A movement lead by faqs (and women) was always a fail


May 1, 2012
You wrote all this and yet never did I state peaceful protests were the answer.


Before you denounce female leadership, be a man who can read, so that maybe you can be an effective leader instead.

I recommend collective economics and bloc voting, the pragmatic reality is that our communities need greater political and economic power. You recommend violence - which can only beget more violence - while black Americans do not have the numbers necessary, in people, or guns.

Even white Americans who form active militias in remote areas with ill funded police departments are picked off like flies, you think putting a group of urban-dwelling armed black men in ground would be a challenge???? They'd bomb your shyt, call you a terror cell, and keep it moving.

I think some of you have been socialized to believe might makes right - which is false, but even if it wasn't... you do not have the might.

Also, I'm not an integrationist - Group economics isn't an integrationist framework. Its end game is a greater degree of economic independence and self sufficiency. Neither is bloc voting, it participates in the system only and if our independent group expectations are met.

It's 2016. You live in an industrialized liberal democracy and probably in an urban center - your militia pipedreams ain't happening, Rambo.
This post is another example of why women can't lead. Contrary to popular belief, a lot of women have egos(insecurities) bigger than men. That's why women like you are so emotional quick to get catty-bytchy. The type of woman who will never admit to being wrong:heh:

You talk about me not reading while you completely ignore what I've said to push that bullshyt narrative in bold. I didn't say "I recommend violence" anywhere in my post. That's some shyt that you pulled from your ass. In fact, I made it a point to sat that I wasn't advocating for blacks to start randomly being violent with police/whites. My point is that violence can't be completely taken off of the table tho. You're hoing to have to defend yourself at some point to some extent. I wasn't saying that violence or self defense is the only answer I'm saying that it has to be part of the answer.

Economics and voting are only part of the solution. Blacks have always voted in blocks. Having an economy with no defense is no good either, look at Black Wall Street in Tulsa. They had an economy and whites just came and burned the shyt down. Obviously we wouldn't be able to create a military that would be able to go head up with the U.S. Military and that would'nt be the plan, but if we are ever going to maintain an economy we are going to need some form of defense. If the police are going to be allowed to kill us with impunity we are going to have to defend ourselves some kind of way.

My problem with your attitude is that you want to take physical self defense off of the table. I could never respect that kind of leadership.


African American
Apr 19, 2015
Bro 'nem
You got that backwards mayne :francis:

Nowdays A LOT black women and queers are definitely PRIORITIZING their genders and sexuality over their blackness and straight shytting on straight black men while they do it. That's basically the core of the BLM movement.

Having said that, black women MUST be a MAJOR part of any pro black movement and lead certain aspects of it.

Gays absolutely can not lead ANY constructive pro race movements. That's just logical. They should actually just keep their mouths shut about their sexuality if they want to be involved at all :manny:
The core of BLM is protesting when a nikka gets killed by the police and they prioritize that shyt because we don't make a space for them . This isn't just political shyt either, the special snowflake syndrome is caused by the same shyt.
King and X were mascots :what:

smh negged.
Because dumbass brehs, they were the face of the movement. The grassroots shyt was put together by black women.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
The core of BLM is protesting when a nikka gets killed by the police and they prioritize that shyt because we don't make a space for them . This isn't just political shyt either, the special snowflake syndrome is caused by the same shyt.

No, the core of BLM is co-pting the black populace's response to unjust police killings and redirecting the energy to ultimately inconsequential topics like tranny/gay shyt.

Blacklivesmatter didn't start as a group or movement. It started as a hashtag/catchphrase by individuals who were already there protesting police brutality.
history is being rewritten quicker these days.
Because dumbass brehs, they were the face of the movement. The grassroots shyt was put together by black women.

"The face of the movement" is another way to say mascot you jackass. They were leaders. The fact that they were assassinated is proof enough
May 26, 2012
This thread was dumb as fukk and just went from making valid points to pure garbage

Blm is a failure, but if yall dont like the direction its going make your own congregation

Coli has a large userbase and mad of yall are on the same page with a hetero black male led movement

Whats stopping yall from poppin it off?

