As of this day, let's dead all religions, nationalities, ideologies, and history we can't verify!


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
So a choice is follow me or perish? That's as good as an order and not really a choice. And did we forget about the commandments?

Breh...if he has nothing to lose ny us not following him, what does he gain by us following him?

How the fukk has he provided everything we need to believe in or follow him? What proof do you have of god? My money is on all you or anyone have is faith?

We try and make god this loving, omnipresent life form, but that's not what he shows! He supports and even creates confusion. There's no way of getting around that breh! He CREATED this confusion. He could easily squash it.

With my children, I love them so much they have no doubt. If there's ever confusion in anything I say I clarify it. Am I wiser and more loving than god? It would seem.

Yes the choice is either you follow him or perish. There is no such thing as "it's not really a choice', a choice is exactly what it is, you only say it's not really a choice simply because you do not like the options before you. You only say it is not a choice because again you want to be able to do whatever you want on this earth and still make it to heaven. Your problem is neither of the options are what you particularly want and again that is because of your, and everyone else who believes the sames, arrogance. Again you arrogantly expect God to do things the way you want them to be done, for him to provide an option that gives you an put, that tailors around you and allows you to do whatever you want. God is God, everything is created by him therefore everything belongs to him, the heavens the earth were created by him, they are his to do as he pleases, your life belongs to him, without him life would not exist, you wouldn't exist. He do realise that God doesn't have to give you any choice, he could just throw everyone to perish and what could you do? He could take away our free will so we would have no choice but to follow him and what could you do? Nothing, but he doesn't do that because it isn't simply about us following him.

If I saw you at a spilt in a road, one path going left and one going right, and I said to you follow me down the left hand path and you will be ok but if you go down the right you will end up dying, do you not still have a CHOICE about what path you go down? God has simply told us following him will lead to heaven, heaven is his house and the only way to get to his house is to follow his footsteps otherwise outside his house you will perish. The choice is yours, there are only two options, there are no other options because no other options exist, there are only two paths, the path of God to the left and the path away from God to the right, and the one on the right will lead to you perishing. The choice is yours, look around people chose to perish everyday, the path to hell is a very scenic route indeed, but don't be confused about it's destination. All God has done is tell you beforehand the destination of both paths, that's not taking your choice away, that's better informing you to make the correct choice.

The commandments are different. The ten commandments were given to Moses, for the Jewish people at that particular time. They were commandments given to one specifiic man and a specific group of people at a specific time for a specific reason, but they were not for salvation, the bible itself says the law did not bring salvation, but it is not ignoring the commandments given to moses that will be the reason why people in the end perish. The commandments were for a specific purpose at a specific time separate of issues of perishing and salvation. That is another story tho,l, that I would be willing to explain, but your concept of the nature and purpose of the commandments is wrong.

God doesn't support or create this confusion, again you thinking here is incorrect. See the truth of of your are honest with your self, you don't choose not to follow God or any particular religion because you are confused, that is a lie you use and most people use to cover up the real reason. You don't follow because they tell you all the things you like doing are sins and are wrong, that is the reason why you don't follow, not because of confusion or everything else people claim. If you found a religion and a God that agreed with everything you agreed with, shared you view on things and allowed you to live your life in a way you would love you would follow that religion. That's your problem, your not confused you are looking for a religion and a God that tailors to you, again that is your arrogance and everybody else who dies the sames arrogance. Expecting Him to do things the way you want them down, wanting to find a God that does things the way you want them done. Wanting to find a religion that is compatible with the way you think and the way you want to live rather than simply wanting to find God and wanting to find the truth. That is your problem. And that is the reason for some of the confusion you talk about, humans are the cause but God. There are many different books and religions, but if there is one God that means there is only one way, one true scriptures and only one religion. The others were created by arrogant men, men not too different to yourself who wanted things to be done their way and therefore created themselves God's and scriptures and they were happy with. If there is a one God then he is only responsible for one scripture and one religion, the rest are the creative of men so the confusion that would exist because of that is not the fault of God, Niether was it cause or promoted by God, it is cause by men.

You see people make excuses for God, I say what people do on a much more regular basis is blame God for things men have done.

I have do doubt God loves me and is always clear with me. And I am not the only person who you say that. The only reason people doubt the love of God is for two reasons and two reasons only, thinking God doesn't love them because things are not happening they way they want it to happen, arrogantly believing God must do things the way they want, or the second reason being people blaming God for things that cause by men. Neither of those things are God's fault.

