Coli Breh that have had kid(s) with your girl and maintained the relationship..whats the secret??

Aug 7, 2013
Growing up i used to see this happen quite often but didnt pay much attention to it....a seemingly loving couple in a relationship for a while and then they have a kid and somehow their relationship dissolve and c'est la vie.

now as an adult and going through it, im just confused as to how to overcome it and not fall victim to the seemningly inevitable sequence of things.

My girl and I went out for 2 and a half years and everything was A1....abundant sex, adventurous, communicative....i would call her my best friend. ONe thing lead to another and she became pregnant..we had the baby 10 months ago and somehow everything just switched...slowly at first, then now rapidly.

So for the first 2 years of our relationship, we lived in our different space but gradually she would spend more and more time at my place but it was so beautiful and nothing out of the ordinary. After she got pregnant, i figured with a kid in the picture, it would make more sense for us to live together eventually. During the pregnancy she maintained her apt but a month before the kid was born, we moved into a two bedroom apt.

Looking back now, i can see an almost immediate switch right after she became pregnant....the sex dropped DRASTICALLY, she was slightly less concerned about the companionship aspect of our relationship, her appearance, her drive etc..i just figured its the pregnancy and didnt think too much of it.

Lets just say after we moved in, it started to become pretty glaring that something has changed. Again, i just use the excuse of new born baby and changes that she's going through to try to rationalize her behavior. But after 9 months, it feels like its not just a phase.
I remember at some point after she became pregnant, she said something that i took at a joke. Our sex life was ALWAYS kinky af,...doing all types of wild ish together. After we found out she was pregnant, we were about to have sex and she said "now that we are having a kid, i should know that she doesnt have to do any of that freak things anymore"..she said it in a joking way, so i just laughed along. But really, thats what its come down to. Infact, it would be perfectly fine with me if we just have vanilla sex ever so often but thats rarely on the table every 3 weeks, if im lucky.

She's become very controlling, especially when it comes to my interaction with the kid. Constantly Nagging about every single thing...literally EVERY SINGLE THING she finds a reason to complain about....her demeanor is 180 from the person i knew when we were dating. I literally feel like an invasive guest in my own "family".
I damn near feel tricked. I've spoken to other guys who's relationship dissolved after a kid or kids and they tell me the same sequence of events.

Its like women disguise who they are so effectively Until you get them pregnant, then its "thank god i dont have to pretend anymore.....whats the point of you being around?" comes out full force.

Now i look at some of these guys that are able to maintain their relationship after a kid or two and im wondering what their secret is.
Or if they're going tthrough the exact same thing but just pushing through because of the kid.

For my coli brehs
1. if you've yet to get to that position, be on the look out for signs that she's that person because im sure there are always moments when they drop their facade

2. If you've been in it and it worked itself out, whats the secret??

3. If you didnt go through that with your lady, what was the key to making that happen?


Mar 24, 2015
Its like women disguise who they are so effectively Until you get them pregnant, then its "thank god i dont have to pretend anymore.....whats the point of you being around?" comes out full force.
If I didn't know better breh, I'd swear you were me lol. I went thru exactly what you went thru. The quote above is EXACTLY how I used to feel. I felt bamboozled lol dead ass. What I will say tho is, it will get better, trust me. If you really love shorty then stick it out.
What I didn't realized at the time was how much the pregnancy hormones REALLY affect them emotionally, mentally and physically. I thought she was just switching up on me but that wasn't the case. I'm not gonna lie, it takes time. It ain't take till my baby was like 8 months before shyt got back to how it was pre pregnancy.
So, in my honest opinion, shyt sounded great beforehand for you so I'd say stick it out, especially if it's your 1st kid like it was for me.
Good luck


Aug 9, 2013
bruuuuuuuh. is that the end goal

i certainly hope not man and i mean that sincerely. my younger brother is going thru something similar and he has two small children and one on the way.

but severe personality changes for no apparent reason? i don't do that. i grew up with adults like that, and as a kid I had to just deal with it. as a man, i don't tiptoe around anyone because they're having a "bad day/bad week/bad month" bad anything, cause it's a recipe for a lifetime of tiptoeing hell.

hopefully it's related to her pregnancy and will pass.


Eve was a thot.
Jul 2, 2018
The ole bait & switch. They do such a great job of pretending to be someone else until they get pregnant. Then they don't have to fake it anymore.

Notice how there's millions of single moms everywhere.

If you leave, they get child support, so they can't lose in this situation. If it's a divorce involved, they get a bunch of your shyt.

It's against most peoples' morals to do so, but you might as well just seek casual sex and elsewhere. That way you get the intimacy from a woman, which you are missing out on


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
My first marriage went to shyt expeditiously after my daughter was born:mjlol::wow:
But that was due to some underlining issues she had..
I knew nothing about until couples therapy..
Now we are in a really good place again and co-parent very well..
I think the focus for some women becomes strictly about the child..
It’s needs and wants..
Then you have to factor in past family traumas..
Plain insecurities..
Thoughts of not projecting your demons..
On to your seed..
My wife now is straight on having kids(she works with babies as a nurse)..
And she treats my daughter like her own..
So I don’t know how this will play out about her wanting kids:francis:
I know I don’t want another one:mjlol:
But I’m not opposed to it:yeshrug:
The only thing I can say..
Is keep going if you think the relationship is worth it..
Possibly seek counseling..
It could rattle some undercover things she is battling with..
That you have absolutely no idea about..
Be there for her and your seed..
And I hate this saying because I’ve experienced some real fukkery behind it..
Everything in time will reveal itself..
Everything in the dark comes to the light:francis:
Either you both do the work or let it burn..


May 1, 2012
Welcome to dad life mf :dahell:
It’s not about u any more.
Not your freaky fantasies :dame: or your freedom or your playstation or the fellas
U can do what a lot of sucka niccas do and easily find 160 reasons to walk away from your new family. And ask advice from “other niccas in the same situation” :mjlol:
And pay that note every single 30 days for YEARS :usure:
And let @Another Man teach your son to play ball.

Or u can raise your son and fukk his mom. :hubie:
Let her be emotionally unstable she just had a baby. Part of being the head of the household is eating these bs.

:manny: Thats all I got. I’ve had two sets of kids by two psycho broads that I left bc of this same situation. Trust your boy, it’s cheaper and better to keep her.


All Star
Jun 15, 2018
Yo Momma's Front Porch
Talk to your girl. Strong relationships take a lot of work and sacrifice. If it comes down to it and the relationship is worth it, go to counseling. Like others have said, pregnancy is no joke. It takes a mental and physical toll like no other. Give your woman the same type of understanding, loyalty and communication you would want from her. Good luck