How did the Jewish people become so powerful? (No troll.)


Jan 7, 2014
They have the highest average IQ as a people, and they are good with money. It's a best recipe for success.

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Apr 30, 2012
I think ethnic nepotism, tribal mentality and positive-stereotyping played key roles but I know that's controversial to say.

The numbers just don't add up. Ironically, you'd have to believe in some sort of Nazi-like superior genetic race shyt to explain it otherwise.



Hall Of Fame
Nov 13, 2016
Wall Street - Black Renaissance Purveyor
Are you a Hebrew Israelite?

Time to educate you, breh.

1). Antique Map Of Africa By Frederik De Wit - Circa 1688


From this map, you'd see that the Middle East used to be part of Africa.

2). Time to see how when Middle East was created:

Read this: Captain Mahan, General Gordon, and the Origins of the Term 'Middle East'

The Middle East is a historical and political region of Afro-Eurasia with no clear boundaries. The term "Middle East" was popularized around 1900 in Britain; it has a loose definition traditionally encompassing countries or regions in Southwest Asia and parts of North Africa. The corresponding adjective to Middle East is Middle-Eastern and the derived noun is Middle-Easterner.
The history of the Middle East dates back to ancient times, and throughout its history the Middle East has been a major center of world affairs. The Middle East is also the geographic origin of three of the world’s great religions - Christianity, Islam, Judaism. The Middle East generally has an arid and hot climate, with several major rivers providing for irrigation to support agriculture in limited areas. Many countries located around the Persian Gulf have large quantities of crude oil. In modern times, the Middle East remains a strategically, economically, politically, culturally, and religiously sensitive region.

The term "Middle East" may have originated in the 1850s in the British India Office, and became more widely known when American naval strategist Alfred Thayer Mahan used the term. During this time the British and Russian Empires were vying for influence in Central Asia, a rivalry which would become known as The Great Game. Mahan realized not only the strategic importance of the region, but also of its center, the Persian Gulf. He labeled the area surrounding the Persian Gulf as the Middle East, and said that after the Suez Canal, it was the most important passage for Britain to control in order to keep the Russians from advancing towards India. Mahan first used the term in his article "The Persian Gulf and International Relations," published in September 1902 in the National Review, a British journal.

After reading that, you'd see that the term "Middle East" started in the 1900s.

3). Time to talk about the history of Hebrews.

- When talking about history, it's always good to start with the great Greek historian, Heretodus, who some think is the greatest historian ever. This is Heretodus' story about the origin of Hebrews

- This is what Tacitus, the Roman historian, wrote about the history of Hebrews:
The Jews are said to have been refugees from the island of Crete who settled in the remotest corner of Libya in the days when, according to the story, Saturn was driven from his throne by the aggression of Jupiter. This is a deduction from the name Judaei by which they became known: the word is to be regarded as a barbarous lengthening of Idaei, the name of the people dwelling around the famous Mount Ida in Crete. A few authorities hold that in the reign of Isis the surplus population of Egypt was evacuated to neighboring lands under the leadership of Hierosolymus and Judas. Many assure us that the Jews are descended from those Ethiopians who were driven by fear and hatred to emigrate from their home country when Cepheus was king. There are some who say that a motley collection of landless Assyrians occupied a part of Egypt, and then built cities of their own, inhabiting the lands of the Hebrews and the nearer parts of Syria. Others again find a famous ancestry for the Jews in the Solymi who are mentioned with respect in the epics of Homer: this tribe is supposed have founded Jerusalemand named it after themselves.

- First century, B.C., Greek historian, Diodorus Siculus' account of the Hebrews:

“Their forefathers had been banished out of the whole of order to purify the land” (The History of Antiquity, p. 458)

Enough history lessons for you.:ehh:


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
Exactly. More importantly Jews taught themselves. Blacks on the other hand expect other groups to educate them. Then you wind up with the NAACP calling for a moratorium on charter schools because the NAACP gets funded by teachers' unions and not by black families that desperately want charter schools as an option for their children.