Are they not millions even billions of people who follow a religion and follow God. The fact that there are people who follow God is proof that he has provided everything you need to follow him, cause they are following him.

God has provided me with more than enough proof to know he is real, but that is proof to me. Proof is subjective tho remember that.

However I can promise you one thing. There is not a single human being on this planet who doesn't follow or believe in God because of a lack of proof. Not one, that is not the reason. Anyone who claims different in their case can PM me and if they are sincere and unbias I will show them why it is not the case. People do not believe in God and choose not to follow a religion, especially Christianity and Islam because they want to live their life how they want. They want the religion to tailor itself around them and they enjoy the things the religions say are sins.


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
Yes the choice is either you follow him or perish. There is no such thing as "it's not really a choice', a choice is exactly what it is, you only say it's not really a choice simply because you do not like the options before you. You only say it is not a choice because again you want to be able to do whatever you want on this earth and still make it to heaven. Your problem is neither of the options are what you particularly want and again that is because of your, and everyone else who believes the sames, arrogance. Again you arrogantly expect God to do things the way you want them to be done, for him to provide an option that gives you an put, that tailors around you and allows you to do whatever you want. God is God, everything is created by him therefore everything belongs to him, the heavens the earth were created by him, they are his to do as he pleases, your life belongs to him, without him life would not exist, you wouldn't exist. He do realise that God doesn't have to give you any choice, he could just throw everyone to perish and what could you do? He could take away our free will so we would have no choice but to follow him and what could you do? Nothing, but he doesn't do that because it isn't simply about us following him.

If I saw you at a spilt in a road, one path going left and one going right, and I said to you follow me down the left hand path and you will be ok but if you go down the right you will end up dying, do you not still have a CHOICE about what path you go down? God has simply told us following him will lead to heaven, heaven is his house and the only way to get to his house is to follow his footsteps otherwise outside his house you will perish. The choice is yours, there are only two options, there are no other options because no other options exist, there are only two paths, the path of God to the left and the path away from God to the right, and the one on the right will lead to you perishing. The choice is yours, look around people chose to perish everyday, the path to hell is a very scenic route indeed, but don't be confused about it's destination. All God has done is tell you beforehand the destination of both paths, that's not taking your choice away, that's better informing you to make the correct choice.

The commandments are different. The ten commandments were given to Moses, for the Jewish people at that particular time. They were commandments given to one specifiic man and a specific group of people at a specific time for a specific reason, but they were not for salvation, the bible itself says the law did not bring salvation, but it is not ignoring the commandments given to moses that will be the reason why people in the end perish. The commandments were for a specific purpose at a specific time separate of issues of perishing and salvation. That is another story tho,l, that I would be willing to explain, but your concept of the nature and purpose of the commandments is wrong.

God doesn't support or create this confusion, again you thinking here is incorrect. See the truth of of your are honest with your self, you don't choose not to follow God or any particular religion because you are confused, that is a lie you use and most people use to cover up the real reason. You don't follow because they tell you all the things you like doing are sins and are wrong, that is the reason why you don't follow, not because of confusion or everything else people claim. If you found a religion and a God that agreed with everything you agreed with, shared you view on things and allowed you to live your life in a way you would love you would follow that religion. That's your problem, your not confused you are looking for a religion and a God that tailors to you, again that is your arrogance and everybody else who dies the sames arrogance. Expecting Him to do things the way you want them down, wanting to find a God that does things the way you want them done. Wanting to find a religion that is compatible with the way you think and the way you want to live rather than simply wanting to find God and wanting to find the truth. That is your problem. And that is the reason for some of the confusion you talk about, humans are the cause but God. There are many different books and religions, but if there is one God that means there is only one way, one true scriptures and only one religion. The others were created by arrogant men, men not too different to yourself who wanted things to be done their way and therefore created themselves God's and scriptures and they were happy with. If there is a one God then he is only responsible for one scripture and one religion, the rest are the creative of men so the confusion that would exist because of that is not the fault of God, Niether was it cause or promoted by God, it is cause by men.

You see people make excuses for God, I say what people do on a much more regular basis is blame God for things men have done.

I have do doubt God loves me and is always clear with me. And I am not the only person who you say that. The only reason people doubt the love of God is for two reasons and two reasons only, thinking God doesn't love them because things are not happening they way they want it to happen, arrogantly believing God must do things the way they want, or the second reason being people blaming God for things that cause by men. Neither of those things are God's fault.

Are they not millions even billions of people who follow a religion and follow God. The fact that there are people who follow God is proof that he has provided everything you need to follow him, cause they are following him.

God has provided me with more than enough proof to know he is real, but that is proof to me. Proof is subjective tho remember that.

However I can promise you one thing. There is not a single human being on this planet who doesn't follow or believe in God because of a lack of proof. Not one, that is not the reason. Anyone who claims different in their case can PM me and if they are sincere and unbias I will show them why it is not the case. People do not believe in God and choose not to follow a religion, especially Christianity and Islam because they want to live their life how they want. They want the religion to tailor itself around them and they enjoy the things the religions say are sins.
fukk out here with that christian babble if u have no clear cut proof u can move around with that...... This is a universal god that created the galaxies, different alternate universes but as far as ur saying no Christianity was invented to control. Our earth has been here longer than what the bible talks about that alone should tell u something is wrong


Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Yes the choice is either you follow him or perish. There is no such thing as "it's not really a choice', a choice is exactly what it is, you only say it's not really a choice simply because you do not like the options before you. You only say it is not a choice because again you want to be able to do whatever you want on this earth and still make it to heaven. Your problem is neither of the options are what you particularly want and again that is because of your, and everyone else who believes the sames, arrogance. Again you arrogantly expect God to do things the way you want them to be done, for him to provide an option that gives you an put, that tailors around you and allows you to do whatever you want. God is God, everything is created by him therefore everything belongs to him, the heavens the earth were created by him, they are his to do as he pleases, your life belongs to him, without him life would not exist, you wouldn't exist. He do realise that God doesn't have to give you any choice, he could just throw everyone to perish and what could you do? He could take away our free will so we would have no choice but to follow him and what could you do? Nothing, but he doesn't do that because it isn't simply about us following him.

If I saw you at a spilt in a road, one path going left and one going right, and I said to you follow me down the left hand path and you will be ok but if you go down the right you will end up dying, do you not still have a CHOICE about what path you go down? God has simply told us following him will lead to heaven, heaven is his house and the only way to get to his house is to follow his footsteps otherwise outside his house you will perish. The choice is yours, there are only two options, there are no other options because no other options exist, there are only two paths, the path of God to the left and the path away from God to the right, and the one on the right will lead to you perishing. The choice is yours, look around people chose to perish everyday, the path to hell is a very scenic route indeed, but don't be confused about it's destination. All God has done is tell you beforehand the destination of both paths, that's not taking your choice away, that's better informing you to make the correct choice.

The commandments are different. The ten commandments were given to Moses, for the Jewish people at that particular time. They were commandments given to one specifiic man and a specific group of people at a specific time for a specific reason, but they were not for salvation, the bible itself says the law did not bring salvation, but it is not ignoring the commandments given to moses that will be the reason why people in the end perish. The commandments were for a specific purpose at a specific time separate of issues of perishing and salvation. That is another story tho,l, that I would be willing to explain, but your concept of the nature and purpose of the commandments is wrong.

God doesn't support or create this confusion, again you thinking here is incorrect. See the truth of of your are honest with your self, you don't choose not to follow God or any particular religion because you are confused, that is a lie you use and most people use to cover up the real reason. You don't follow because they tell you all the things you like doing are sins and are wrong, that is the reason why you don't follow, not because of confusion or everything else people claim. If you found a religion and a God that agreed with everything you agreed with, shared you view on things and allowed you to live your life in a way you would love you would follow that religion. That's your problem, your not confused you are looking for a religion and a God that tailors to you, again that is your arrogance and everybody else who dies the sames arrogance. Expecting Him to do things the way you want them down, wanting to find a God that does things the way you want them done. Wanting to find a religion that is compatible with the way you think and the way you want to live rather than simply wanting to find God and wanting to find the truth. That is your problem. And that is the reason for some of the confusion you talk about, humans are the cause but God. There are many different books and religions, but if there is one God that means there is only one way, one true scriptures and only one religion. The others were created by arrogant men, men not too different to yourself who wanted things to be done their way and therefore created themselves God's and scriptures and they were happy with. If there is a one God then he is only responsible for one scripture and one religion, the rest are the creative of men so the confusion that would exist because of that is not the fault of God, Niether was it cause or promoted by God, it is cause by men.

You see people make excuses for God, I say what people do on a much more regular basis is blame God for things men have done.

I have do doubt God loves me and is always clear with me. And I am not the only person who you say that. The only reason people doubt the love of God is for two reasons and two reasons only, thinking God doesn't love them because things are not happening they way they want it to happen, arrogantly believing God must do things the way they want, or the second reason being people blaming God for things that cause by men. Neither of those things are God's fault.