Again. BLM is NOT a failure. It's goal is to cause confusion (division) amongst blacks and promote feminist/homo agendas while using black injustice as their springboard.

They have been extremely successful at doing that
May 26, 2012
The core of BLM is protesting when a nikka gets killed by the police and they prioritize that shyt because we don't make a space for them . This isn't just political shyt either, the special snowflake syndrome is caused by the same shyt.

Why the hell would anybody trying to be EMPOWERED "make a space" for non constructive idiocy like homosexuality and "black feminism"? :mjlol:

Prioritizing sexuality, gender, and any other horizontal issues in a system of white supremacy is intolerable lunacy.

Black feminism :mjlol:
Oct 30, 2015
the belly of the empire
What points have you put forth though? All you nikkas do is make asinine statements and hold them to be truth beyond reasonable doubt. And when hit with a different view you lashout with more lables like "troll" "cac" "agents"..when in truth you nikkas are just dumb. Using black empowerment as excuses to be sexist homophobic morons.

It aint about BLM its about insecurity. Insecure about your sexuality..insecure about your chair at the dinner table...insecure about your place in the world.Your a little boy talking to a grown ass man about life. And your views and points are lacking severely. Why would anyone follow you? Smh....better yet wtf do you have to offer. See a man dont need anothers cosign to do what they feel is right. They dont worry about playing the background...cause they know in life sometimes you have to play the roll of both the forefront as well as the background. And most smart ones know when to understamd the distinction between the two.

WTF are your talking about? Your not even a good troll like @Matt504.

Your using a whole lot of words to say nothing but LGBT stuff and meaningless insults.

I brought up black stem professionals and businesses and you bring up....sexual insecurity.

Again debate the economic points of black people generating a self sustaining economy or STFU about people not bring up alternative approaches.

Yes you are an agent and a stupid one at that.


Feb 2, 2016
WTF are your talking about? Your not even a good troll like @Matt504.

Your using a whole lot of words to say nothing but LGBT stuff and meaningless insults.

I brought up black stem professionals and businesses and you bring up....sexual insecurity.

Again debate the economic points of black people generating a self sustaining economy or STFU about people not bring up alternative approaches.

Yes you are an agent and a stupid one at that.

The stupidity is amusing yet pathetically sad...


African American
Apr 19, 2015
Bro 'nem
Why the hell would anybody trying to be EMPOWERED "make a space" for non constructive idiocy like homosexuality and "black feminism"? :mjlol:

Prioritizing sexuality, gender, and any other horizontal issues in a system of white supremacy is intolerable lunacy.

Black feminism :mjlol:
Even if we assume that the two are unrelated, I'm sure we can multitask.


Jan 28, 2015
Again. BLM is NOT a failure. It's goal is to cause confusion (division) amongst blacks and promote feminist/homo agendas while using black injustice as their springboard.

They have been extremely successful at doing that
I understand that

My point still remains, if you can't get on board with the movement why not create your own shyt?

Social media (n yes coli is a social network) is a powerful fukking platform for finding likeminded and creating congregations. Instead of using it for meetups at bars get together and form a plan

But that would require action and you know most of the ppl on here just got all the answers to the world but somehow can't get shyt done wit em


May 1, 2012
Again. BLM is NOT a failure. It's goal is to cause confusion (division) amongst blacks and promote feminist/homo agendas while using black injustice as their springboard.

They have been extremely successful at doing that
It also gives whites an easy target to use as the "black boogeyman", a so called racist organization equivalent to KKK. Whites are literally running around saying that dude from Dallas was a member of BLM even tho they know that he wasn't. This is all orchestrated.
Even if we assume that the two are unrelated, I'm sure we can multitask.
If you've got a bullet to the head and a cut on your finger that required stitches, would you advise the doc to multitask and work on them both at the same time?