I summarized a podcast about Jews and literacy in this thread:

Centuries Ago, Jews Were Farmers Like Everybody Else. Why Did They Leave the Fields?
:ehh: True

Thats only one aspect of it tho...the other is numbers and math especially from studying the kaballah ..numerology and abstract thinking skills made them suitable for bureaucratic civil service is an awesome ability to be able to do simple profit and loss accounting,comparisons and yield projections when nearly everyone else is an illiterate herder counting with their fingers and here you have a guy who can calculate whether the harvest will be enough for the winter and how much can be sold without risking starvation...or how much you need to buy to avoid a revolution from starving citizens

That would explain why rose through the ranks and thrived in empires and wealthy cities that needed such skills.


The Dude
Jan 29, 2016
:scust:A lot of dudes on here pretending to be black on here. No real pro black brother will sit here defending Jews at all


The Dude
Jan 29, 2016
Jews so good huh who use to own those slum buildings in Bk full of mold rats and No heat even to this day Jews were known for being slum lords to blacks and latinos let's not even talk about the crown heights riots where a Jew killed a young black boy in a crash than other Jews left him to die and took the Jew to the hospital for help I swear a lot of ya undercover cacs on here this site is run by whites I'm starting to believe Jews have played a big role in gentrifation of NYC to

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Apr 30, 2012
Poorest county in the US is all Jewish.
Illegal group economics.
Israel is an illegal state.

They are the poorest county simply because it's a scam. The American tax payer are paying these people to live out a mini-theocracy with laws that mirror Sharia Law.

If they were Muslim they would have been napalmed from the air.

Oh, and besides taking in government aid, they also get financial help and donations from wealthy Jewish people in NYC.

A Village With the Numbers, Not the Image, of the Poorest Place

Filings show Kiryas Joel money flowed to Cuomo after veto
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
Siege Mentality Grows in Hasidic Kiryas Joel as Corruption and Sex Probes Loom

Siege Mentality Grows in Hasidic Kiryas Joel as Corruption and Sex Probes Loom
Uriel HeilmanMay 19, 2016Claudio Papapietro
(JTA) — Even before FBI investigators descended last week on the Satmar Hasidic village of Kiryas Joel, there was a growing sense in this insular community that it and its unique way of life were under attack.

Two months earlier, the FBI had been in the village investigating alleged fraud of a government program, and community leaders also have been facing a mounting campaign by dissidents to increase state oversight of yeshiva curricula.

“We need to know what kind of danger we’re in,” the Satmar rebbe in Kiryas Joel, Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, said in a widely publicized May 4 speech about the threat of closer state supervision of yeshiva curricula. “These are bad times for us Jews, terrible. We need to pray to God that they should not interfere with the upbringing of our children.”

Police Probe Video of Ultra-Orthodox Principal Kissing Boy in Kiryas Joel School: Report
Josh Nathan-KazisMay 3, 2016
In last week’s FBI raid, investigators confiscated computer equipment and boxes of documents from the village’s Department of Public Safety and its main yeshiva, United Talmudical Academy. An unnamed law enforcement source interviewed by a local newspaper, the Journal News, said the raid was related to the publication on social media two weeks ago of a leaked hidden-camera video that appeared to show a principal of the yeshiva kissing and grasping young boys in his office. Some 6,000 students are enrolled in the school.

Publication of the video, which generated a firestorm in Orthodox circles, came the same week that a New York State legislator, Ellen Jaffee, introduced a bill that would bring better enforcement of state rules that require non-public schools, including yeshivas, to ensure they are providing education that is “substantially equivalent” to that offered in public schools. Yeshivas like those in Kiryas Joel, located about an hour north of Manhattan in New York’s Orange County, long have flouted state standards on secular subjects, foregoing even basic subjects like English and math in upper grades.

For a long time, Teitelbaum said in his speech, there’s been an implicit understanding between state authorities and the leadership of Hasidic communities like Kiryas Joel that the state wouldn’t interfere in communal affairs.

I'm Moving Back to Kiryas Joel
Frimet GoldbergerApril 1, 2014
But that implicit agreement may be breaking down as it becomes more difficult for authorities to ignore abuses – sexual, educational or financial – allegedly taking place within these closed communities. The prospect of outside interference threatens one of Kiryas Joel’s raisons d’etre: Hasidic control of the community’s affairs.