Are they not millions even billions of people who follow a religion and follow God. The fact that there are people who follow God is proof that he has provided everything you need to follow him, cause they are following him.

God has provided me with more than enough proof to know he is real, but that is proof to me. Proof is subjective tho remember that.

However I can promise you one thing. There is not a single human being on this planet who doesn't follow or believe in God because of a lack of proof. Not one, that is not the reason. Anyone who claims different in their case can PM me and if they are sincere and unbias I will show them why it is not the case. People do not believe in God and choose not to follow a religion, especially Christianity and Islam because they want to live their life how they want. They want the religion to tailor itself around them and they enjoy the things the religions say are sins.

I apologize for what I'm about to do, because I said I wouldn't do this to anyone again. That religion and a belief in a christian god is merely the expression of the majority of people NEEDING and YEARNING to serve something. With that being the case, it still serves a purpose.

Is there only one god? Did he create EVERYTHING? Realize that when you CREATE everything...then everything is yours and placed at your feet.

You can't say, "Well I created all the good...but the bad stuff was created by....ummm I don't know...someone else."

Now really break down that knowledge I just gave you! Don't let it go over your head, and don't get all glazed eye on me.

If god is pure love...nothing but love can come from that. Where did all this other stuff come from? Did it create itself and is thus a god, meaning there are more than one god?

And before you wiggle out of it let me reinterate: There was nothing before god created it. Man is a creation of god, thus whatever we create is created by god. The figure some recognize as Satan is a creation of god, so whatever it creates is a creation of god.

See that's how that works. What you and many others do is humanize god. He's not some man sitting on a throne in space!

Now you're going to reject this, but the damage has been done. It will fester on the back burner until you face it. And perhaps you'll have the courage to wipe clean your hard drive and upload some truth.


Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
We are still under the curses of Deuteronomy 28 but if you read 2 chronicles 7:14 & apply it the whole tribe of Judah he will answer our call.

I'm going cut through the bushes...

Do you believe a god who shows favoritism is worthy to be praised?

You're merely human, but won't you look at a parent sideways who shows favoritism between their children? And I'm talking about favoritism to the point where they advocate the killing of their other children.

That doesn't sound like a good person...much less a god.


God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR
People deny the word of God because it is the truth, they do not accept that this world in which we live was already condemned to perish.

If you don't believe it is your choice, but why try to persuade other's to follow the same path? :jbhmm:


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
People deny the word of God because it is the truth, they do not accept that this world in which we live was already condemned to perish.

If you don't believe it is your choice, but why try to persuade other's to follow the same path? :jbhmm:
I could ask u the same most Christian s are not happy yet ur trying to persuade people to follow ur belief of god..... Which has done nothing but start wars, rape or destory people...


Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
People deny the word of God because it is the truth, they do not accept that this world in which we live was already condemned to perish.

If you don't believe it is your choice, but why try to persuade other's to follow the same path? :jbhmm:

It's time for some of us to grow up and stop wanting to be eternal children to a sky daddy.

Believe me I know it feels good to relieve yourself of all responsibility and work and just believe a father in the sky will do everything for you.

Which make no mistake is exactly what it is. Reluctant to do the actual work because "my father in heaven will handle it. Let's leave it in God's hands" instead of being the GOD we are and making things happen.


God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR
It's time for some of us to grow up and stop wanting to be eternal children to a sky daddy.

Believe me I know it feels good to relieve yourself of all responsibility and work and just believe a father in the sky will do everything for you.

Which make no mistake is exactly what it is. Reluctant to do the actual work because "my father in heaven will handle it. Let's leave it in God's hands" instead of being the GOD we are and making things happen.

So you do not understand the word of God and the teachings of Christ because the same God of mercy is the same God who gave strength to His believers to defeat the most powerful armies.

Whoever sits waiting for divine intervention without acting is a fool, me and my family follow God because we seek redemption and eternal life and believe, it is possible to achieve blessings here in this world when you accept Him in spirit and truth.


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
So you do not understand the word of God and the teachings of Christ because the same God of mercy is the same God who gave strength to His believers to defeat the most powerful armies.

Whoever sits waiting for divine intervention without acting is a fool, me and my family follow God because we seek redemption and eternal life and believe, it is possible to achieve blessings here in this world when you accept Him in spirit and truth.


Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
So you do not understand the word of God and the teachings of Christ because the same God of mercy is the same God who gave strength to His believers to defeat the most powerful armies.