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Overstand Beloved Family;
The content and context of my posts are not meant to exclude the fact that these soul-less butchers, working through Hollywood, the news media, and the US military's Black Ops divisions in high places, are not willing to massacre many of us in order to lend "authenticity" to their vicious plans. I did not mean to intimate that absolutely no one died in these staged incidences. Indeed, many innocents have been and will be killed to "prove" their point.
Let's be VERY clear family...:
THIS IS A COVERT WAR BEING PROSECUTED ON U.S. SOIL!! You don't see it as such because the talking-head puppets in the media (and the psy-ops manipulators operating from within the military), have masked the "narrative" as a "racism issue". This way, you the "viewer" are front row/center to the escalation of "racial hostilities" while the puppet-master instigators operating from behind the scenes lie in wait for our society to tear itself apart killing one another, eventually falling into complete chaos!!
To paraphrase... "If your enemy is stronger than you, he must be infiltrated and destroyed from within by getting him to turn his lethal might upon himself..."
In 1995, I was privy to a document released by an Israeli defector which stated that Israel's Mossad had infiltrated the U.S. with "sleeper cells" totaling over 15,000 (back then), that would be "awakened" in the new century to carry out a covert terrorist war within the borders of the United States. The name used in this document to define these sleeper cells, was "The Mizrahim"...!
These Mizrahim "sleepers" would systematically and methodically take up positions in the UN, the military, police departments, government agencies and communications corporations (as "trolls" in social media forums), while recruiting members from the Black, Hispanic and poor white communities through "race/ethnic-specific" and "social justice" type organizations funded covertly by Israel and the NWO's Parasitic Elite. The rest would be agent-provocateur- "foot-soldier/assassins" on the ground carrying out "chaos campaigns" in the streets.
Now; whether this document was "real" or not, like SO many bits of "eventually proven true conspiracies" that were unilaterally dismissed as frivolous nonsense...in THIS case, it sure as hell looks like their plans have borne fruit so far, doesn't it?
Finally; Here’s something to consider Family. Who are the forces behind our HIGHLY politicized media-promoted “movements for justice” today? Just because we see the word “Black” in an organization, does it mean “us”?
Let’s take a look “behind the scenes” at the much publicized “Black Lives Matter” movement started by 3 Black females … Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi (alleged to be ardent supporters of the Gay/Transgender alliance, members of the socialist/communist-oriented "Democracy Alliance" organization, and lesbians as well - having already defined themselves as “Queer Black Women”). How did this organization suddenly become so UNQUESTIONABLY “relevant” to us? More importantly, where did this organization get its funding, and why does the media exclusively turn to ITS “leaders” to get the Black community’s narrative for “social justice”?
Well Fam; here’s the list of “backers” funding YOUR ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement. (See pics below)

(1) Rob McKay, heir to Taco Bell, is said to be the main funding conduit to the Black Lives Matter movement through his “Democracy Alliance” (DA) organization (alleged to be a communist/socialist inspired front). Combined donations to the groups from the DA organization now exceed $500 million...

(2) Multi-billionaire George Soros contributed over $30 million in seed money.

(2) According to Essence magazine, Google gave $2.35 million in grants to activist organizations addressing the “racial injustices that have swept the nation.”

(4) Hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer—who raised hundreds-of-millions of dollars for the presidential campaigns of both President Obama, and now Hillary Clinton. Total: 78 million
(5) Billionaire Michael Bloomberg - 27.7 million

(6) Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook erected a huge “Black Lives Matter” sign at its Menlo Park headquarters on the 8th, just hours after the Dallas “shootout”. Hmmm...

Are you getting the picture yet? If not, I’d normally say give it time and it will all eventually come “into focus”. But you DON’T have time. There are forces embedded within your community, along with the media images that favorably support their tactics and goals; forces that you have UN-critically accepted as being “on your side”.
Family…STOP “reacting”! … Pause…take a DEEP breath, quiet your audio-visually overstimulated, amygdala/reptilian brain-stems, and RETHINK EVERYTHING YOU ARE PRESENTLY WITNESSING in the media and on your streets. What you are witnessing is but the vanguard of an multi-phased invasion to “occupy” your mind…to undermine your Will, incite confusion, ramp up your fears to undermine your mental health, clarity and courage, all with the ultimate intention of seeing you too crippled and exhausted mentally, physically, spiritually, socially and psychologically to fight the "REAL enemy"....once they inevitably reveal themselves.
Love, Light and Spiritual Transcendence Beloved Family,
