Hoe ass bytch threatened to call cps on me....

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
So my doctor asked me was I still taking my meds and I told her currently no, because my insurance wont cover my monthly injection nemore and they have me taking pills 3xs a day that make mesluggish sleepy n unable to drive n function. I have started working at home n I simply dont have time for that. I hafta provide for my family the best way I can and do what a mother does.....Do u know this bytch threatened to call CPS on me sayin well the state can take ur kids from u if u dont comply with treatment???? I said try it hoe my kids are grown!!! she tried to be smart n say well who are u taking back n forth to school everyday, I said bytch my 19 yr old son that WORKS and go to school at UNT since u wanna be funny.... but i am scared cuz i do have my 14 yr old daughter but she catches dart back n forth to school but thats beside the point.... these hoes want me doped up n dependent on the state n i simply wont do it.

I think all of these doctors nshyt should take thorazine once and try to go to their jobs before saying dumb shyt about what you can do on meds.