the more powerful you are. Every simple concept most people ignore.

Save as much as humanly possible. The difference between high value items and non-high value items is advertising. You can look clean for example whilst spending a fraction of the amount. Being frugal is about being free not wealthy.

Never trust women, period. Judge them on their actions never their words. As years pass you will understand this point. Never take them serious and treat them child-like. Never deal with emotions with women; that are their game.

Assume total responsibility for your life now, never put yourself in a position of weakness and enjoy the ride. As Nas said the world is yours.