
  1. W

    Why do Drake peers still respect him? Royce 5'9 "I still think he's a lyricist..just not top tier"

    Another Drake threads in Views month. It's only right. 12:40 mins Saying Drake still one of the best but not top tier like Kendrick I agree. Great artist but obviously not amoung the greatest lyricists. Why is it only internet nerds who seem genuinely mad at outraged over the QM shyt?
  2. N

    Do you feel like black men respect black women enough?

    I was listenin to doggystyle today and I started thinkin like man dat whole era was super #HOH :huhldup: Imagine being a young girl growin up during that time and steadily hearin from men in ur community that women aint shyt and deserve to be disrespected, like that can have a legitimate effect...
  3. M

    It still floors me that some of yall really out here hating women

    What wars have women started? Who are committing the majority of violent crimes? Some of yall are disgustingly bitter and you really don't deserve good women in your lives and that's why you get none. Even if you're just into casual relationships a woman is worth more than her vagina and her...
  4. ORDER_66

    WE THROWIN LITTLE KIDS INTO TURNBUCKLES NOW?! that's what's hot in these streets???!

    I'm like :wtf: they for real with this shyt?!!?!? :mjlol::mindblown:
  5. Farrinto

    The LOX's Money, Power & Respect turns 18 today

    Those were my joints from the album. I always thought it was a mediocre album but I like it more than WATS. How do you feel about the album all these years later and did you cop it back then?
  6. Scarface sniffin cocaine

    WHO GOT BARS★★★★★

    Does Coli really got lyricists?
  7. audemarzz

    Never to be forgotten rest in peace brothers and sisters

    I don't no why I'm posting this exactly just something tells me to give them a face not just a list of words. Each of these men or women could have been us or someone we love. we resemble so many of these men/women that it's hard not to see yourself somewhere in these photos. They shouldn't just...
  8. M

    Gentlemen, compliment women: you have more power than you realise: UPDATED

    When a girl doesn't look like she's expecting it. When she's not wearing much make-up if at all and when she's not stuck up. It is her God given right to be complimented by you. It is good for you, as you are a man who holds the power to make that woman's day and she will bestow upon you...