Whoever sits waiting for divine intervention without acting is a fool, me and my family follow God because we seek redemption and eternal life and believe, it is possible to achieve blessings here in this world when you accept Him in spirit and truth.

He's also the same god who hardened the pharaohs heart so he wouldn't let the hebrews go. Instead of softening it...he hardened it. Perhaps he enjoyed killing all the first born? Why not just....oh I don't know maybe...KILLING THOSE WHO ACTUALLY DONE WRONG! Instead he killed every first born, and you know that included babies.

It's time to reprogram yourself breh...

And believe me, it is indeed programming. Done since you were a child by your parents and their parents, etc.

Having been in the Army I'm familiar with programming.


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
I apologize for what I'm about to do, because I said I wouldn't do this to anyone again. That religion and a belief in a christian god is merely the expression of the majority of people NEEDING and YEARNING to serve something. With that being the case, it still serves a purpose.

Is there only one god? Did he create EVERYTHING? Realize that when you CREATE everything...then everything is yours and placed at your feet.

You can't say, "Well I created all the good...but the bad stuff was created by....ummm I don't know...someone else."

Now really break down that knowledge I just gave you! Don't let it go over your head, and don't get all glazed eye on me.

If god is pure love...nothing but love can come from that. Where did all this other stuff come from? Did it create itself and is thus a god, meaning there are more than one god?

And before you wiggle out of it let me reinterate: There was nothing before god created it. Man is a creation of god, thus whatever we create is created by god. The figure some recognize as Satan is a creation of god, so whatever it creates is a creation of god.

See that's how that works. What you and many others do is humanize god. He's not some man sitting on a throne in space!

Now you're going to reject this, but the damage has been done. It will fester on the back burner until you face it. And perhaps you'll have the courage to wipe clean your hard drive and upload some truth.

I see what your saying but I still find many big faults and misconceptions.

You said firstly the belief in a Christian God is merely the need and yearning for people to serve something. Firstly that is a subjective opinion, your subjective opinion, I don't know how you could possibly know that unless you can see into everybody's hearts and minds and deep into their subconscious but still I will provide a counter. I'll be honest and talk about me, I can tell you for a fact I do not yearn or need to serve anything or anyone, and God is no exception. Im slept with girls and I smoked weed alot, stopped for years trying to get back on track but I fell off again. I aware alot even though I know I shouldn't, shouldn't do any of these things. I let God down and probably spend more time doing the things my God wouldn't approve off more often then I spend doing the things he wants from me. If I am yearning needing to serve something then now that I have found the ONLY thing I feel j should be serving why am I so lazy, half-hearted and bad at it. I follow his path well for periods but I am not following his footsteps like I should in complete honesty, and Im not a good model for something who would be looking to follow him themselves. Does that seem like a yearning for something to you.? Following his footsteps is never what we just want to do man I promise you that and this is coming from someone who is trying to follow, and everyone else reading this trying to follow will tell you the same. My desires the things my body yearns for are not the things of God, they are all the temptations we are told to fight. This walk is not easy, it's the hardest journey you will ever make, how can you not follow a God or religion or walk this walk and then believe you are qualified to speak on the reasons, intentions and feelings of one who is? You have absolutely no idea why I personally follow God. Your assertion that it is a yearning to serve something is what the response is when someone is confronted with the truth that they so not believe in God not because he is not real but because they so not want to live their life the way he would dictate. Your trying to intellectualize the believe in God in a way that makes you correct and also stronger for not doing so.

Let me ask you something, if you had a son who commited a murder, are you guilty of the crime because he is your son and because you produce him you are then responsible for anything he then does. Better yet if your son created a new technology and it was worth Millions could you in this world take control and rights of ownership of it away from him on the grounds that you produced you sin so anything he produces is by proxy a product of you? No is the answer, why then do you apply that rule to God and God alone and yet do not apply it in other situations? The fruit of the son is his product and not by proxy that of his father just like the fruit we bear are our product and not Gods by proxy.

Further more on this line that God created bad and evil, evil isn't an actual thing, it isn't physical or spiritual, It is a judgement on something not something you create. God has created us with hands and feet and bodies that move and the free will do move and do what we want with our bodies. He judged some of the things and actions done to be wrong, he hasn't CREATED a thing called evil like he created humans, he has passed a judgement. Is God at fault for passing that judgement then? Would you prefer he had passed no judgement so there was nothing considered evil in his eyes? If nations can pass judgements in courts of law on thier citizens can God not pass Judgement on us all who he created and gave life? Isn't that much more than what your nations and judges have done for you? If he cant is this another case of applying a logic in argument against God that we do not apply to any other situation? Or yet still are we blaming God for the fact that we can do these actions he has judged wrong in the first place. Therefore should we have been made no free will like robots with no choice but to serve God? Could God then really love us if he was forcing us? I told you before it is not simply about serving God.

