Black People in Nazi Germany *This is amazing*


The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
I wonder if those Rhineland b*stards receive any money from Germany like other people :ohhh::francis:


The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012

But Jesse Owens' reception by the German public and the spectators in the Olympic stadium was warm. There were German cheers of “Yesseh Oh-vens” or just “Oh-vens” from the crowd. Owens was a true celebrity in Berlin, mobbed by autograph seekers to the point that he complained about all the attention. He later claimed that his reception in Berlin was greater than any other he had ever experienced, and he was quite popular even before the Olympics.


Jun 26, 2013


Jun 26, 2013
USA. UK and France have always been the bad guys. Just like how they sway public opinion with the aid of mass media propaganda to justify their evil deeds slavery, war of the Middle East, Hiroshima/Nagasaki is the same way they use propaganda to justify purposely collapsing the German economy, then funding the Nazi regime to incite a world war only to sit back and fund both side while millions died.

I've put it in simple context, if you cannot wrap your head around this you're fully programmed by mass media propaganda


The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
USA. UK and France have always been the bad guys. Just like how they sway public opinion with the aid of mass media propaganda to justify their evil deeds slavery, war of the Middle East, Hiroshima/Nagasaki is the same way they use propaganda to justify purposely collapsing the German economy, then funding the Nazi regime to incite a world war only to sit back and fund both side while millions died.

I've put it in simple context, if you cannot wrap your head around this you're fully programmed by mass media propaganda

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
And what do you think the USA was like for black people during the segregation era? black men were still being lynched. I know these white devils are not trying to tell me point the finger at some other white devils :camby:
So what are you trying to do then ? Both were bad, why are you claiming Hitler was a great man when he saw Black people are "half ape", "b*stards", considered that "Negro blood" was contaminating the Aryan blood and he was vilifying France that was supposedly being "negrified" and also that its regime forbid jazz music because it was Black music and sterilized all the Rhineland mixed kids without their consent ?

Of course, Europe was (a little) "less bad" than the USA with Black people and it's true that some sportsmen came to France for example escaping the Segregation but the condition of Black people was bad everywhere. You're just putting levels to this "bad".

Also your first post quoting Jeremy Schaap's book makes it look like it was all good in Germany for Black People, that Nazi Germany cheered for the Black man and all, while it was all bad in the US for them. Well, here is a column from the same author :
Owens remains the ultimate Olympian
Updated: August 6, 2011, 12:01 AM ET
By Jeremy Schaap | Special to

On June 19, 1936, six weeks before the Opening Ceremony of the Games of the XI Olympiad in Berlin, a washed-up former heavyweight champion named Max Schmeling knocked out Joe Louis, the top-ranked contender who had seemed indestructible.

Getty ImagesJesse Owens won four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics (100 meters, 200, 400 relay and long jump).

It was big news, a propaganda boon for the Third Reich, which had never embraced Schmeling because everyone, even the Germans, assumed Louis would crush him. But Schmeling had detected a flaw in Louis' style -- he would drop his guard after throwing a jab -- and made the American suffer for his sloppiness. Unexpectedly, the world heavyweight championship, the biggest prize in sports, was within the grasp of a citizen of Hitler's Germany, and the most prominent black athlete on the planet had suffered a humiliating defeat.

Black Americans, in particular, felt the sting of Schmeling's punches; in Louis, they had a black heavyweight who had been given the chance to prove his superiority in the ring and had demonstrated an unmatched combination of power and skill until that night at Yankee Stadium. Twenty-one years had passed since Jack Johnson lost the title to Jess Willard and even black Americans were ambivalent about Li'l Arthur, with his flashy cars and white women. But Louis was different, quiet and strong and uncontroversial, and now he had been humbled. Disappointment floated in the air from Harlem to Watts.

Remember, it was 11 years before Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in major professional sports. There were no blacks in the NFL and the NBA had not yet been created. Louis was the idol of black America, while 22-year-old track star Jesse Owens was a distant No. 2.

It was against this backdrop that Owens boarded the S.S. Manhattan in New York in July, bound for Bremerhaven on Germany's North Sea coast. He shared Room 87 on Deck D with his Ohio State teammate, gifted high jumper Dave Albritton. For Owens and Albritton and the other half dozen black men on the team, everything was at stake. Winning at the Olympics might give them entrée into a world from which they were otherwise barred. Lose, and there was little hope.

In Germany, Owens, Albritton, Ralph Metcalfe, Archie Williams, Jimmy LuValle, John Woodruff, Cornelius Johnson and Mack Robinson (Jackie's older brother) were all believed to be something less than human, lower even than Jews on the evolutionary scale. Jews were dangerous because they were considered cunning and greedy; blacks were considered inferior intellectually, unevolved.

Owens and his teammates very nearly didn't make the trip. Only by the slimmest of margins had the Amateur Athletic Union decided not to boycott the 1936 Olympics, which were awarded to Germany before Hitler came to power. Now that the Americans were there, they were determined to dominate the track competition, the heart and soul of the Olympics.

Owens, of course, did just that. Even as the German papers tried to diminish him (in Der Angriff, he was merely the leader of America's "African auxiliaries") and American writers condescendingly celebrated him (Grantland Rice had him front and center in a "Darktown parade"), Owens ripped up the record book.

He crushed the competition in the 100- and 200-meter events, set an Olympic record in the long jump that wouldn't be broken until 1960 and led off the 400 relay team that set a world record that would stand until 1956. No one since, not even Carl Lewis in 1984, has put on quite as spectacular a show.

The spirits of black Americans were lifted and, for the first time, a black American became a hero to white America. Before Louis and Willie Mays and Bill Russell and Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, there was Owens, the embodiment of grace and giftedness. It didn't matter whether Hitler shook his hand or what Joseph Goebbels had to say about the inferiority of his race, Owens was the master of the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Even now, 115 years after the modern revival of the Greeks' ancient competition, he remains the ultimate Olympian.

A second-class citizen at home, a subhuman in Germany, Jesse Owens fashioned the greatest of all sports achievements. To be clear, nothing he did at Olympic Stadium could prevent the horrors to come. He saved no lives. However, for those paying close attention, Owens revealed essential truths in Berlin.

While western democracies were perfecting the art of appeasement and much of the rest of the world kowtowed to the Nazis, Owens stood up to them at their own Olympics, refuting their venomous theories with his awesome deeds.

Jeremy Schaap is an ESPN anchor and national correspondent, based in New York since 1998. He is a best-selling author ("Cinderella Man: James J. Braddock, Max Baer, and the Greatest Upset in Boxing History") and a contributor to "E:60", "ABC World News Tonight" and "Nightline."

It's not because it was bad in the US, that it was better elsewhere so stop praising enemies of your enemies because they would supposedly be your friends. They wouldn't have been.
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Jun 4, 2012
USA. UK and France have always been the bad guys. Just like how they sway public opinion with the aid of mass media propaganda to justify their evil deeds slavery, war of the Middle East, Hiroshima/Nagasaki is the same way they use propaganda to justify purposely collapsing the German economy, then funding the Nazi regime to incite a world war only to sit back and fund both side while millions died.

I've put it in simple context, if you cannot wrap your head around this you're fully programmed by mass media propaganda
Powerful shyt. True shyt, im looking forward to on of these drones attempting to dispute it.