Champion's Thread: Your Most Impressive/Smoothest Times pulling females

The True HD

Oct 13, 2014
Ft. Loudy
:banderas: :ahh: :youngsabo: :myman:

Most of us have a standout memory from an attempt to pick up a shorty that went absolutely perfect or was damn near flawless. 007 Smooth. Whether it was your steez, charisma, the timing/setting being right, or she was just hella receptive n u prolly coulda said anything, but u still spit some cold game to get the digits or seal the deal. Share brehs, what's the most triumphant bag/pull you've accomplished where u damn near surprised yourself, or your boys, or even the shorty or her friends at how cold u sauced her up n put her in a blender.... paint the picture Gz.

:takedat: :shaq: :jawalrus: :manny:

The True HD

Oct 13, 2014
Ft. Loudy
Too many to count brehs :ohlawd:

There's one or two that stand out pimpin :martin:

Put us on game


Nov 17, 2016
One afternoon I was chilling at the house reading the memoirs of Casanova (big ass book)

I was on a chapter where he was courting some young woman when a friend call me an invited me to go out with him ang get some bytches

We approached 2 women. We isolated them. While my friend was trying to sweet talk the brunette, me inspired by Casanova just decided to be direct and step to her for a kiss. To my surprise she just stood there without moving so I just went crazy with my tongue in her mouth( sorry but I was young) for like 10 minutes

Our friends didn't get along so we separated.

I kid you not like 20 minutes later we were still in the same area and we go past them 2 but now the girl I kissed was holding hands with some long haired chad looking white boy:russ:

Women are crazy,but to be fair I now cringe at the thought of kissing a random thot



World's Nerdiest DJ
Jan 3, 2015
10 minute pull while working a gig out of town.

I always want to tell this story so here we go. I'd been reading up on game for months, so like homeboy who was studying Casanova, I was feeling inspired. One of my friends was throwing a house party for profit over the summer, so he picked up me and the gang and drove us five hours to his place.

Fast forward to the party and I'm feeling pretty social. It's mostly high school kids, but there are few fellow college students sprinkled in. Not many people dancing, but just enough for it to be a party. The music is spinning well but I'm drenched in sweat, and I'm getting a few looks, but not enough to spring up. I'm trying out a more laidback style of game where I don't move unless I need to, and I don't speak unless borderline spoken to.

Anyway, I'm chilling and being observant when I notice one little latina grinding on someone off in the corner. She's going hard at it, hands on the floor and everything. I tell myself then that she's getting pretty riled up. It's noted, but I'm not pressed and go back to observation. We're about to wrap the party up when the speakers blow out!

It was too hot in the venue, and the speaker blew out twenty minutes before we would've liked to close (2 AM). People are standing around clueless, but I'm feeling pretty free because I don't have to play music anymore. I notice ol girl from earlier around the same time she notices me. Before I get a chance to step to her, she approaches first.

"Hey, are you one of the DJs?" "Yea. Why, you hiring?" I grip her shoulders when I ask her and shake her a little bit playfully, smiling. "No, I just thought you were hot. :queen:" "Thanks, you're pretty cute yourself..." and I stroke her face. That's when I know that this is the one.

We drag each other over to the wall and start talking. I'm leaned against it, with her leaning on me. I'm sure to keep my hands on her lower back, moving them sometimes to caress. We start talking and I'm volunteering almost no information. All of the focus is on her. Where you from? What school do you go to? What's your degree? What do you like doing? She actually goes to school out of time too, psychology major. I'm like, cool. Let her know I think it's admirable that she wants to help people. All of that. She asks very little about me in return, which I actually find gratifying. She doesn't even need to know.

Maybe five minutes go by when we both look at a couch at the same time. We literally drag each other over to sit down, her on my lap. We're not talking for too much longer when she decides to kiss me. I was waiting for this, but I don't let myself get too into it. She actually spilled her drink on me in the process, but I give zero fukks because it's time to get up anyway.

"Come on." "Where are we going?" I let her know that we're going outside while I hold her hand. We make our way around the corner and escalate to sex basically a minute afterward. It's funny, a massive brawl involving my homie, his sister, and some hooligans was actually breaking out on the other side of the building, but again, I gave zero fukks because I was busy.

We return to what's left of the party when it's over, and she's still hugged up on me when her brother pulls up. I'm acting like it's no big deal, but she keeps trying to find a way to stay with me over night. I didn't have the heart to let her know that my homie already said no girls in the house. At the end of the night, I got her number, but never texted. I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know my name...
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The True HD

Oct 13, 2014
Ft. Loudy
One afternoon I was chilling at the house reading the memoirs of Casanova (big ass book)

I was on a chapter where he was courting some young woman when a friend call me an invited me to go out with him ang get some bytches

We approached 2 women. We isolated them. While my friend was trying to sweet talk the brunette, me inspired by Casanova just decided to be direct and step to her for a kiss. To my surprise she just stood there without moving so I just went crazy with my tongue in her mouth( sorry but I was young) for like 10 minutes

Our friends didn't get along so we separated.

I kid you not like 20 minutes later we were still in the same area and we go past them 2 but now the girl I kissed was holding hands with some long haired chad looking white boy:russ:

Women are crazy,but to be fair I now cringe at the thought of kissing a random thot


So it was her receptiveness to your directness that made u feel good? Cause you really didn't pull her, just a lil makeout sesh... maybe u felt playa cause u didn't even have to say nothin


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
There was this thick cubana that my ex associate at the time wanted so bad and kept tryna get at her for months

One day she came up to me and said "why do u hate me so much?"

She assumed since I never paid her much attention during times we would chill as a group with said associate and other people that I "hated her"

After she asked me that, I TOLD her to give me her number. She did with no hesitation. After that I texted her, we exchanged nudes then she came to the spot at midnight

And I stomped this bytches cheeks out. I thought I was put that poor girl into a wheelchair. I pounded her like I hated her.

After that she was on me super hard. But I didnt really care for her personality so I slow faded/ghosted her. bytch was worthless

My ex associate at the time asked to see "proof". I showed him some nudes. He told her. She still wanted to fukk me even after that. One reason why I don't fukk with that slick hating fakkit no more. He even brought that up afterwards on some "she wasnt even that cute anyways".

There's been a few easy lay ups since then, but that one stood out cuz that bytch was superrrrr bad. I should probably hit her up. Thick mulatta cubana with juicy lips.


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
I've asked this question many times before.

You won't get many answers unfortunately.

They don't wanna expose the fact that their looks did most of the work and their words meant shyt.
Honestly in my story my ex associate was more "conventionally" good looking than me and taller (6 '3), and Im (5'10)

Not saying that she didnt see me as handsome but

I just really gave no fukks nor no validation and I had a more bad boy vibe

I really could careless what people think of me and it shows by my aura

That's what she told me what attracted her to me
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I never see my nut
May 2, 2012
I was in Webster Hall. Pulled these 2 pawgs. They was either Greek or Italian. Tongue kissed one on the dance floor then brought them both over to the lounge area and taking turns kissing. I tried to fukk one but she said she had a boyfriend but the other let me fukk right there on the lounge chairs. I dunno how I pulled both. I had the typical wife beater, jeans sagging and timbs on


King Of Egypt.
Jul 6, 2018
I was in Webster Hall. Pulled these 2 pawgs. They was either Greek or Italian. Tongue kissed one on the dance floor then brought them both over to the lounge area and taking turns kissing. I tried to fukk one but she said she had a boyfriend but the other let me fukk right there on the lounge chairs. I dunno how I pulled both. I had the typical wife beater, jeans sagging and timbs on



Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
Another time in Vegas

My gf at the time was supposed to come Saturday afternoon

So I had a whole hotel to myself on Friday since I came a day early and we agreed to meet up

I was drinking in the room, bored on some "fukk it" type shyt, got dressed and headed out at 3 am. Im not about to sit up here all night waiting for my girl to come the next day.

Went to a strip club, and met a Mexican girl and a PAWG. Got a lapdance and I started choking them, grabbing their titties, ass, sticking my finger in their mouths. I could feel their bodies heating up and their nipples were getting hard. They were super turned on. The mexican girl was monkey gripping my dikk.

The Pawg said "You need to give us your number. Your really good with ur hands". We exchanged numbers. I go back to the hotel. Go to the hotel store in the lower part of the hotel and grabbed some bs viagra called rhino something. Anyways I text the two strippers and they come to the hotel around 5.

My first and so far only threesome, I wore those hoes out. I heard people walking in the the hallway giggling cuz the screaming and pounding was so hard. The mexican girl was limping out the hotel room. And that bs viagra had my dikk harder than asphalt.But I could feel my heart pounding a lil too hard plus I was drinking Red Bull lol thank God I aint pass out. We got done around 7ish.

My girl came around 12, I fukked her into a coma and creampied her . 3 bodies in one day. Then after being up for 24+ hours and drunk + high on cocaine I passed the fukk out while my girl sat and watched TV waiting for me to get up. Then when I woke up we I went to go introduce her to my parents. And I had the meanest headache ever. The end.