Where do you get this logic that God is pure love and nothing but pure love can come out of him? Is love a physical thing? Since when is love a physical thing that anyone can be or anyone can be made out of. Can you be made out of love? Can you be love? Explain how anything can be love? Is love not an emotion? A feeling? It seems like you have taken a saying from somewhere and applied it literally in a ridiculous way and are now arguing based on that. God is a spiritual and physical being from whom image we are made from he is not LITERALLY love, love is not a thing, it is an emotion.


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
I see what your saying but I still find many big faults and misconceptions.

You said firstly the belief in a Christian God is merely the need and yearning for people to serve something. Firstly that is a subjective opinion, your subjective opinion, I don't know how you could possibly know that unless you can see into everybody's hearts and minds and deep into their subconscious but still I will provide a counter. I'll be honest and talk about me, I can tell you for a fact I do not yearn or need to serve anything or anyone, and God is no exception. Im slept with girls and I smoked weed alot, stopped for years trying to get back on track but I fell off again. I aware alot even though I know I shouldn't, shouldn't do any of these things. I let God down and probably spend more time doing the things my God wouldn't approve off more often then I spend doing the things he wants from me. If I am yearning needing to serve something then now that I have found the ONLY thing I feel j should be serving why am I so lazy, half-hearted and bad at it. I follow his path well for periods but I am not following his footsteps like I should in complete honesty, and Im not a good model for something who would be looking to follow him themselves. Does that seem like a yearning for something to you.? Following his footsteps is never what we just want to do man I promise you that and this is coming from someone who is trying to follow, and everyone else reading this trying to follow will tell you the same. My desires the things my body yearns for are not the things of God, they are all the temptations we are told to fight. This walk is not easy, it's the hardest journey you will ever make, how can you not follow a God or religion or walk this walk and then believe you are qualified to speak on the reasons, intentions and feelings of one who is? You have absolutely no idea why I personally follow God. Your assertion that it is a yearning to serve something is what the response is when someone is confronted with the truth that they so not believe in God not because he is not real but because they so not want to live their life the way he would dictate. Your trying to intellectualize the believe in God in a way that makes you correct and also stronger for not doing so.

Let me ask you something, if you had a son who commited a murder, are you guilty of the crime because he is your son and because you produce him you are then responsible for anything he then does. Better yet if your son created a new technology and it was worth Millions could you in this world take control and rights of ownership of it away from him on the grounds that you produced you sin so anything he produces is by proxy a product of you? No is the answer, why then do you apply that rule to God and God alone and yet do not apply it in other situations? The fruit of the son is his product and not by proxy that of his father just like the fruit we bear are our product and not Gods by proxy.

Further more on this line that God created bad and evil, evil isn't an actual thing, it isn't physical or spiritual, It is a judgement on something not something you create. God has created us with hands and feet and bodies that move and the free will do move and do what we want with our bodies. He judged some of the things and actions done to be wrong, he hasn't CREATED a thing called evil like he created humans, he has passed a judgement. Is God at fault for passing that judgement then? Would you prefer he had passed no judgement so there was nothing considered evil in his eyes? If nations can pass judgements in courts of law on thier citizens can God not pass Judgement on us all who he created and gave life? Isn't that much more than what your nations and judges have done for you? If he cant is this another case of applying a logic in argument against God that we do not apply to any other situation? Or yet still are we blaming God for the fact that we can do these actions he has judged wrong in the first place. Therefore should we have been made no free will like robots with no choice but to serve God? Could God then really love us if he was forcing us? I told you before it is not simply about serving God.

Where do you get this logic that God is pure love and nothing but pure love can come out of him? Is love a physical thing? Since when is love a physical thing that anyone can be or anyone can be made out of. Can you be made out of love? Can you be love? Explain how anything can be love? Is love not an emotion? A feeling? It seems like you have taken a saying from somewhere and applied it literally in a ridiculous way and are now arguing based on that. God is a spiritual and physical being from whom image we are made from he is not LITERALLY love, love is not a thing, it is an emotion.
Bullshyt again:snoop: