Don't come at her, she's not your brand of Caucasian :mjpls:

Iceson Beckford

Rich In Spirit.
Aug 12, 2017
never met a black feminist looking for white acceptance.

i have met some who don't care about being what others call "pro-black", but that's different from seeking white acceptance.

Actions speak louder than words. Their aims generally dont include any mobilisation but instead pleads to oppresors humanity. This cant be said for all though.


Feb 12, 2015
i think black men need to destroy anyone who comes for us without just cause.

ESPECIALLY a white bytch.

we been bystanders in our own destruction for too long.
No you can allow urself to be baited in the open by c00ning behavior. That is part of the problem. Black men and women want to try and save everybody to make everybody accountable.

My cousin works in LA. She wants to be a screenwriter. She told me she was cool with some of the blk men she'd met and I guess one invited her to a house party. She's a pretty girl.
Do you know she overheard blk dudes loudly clowning her for showing up b/c they wanted only white chicks at the party? She said she left and the blk homeboy who invited her left with her and saw her home b/c most blk men aren't c00ns. But c00ns hide amongst our ranks b/c we protective of them. She told me that it's becoming a fad that blk dudes in her area literally try to kick out or don't want blk women at certain events.

These white women have literally been emboldened by c00ns to behave this way. We can't come in guns blazing defending traitors. We gettin ourselves killed for blk dudes making videos with white chicks who talking shyt about blk women.
Nah. Let c00ns hold they own nuts. U really think if a blk c00nette stupid enuff to go RA RA about white men (the same race who've fukked over EVERYTHING), imma save her when she's called a ****** bytch?

Good blk people GOTTA stop associating themselves with embarrassing elements in our race to bulk our numbers or out of misplaced racial solidarity.
It's okay to call R. Kelly out on his pedophilia. It's okay to excommunicate a bum bytch abusing blk children. It's okay to laugh when a c00nette gets humbled by a racist. And it's okay to ridicule a c00n who literally didn't want anything to do with a black woman, when his great white HOEpe turns on him.


Feb 12, 2015
i saw white women smiling in the pictures where there's black men hanging from trees by their necks. racist white women are vicious.
For the world of me, I don't think there is anything more dangerous than blks thinking white females are harmless.
These chicks were literally spitting on us as we intergrated schools. They are the MOTHERS of racists. Right now in my area white women are literally the foot soldiers affecting zoning laws for schools in my district.

But somehow, they get a pass. Ya'll crazy.


Sep 8, 2017
No you can allow urself to be baited in the open by c00ning behavior. That is part of the problem. Black men and women want to try and save everybody to make everybody accountable.

My cousin works in LA. She wants to be a screenwriter. She told me she was cool with some of the blk men she'd met and I guess one invited her to a house party. She's a pretty girl.
Do you know she overheard blk dudes loudly clowning her for showing up b/c they wanted only white chicks at the party? She said she left and the blk homeboy who invited her left with her and saw her home b/c most blk men aren't c00ns. But c00ns hide amongst our ranks b/c we protective of them. She told me that it's becoming a fad that blk dudes in her area literally try to kick out or don't want blk women at certain events.

These white women have literally been emboldened by c00ns to behave this way. We can't come in guns blazing defending traitors. We gettin ourselves killed for blk dudes making videos with white chicks who talking shyt about blk women.
Nah. Let c00ns hold they own nuts. U really think if a blk c00nette stupid enuff to go RA RA about white men (the same race who've fukked over EVERYTHING), imma save her when she's called a ****** bytch?

Good blk people GOTTA stop associating themselves with embarrassing elements in our race to bulk our numbers or out of misplaced racial solidarity.
It's okay to call R. Kelly out on his pedophilia. It's okay to excommunicate a bum bytch abusing blk children. It's okay to laugh when a c00nette gets humbled by a racist. And it's okay to ridicule a c00n who literally didn't want anything to do with a black woman, when his great white HOEpe turns on him.
i agree with you, bedbucking and c00ning is at an all time high...however in your cousins case im not sure what she expected. you gotta take your location, industry, etc, all that into account.

im in the military, deployed, currently typing this. i do not fukk with the cacs i work with and they know it. i stay to myself, play my position and challenge anything i view as disrespecful towards myself or my race. it's that easy.

anyway, i wasnt saying c00ns should be defended, i was saying cacs should be attacked. because even though its a c00n being attacked, im still not giving any cac, let alone a cac bytch, a pass to speak down about me as a black man.

we been the punching bag of cacs and various other groups for far to long for me not to feel any type of white. has nothing to do with saving c00ns and bedbucks. when's the last time you seen a jew let anyone disparage their racist asses in public without a codified response?

we cant pick and choose when we attack propaganda and bullshyt. i'm not saying fight for c00ns, just don't let cacs run that "im speaking up for black men" or, "i'm speaking for black women" game, cuz that shyt leads to more confusion about the overall system of white supremacy.


All Star
Sep 30, 2015
The 215
She has a biracial daughter, I really dont get her point. She sounds like a idiot, shes bad mouthing black men when shes already pregnated by one. TF.

She's raising a half-black girl that will eventually become a half-black woman, so she's probably weirded out by all the c00ns who come to her putting black women down.


Feb 12, 2015
i agree with you, bedbucking and c00ning is at an all time high...however in your cousins case im not sure what she expected. you gotta take your location, industry, etc, all that into account.

im in the military, deployed, currently typing this. i do not fukk with the cacs i work with and they know it. i stay to myself, play my position and challenge anything i view as disrespecful towards myself or my race. it's that easy.

anyway, i wasnt saying c00ns should be defended, i was saying cacs should be attacked. because even though its a c00n being attacked, im still not giving any cac, let alone a cac bytch, a pass to speak down about me as a black man.

we been the punching bag of cacs and various other groups for far to long for me not to feel any type of white. has nothing to do with saving c00ns and bedbucks. when's the last time you seen a jew let anyone disparage their racist asses in public without a codified response?

we cant pick and choose when we attack propaganda and bullshyt. i'm not saying fight for c00ns, just don't let cacs run that "im speaking up for black men" or, "i'm speaking for black women" game, cuz that shyt leads to more confusion about the overall system of white supremacy.
To be honest I've never been on the West coast. I assume people are exaggerating about shyt like this until I get a real live account of fukkery.
Is it REALLY that bad in LA?

And I agree that she should be addressed but we have always addressed whites and will continue to do so.
But what often gets swept under the rug is the blk agents in our own ranks who endanger us. To me blk male and female c00ns are honorary white supremacists that seek to tear us down from within while racists do so from inside AND outside.

Sure call this lipless wanna be blk curdled milk bytch out. But just know she only has that power b:c somewhere a black dude was so in awe of her whiteness and so disdainful of his own women, that he thot giving this bytch a pass was okay. And I see blk chicks doing the same thing with her juss b/c she tried to throw them a bone.:huhldup: