GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: Senate agrees to 3wk CR; CHIP funded for 6yrs; Feb8 showdown over DACA


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
You guys need to actually read that politico article and not have an emotional response based on the title.....

Amazing how there's all this reaching to make the left look bad. Pathetic.

Exactly mofos can’t see the Forrest from the trees

CHIPS is guaranteed funding for 6 yrs

DACA is a separate issue that 45 created and like always he punts it to congress so he can say to his base “here look I’m getting rid of obama era policies”

Dr. Acula

Jul 26, 2012
Exactly mofos can’t see the Forrest from the trees

CHIPS is guaranteed funding for 6 yrs

DACA is a separate issue that 45 created and like always he punts it to congress so he can say to his base “here look I’m getting rid of obama era policies”
The guy posted the same in the thread I created and there is nothing inconsistent between the headline and what is in the article. He can't highlight the inconsistencies because there are none.

DACA was argued by the democrats to be something that want tied to the budget bill, and even in the article this dude supposedly read has democrats stating they view is as part of the same issue. This is a caving, if this actually happens.

As I stated earlier, personally, I'm not that vested in it and I'm more glad CHIP has been passed. But Republicans have been inactive on CHIP for the explicit reason to use as a hostage tool via this process down the line. Lets not ignore the despicable nature of Republicans that they are willing to put children's healthcare at stake for political purposes. It was a manufactured crisis, they could have approved it months ago. Democrats are being led by the leash in this regard

They claim they wish to talk about it further down the line, but its dependent on Republican's playing along which we know they won't do. They will make further demands to do so and Democrats won't have the tool of the shutdown to have an upper-hand in

If Democrats claim they are using DACA to prevent a shutdown, and they give it up, regardless of your stance on it, it shows once again many Democrats in office are spineless. Don't sugarcoat it to protect "team" Democrat. Call them out on their unwillingness to have any spine.


May 23, 2012
The guy posted the same in the thread I created and there is nothing inconsistent between the headline and what is in the article. He can't highlight the inconsistencies because there are none.

DACA was argued by the democrats to be something that want tied to the budget bill, and even in the article this dude supposedly read has democrats stating they view is as part of the same issue. This is a caving, if this actually happens.

As I stated earlier, personally, I'm not that vested in it and I'm more glad CHIP has been passed. But Republicans have been inactive on CHIP for the explicit reason to use as a hostage tool via this process down the line. Lets not ignore the despicable nature of Republicans that they are willing to put children's healthcare at stake for political purposes. It was a manufactured crisis, they could have approved it months ago. Democrats are being led by the leash in this regard

They claim they wish to talk about it further down the line, but its dependent on Republican's playing along which we know they won't do. They will make further demands to do so and Democrats won't have the tool of the shutdown to have an upper-hand in

If Democrats claim they are using DACA to prevent a shutdown, and they give it up, regardless of your stance on it, it shows once against many Democrats in office are spineless. Don't sugarcoat it to protect "team" Democrat. Call them out on their unwillingness to have any spine.

This. CHIPS should have never been a tool for the Republicans to wave over this negotiation.

Congress Will Not Renew the Children’s Health Insurance Program This Year

Congressional Democrats implored Republicans Wednesday to pass new funding for CHIP before the Christmas break.

“This is the ultimate bad Christmas Carol story. This may be the most shameful day in the history of Congress,” Democratic House member Jackie Speier said at a press conference. As she spoke, Speier held up a chunk of coal, arguing that this was what her Republican colleagues had chosen to leave in low-income kids’ Christmas stockings.

But GOP lawmakers were unmoved by this stunt. On Wednesday afternoon, Republican senators Susan Collins and Lamar Alexander confirmed that their party plans to take a vacation before giving working-class families some peace of mind about their children’s health coverage:

“We have asked Senator McConnell not to offer this week our legislation,” the senators, who are sponsoring a bill that provides funding intended to stabilize the individual insurance market, said in a statement. “Instead, we will offer it after the first of the year when the Senate will consider the omnibus spending bill, the Children’s Health Insurance Program reauthorization, funding for Community Health Centers, and other legislation that was to have been enacted this week.”

On January 2, Alabama will stop allowing new children to enroll in its CHIP program. Connecticut and Colorado will shutter their programs on January 31, if Washington does not provide new funds before then.
Meanwhile, other states are already wasting money and personnel hours on contingency plans for CHIP’s demise. Last month, The Atlantic’s Annie Lowrey reported that West Virginia had stopped pushing eligible families to sign up for the program, a development that could lead to many more low-income children going without coverage, even if the program gets reauthorized in early January: If states don’t spend time and money spreading awareness of the program, many parents will fail to take advantage of it.

So, why is the GOP inflicting needless harm on a popular program that most Republicans claim to support? The deficit, of course.

While congressional Republicans were willing to add $1.5 trillion to the debt, so as to pay for corporate tax cuts, they have refused to appropriate the $75 billion required to reauthorize CHIP for five years. Instead, they insist on financing children’s health care with cuts to other people’s medical benefits. House Republicans have already passed a bill that that raises money for CHIP by throwing an estimated 700,000 people off of Obamacare, for falling behind on their premium payments. That legislation has (predictably) stalled in the Senate. Democrats, for their part, have evinced little interest in transferring a few billion dollars from low-income adults to low-income children, while Republicans are transferring trillions of dollars to the wealthiest people in America.

It’s worth noting that CHIP is vastly more popular than the GOP’s health-care and tax bills — even among Republican voters. Over two decades in operation, CHIP has slashed the uninsured rate for American children by more than half, while improving their educational outcomes and fortifying their families’ economic security. Crucially, Republicans aren’t ideologically bound to deny these results; CHIP is the one part of the safety net that their party is supposed to like: It’s cheap, targeted at children with working parents, and the legislation that created it is covered in Republican fingerprints.

But America simply cannot afford to put another $75 billion onto its credit card. Republicans have always believed this.

They held the program hostage for months and then brought it into this negotiation as if the GOP hadn't manufactured the problem to begin with.

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
Exactly mofos can’t see the Forrest from the trees

CHIPS is guaranteed funding for 6 yrs

DACA is a separate issue that 45 created and like always he punts it to congress so he can say to his base “here look I’m getting rid of obama era policies”
@Behelit and his crew, whom I've called out many many times on here...break their necks to shyt on the left and stir division. They'll pretty much do anything except discuss 45. I see you guys. You aren't slick. And all that article says is that senate democrats want daca handled a certain way. It doesn't read 'Democrats folded on Dreamers and that's the end of it!' Like the title wants to push and like @Behelit wants folks to believe and like many emotional folks are saying because this is a 'react to headlines only' society.

Read for yourself folks and be leary of folks who fall over themselves to divide the left but won't attack the right. They're careless as hell and obvious.

Probably because they're desperate.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
The same reason republican policy is to actively restrict black people from voting through imprisonment and voter identification laws:hhh:

Keep :cape:'ing, though.
As hard as it may be to swallow, race isn’t the only reason to oppose amnesty and/or lax immigration.

:salute:But I understand it’s easier and extremely effective to just label anyone in opposition a racist.

For the record, Trump is racist:russ:

Dr. Acula

Jul 26, 2012
@Behelit and his crew, whom I've called out many many times on here...break their necks to shyt on the left and stir division. They'll pretty much do anything except discuss 45. I see you guys. You aren't slick. And all that article says is that senate democrats want daca handled a certain way. It doesn't read 'Democrats folded on Dreamers and that's the end of it!' Like the title wants to push and like @Behelit wants folks to believe and like many emotional folks are saying because this is a 'react to headlines only' society.

Read for yourself folks and be leary of folks who fall over themselves to divide the left but won't attack the right. They're careless as hell and obvious.

Probably because they're desperate.
I’ll ask again. What is inconsistent? You seem to be scared to directly answer the question. The article states they wish to untie DACA from the possibility of a shutdown on faith that republicans will come to the table and give them what they want. You don’t think republicans will let it fall totally out of effect by March?

It’s people like you who constantly fall for Trump and republicans okey dokey and at the same time act like Trump is some aberration from Republican Party. I’ve personally moved past thinking that Trump is some exception to Republicans in terms of beliefs and orthodoxy. Trump is the symptom not the cause. He is the symptom and final form of 30-40 years of republican propaganda, dog whistles, and hate. The only difference is that he is open about it while Paul Ryan types say “aww shucks that’s not very nice” but vote and believe the same things.

By the way I’m convinced this is a Nap alias.
Last edited:
May 8, 2012
As hard as it may be to swallow, race isn’t the only reason to oppose amnesty and/or lax immigration.

:salute:But I understand it’s easier and extremely effective to just label anyone in opposition a racist.

For the record, Trump is racist:russ:
Terrible deflection and truly low quality posting. I never called anyone a racist.

My point was that, similar to how Repubs would be inclined to support policies that would lessen the potential for an increase in the Democrat voter base (DACA), they would also want to actively seek to disenfranchise voters likely to be Dems (e.g. imprisonment, voting identification laws, etc.) for their own political benefit.


Dr. Acula

Jul 26, 2012
They're gonna agree to an additional $70-80 billion in military funding though. :mjlol: :hhh:
Yep I peeped that. :deadmanny: Was too busy arguing with that dork @Dameon Farrow to focus on this aspect of it.

Chip has to be considered with budget constraints but here is another 80 bill to the military.