“Until now there were also strict laws, but because we live in a kingdom of benevolence [a reference to government authorities] to put it bluntly they simply turned a blind eye to what’s going on by the Jewish children,” Teitelbaum said in his speech, which was delivered in Yiddish and then translated into English for widespread dissemination. “They didn’t want to look, the benevolent kingdom. Now, too, they’d continue doing that, the government would have continued, they’re happy not to look and not to know. But these worthless people are stirring up in various ways and are demanding in court, forcing the government that they should take a stance.”

The newfound scrutiny is being pushed largely by dissidents, in some cases ex-Hasidim, who say they are acting in the best interests of the community – whether to protect children from sexual abusers or to give them the basic educational skills necessary to succeed in life.

Hasidic Village of Kiryas Joel Agrees To End Gender Segregation at Park
JTAApril 1, 2014
“I’ve been to those yeshivas, I know exactly what the effects are,” said Naftuli Moster, executive director of Yaffed, an organization he founded that lobbies lawmakers to force Orthodox yeshivas to offer quality secular studies in addition to Torah studies.

“You’re not gaining anything by depriving people of an education. The very Satmar rabbi that made that speech also encourages people to earn a living, to his credit, but at the same time he’s the one who has jurisdiction over the yeshivas that are depriving Hasidim of the very tools necessary to earn that living,” Moster told JTA. “So what do people end up doing? Oftentimes they resort to criminal activity and other shenanigans to earn that living.”

Two months ago, FBI investigators were in Kiryas Joel, nearby Rockland County and Brooklyn investigating alleged fraud by Hasidic institutions in the federal government’s E-rate program, which funds the purchase of technology equipment and internet service by schools and libraries. Authorities reportedly are looking into whether the yeshivas actually spent the money they obtained from the federal government for technology in the schools.

The Satmar Hasidic village of Kiryas Joel has been the subject of two FBI raids in two months, lending to a sense of siege in the insular community. (Uriel Heilman) The Satmar Hasidic village of Kiryas Joel has been the subject of two FBI raids in two months, lending to a sense of siege in the insular community. (Uriel Heilman) Adding to the pressure, on Tuesday, the New York Daily News and WNYC public radio published and broadcast a joint investigative story scrutinizing the outsized number of low-income, Section 8 housing vouchers that have gone to the Hasidic community in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn – a Satmar neighborhood with close ties to Kiryas Joel.

The WNYC story attributed the voucher aberration to Hasidic “self-dealing that’s impenetrable to outsiders” and cited lawsuits arguing that the Hasidim obtain housing vouchers through unfair or unlawful means. The story also noted that Hasidim are taking the vouchers with them to places outside the city, like Kiryas Joel.

This perfect storm of scrutiny has community leaders on edge. In his speech, Teitelbaum expressed fury that fellow Jews are the source of much of the pressure.

“Due to our many sins, it’s very painful to talk about it, there stood up several worthless people from our own who have studied in Hasidic yeshivas, and sadly they arrived I don’t want to say where. They decided to wage war against the whole ultra-Orthodox Jewish community of New York,” the rebbe said. “They went and snitched to the governments of New York City and New York State with complaints that the students of the yeshivas, of all yeshivas (elementary and middle school) are not learning enough general studies as required by law.”

Yaffed’s Moster is a Brooklyn native who grew up in Hasidic institutions. The sex abuse video presumably was recorded by an insider at United Talmudical Academy and was posted on Facebook by Boorey Deutsch, an Orthodox activist against sex abuse in the community. The alleged E-rate fraud was the subject of investigative stories in 2013 by the New York Jewish Week and the Forward.

Joseph Waldman, a longtime Kiryas Joel community leader who heads a local welfare organization, said the unprecedented assault on the Hasidic community stems from local non-Jews’ fear of its rapid growth – just as the biblical Egyptians feared the rapid growth of the Israelites in Moses’ time.

“That’s the reason they were trying to make the trouble for the Jews in Egypt: The first thing they were afraid was the Jewish families growing so rapidly,” Waldman told JTA. “Here, they are fearful that they’re going to be overwhelmed either by the growth of the environment or by political clout through the bloc votes.”

“They want to stop the community from growing,” he said. “That’s the reason for all the problems.”

May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)

Kiryas Joel, N.Y., Lands Distinction as Nation’s Poorest Place

We are not allowed to do this + we are not white.

A Village With the Numbers, Not the Image, of the Poorest Place


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Women marry young, remain in the village to raise their families and, according to religious strictures, do not use birth control. As a result, the median age (under 12) is the lowest in the country and the household size (nearly six) is the highest. Mothers rarely work outside the home while their children are young.


The nursery at the maternal care center in Kiryas Joel, a facility for women’s postpartum recovery. The center was built with $10 million in federal and state grants. CreditRichard Perry/The New York Times
Most residents, raised as Yiddish speakers, do not speak much English. And most men devote themselves to Torah and Talmud studies rather than academic training — only 39 percent of the residents are high school graduates, and less than 5 percent have a bachelor’s degree. Several hundred adults study full time at religious institutions.

The concentration of poverty in Kiryas Joel, (pronounced KIR-yas Jo-EL) is not a deliberate strategy by the leaders of the Satmar sect, said Joel Oberlander, 30, a title examiner who lives in Williamsburg. “It puts a great strain on their resources,” he said. “They would love to see the better earners of the community relocate as well to balance the situation, but why would they?”

Still, the Census Bureau’s latest poverty estimates, based on the 2005-9 American Community Survey released last year, do not take into account the community’s tradition of philanthropy and no-interest loans. Moreover, some families may be eligible for public benefits because they earn low salaries from the religious congregations and other nonprofit groups that run businesses and religious schools. Nearly half of the village’s residents with jobs work for the public or parochial schools.

“If people want to work in a religious setting and make less than they would earn at B & H, that’s a choice people make,” said Gedalye Szegedin, the village administrator, referring to the giant photo and video retail store in Manhattan whose owner and many of whose employees are members of the Satmar sect.

“I don’t want to be judgmental,” Mr. Szegedin added. “I wouldn’t call it a poor community. I would say some are deprived. I would call it a community with a lot of income-related challenges.”

Because the community typically votes as a bloc, it wields disproportionate political influence, which enables it to meet those challenges creatively. A luxurious 60-bed postnatal maternal care center was built with $10 million in state and federal grants. Mothers can recuperate there for two weeks away from their large families. Rates, which begin at $120 a day, are not covered by Medicaid, although, Mr. Szegedin said, poorer women are typically subsidized by wealthier ones.

One lawmaker, Assemblywoman Nancy Calhoun, a Republican who represents an adjacent district in Orange County, has demanded an investigation by state officials into why Kiryas Joel received grants for the center. “They may be truly poor on paper,” Ms. Calhoun said. “They are not truly poor in reality.”


Workers at a synagogue-owned matzo bakery, one of the economic opportunities the Orange County village has developed. CreditRichard Perry/The New York Times
The village does aggressively pursue economic opportunities. A kosher poultry slaughterhouse, which processes 40,000 chickens a day, is community owned and considered a nonprofit organization. A bakery that produces 800 pounds of matzo daily is owned by one of the village’s synagogues.

Most children attend religious schools, but transportation and textbooks are publicly financed. Several hundred handicapped students are educated by the village’s own public school district, which, because virtually all the students are poor and disabled, is eligible for sizable state and federal government grants.

Statistically, no place comes close to Kiryas Joel. In Athens, Ohio, which ranks second in poverty, 56 percent of the residents are classified as poor.

Still, poverty is largely invisible in the village. Parking lots are full, but strollers and tricycles seem to outnumber cars. A jeweler shares a storefront with a check-cashing office. To avoid stigmatizing poorer young couples or instilling guilt in parents, the chief rabbi recently decreed that diamond rings were not acceptable as engagement gifts and that one-man bands would suffice at weddings. Many residents who were approached by a reporter said they did not want to talk about their finances.

“I cannot say as a group that they are cheating the system,” said William B. Helmreich, a sociology professor who specializes in Judaic studies at City College of the City University of New York, “but I do think that they have, no pun intended, unorthodox methods of getting financial support.”

All of which prompts a fundamental question: Are as many as 7 in 10 Kiryas Joel residents really poor?

“It is, in a sense, a statistical anomaly,” Professor Helmreich said. “They are clearly not wealthy, and they do have a lot of children. They spend whatever discretionary income they have on clothing, food and baby carriages. They don’t belong to country clubs or go to movies or go on trips to Aruba.


New housing on the rise in Kiryas Joel. Public assistance is common: about half of the residents receive food stamps, and one-third receive Medicaid benefits and federal housing vouchers.CreditRichard Perry/The New York Times
“They’re not scrounging around, though. They’re not presenting a picture of poverty as if you would go to a Mexican neighborhood in Corona. They do have organizations that lend money interest-free. They’re also supported by members of the community who are wealthier — it’s not declarable income if somebody buys them a baby carriage.”

David Jolly, the social services commissioner for Orange County, also said that while the number of people receiving benefits seemed disproportionately high, the number of caseloads — a family considered as a unit — was much less aberrant. A family of eight who reports as much as $48,156 in income is still eligible for food stamps, although the threshold for cash assistance ($37,010), which relatively few village residents receive, is lower.

Joel Steinberg, who lives in the village with his family and works as a comptroller for a real estate firm, said that before Passover, “the No. 1 project in the community was raising funds for food.”

Mr. Steinberg recalled encountering a neighbor soliciting help door-to-door last fall: “He had received two shut-off notices from his utility company, he’s behind with tuition and that his food stamps gets used up before the end of the month. He’s paying too much for transportation to his job, and he had had an unexpected expense that forced him into debt.”

William E. Rapfogel, chief executive of the Metropolitan Jewish Council on Poverty, said, “Sure, there are probably people taking advantage and people in the underground economy getting benefits they’re not entitled to, but there are also a lot of poor people.”

Mr. Szegedin, the village administrator, said critics tended to forget that state taxpayers were generally spared because thousands of village children are enrolled in religious schools. Nearby, the Monroe-Woodbury school district, with roughly the same school-age population, spends about $150 million annually, about one-third of which comes from the state. (Albany provides about $5 million of Kiryas Joel’s $16 million public school budget.)

“You also have no drug-treatment programs, no juvenile delinquency program, we’re not clogging the court system with criminal cases, you’re not running programs for AIDS or teen pregnancy,” he said. “I haven’t run the numbers, but I think it’s a wash.”

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Jun 22, 2014
Aren't it those Hasidic ones in Brooklyn specifically getting rich off of taxpayers money through welfare?:francis:
Also, it's been said that Hitler was a self-hating Jew himself and was controlled by the Zionists he talked sh_t about. Zionists hate other Jews.
Like 1/6 Jews in NYC live below the poverty line, many are taken care of by close knit communities, I'll post the links with a helpful infograph later.
And no, Hitler was not a self-hating Jew, that's more anime-style "hate who you really are" bullshyt that conspiracy theorists cooked up while circle jerking.


The Dude
Jan 29, 2016
Like 1/6 Jews in NYC live below the poverty line, many are taken care of by close knit communities, I'll post the links with a helpful infograph later.
And no, Hitler was not a self-hating Jew, that's more anime-style "hate who you really are" bullshyt that conspiracy theorists cooked up while circle jerking.
Your spreading lie after lie this why u gettin ignored


The Dude
Jan 29, 2016
Like 1/6 Jews in NYC live below the poverty line, many are taken care of by close knit communities, I'll post the links with a helpful infograph later.
And no, Hitler was not a self-hating Jew, that's more anime-style "hate who you really are" bullshyt that conspiracy theorists cooked up while circle jerking.
Your spreading lie after lie this why u gettin ignored Hasidic Jews own up to 3.5 million dollars of real estate in Bk they are playing a large role in gentrification @Thomas
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