If you're struggling with cleaning up your diet gtf in here

Hijo de luna

Sep 3, 2014
For me it's been a four year process and what has worked for me is-Instead of just trying to restrict yourself from certain foods, just gradually incorporate more clean foods into your diet. Once you build up to about 50% whole foods, the processed foods start to taste really salty, or super sweet. Eating processed foods is just sucking the salt or sugar out of a certain texture. And they keep putting more and more sodium/sugar in foods because we're so addicted. This is why MOST of our parents and grandparents have high blood pressure and diabetes. Both Dr. Sebi and Dr. Afrika spoke about how the cac diet is harder on us than them.

And think about it, white people run the food processing industry:scusthov:

The food makes us sick, Big Pharma drugs us up and sends us on our way with a bill pinned to our shirt. Lobbyists are in DC throwing billions of dollars basically to do fukked up shyt to us. They wouldn't have to pay if they came with a solution to actually improve the lives of all US citizens.

Check this out. You are a universe. This is your white blood cell chasing and destroying bacteria in your cells. But you have to keep that little soldier strong. People with the House In Virgina got fukked up soldiers that can't fight off bacterial infections.

Give your cells the:steviej:every time you eat.

May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada

Magnesium, The Nutrient That Could Change Your Life: Chapter 4. The Blood

There is, on the average, only one of these cells for each 150 of the red blood cells. These white corpuscles have a unique power. When the bloodstream is invaded by harmful bacteria or any other foreign matter, these white cells are somehow attracted to the source of the invasion, such as a wound, and go to work actually swallowing, and digesting the foreign matter and thus rendering it harmless. They do the same with any foreign bodies that infiltrate the bloodstream. They are the body's first and most important defense against all types of infection.

But to increase the number of such cells circulating in the bloodstream would be a very dangerous thing. Leukemia, cancer of the blood, is marked by precisely such an increase. The destructive capacity of these cells is so great that their numbers must be kept at normal proportions for fear of the damage they might do our own systems if they got out of hand.

But on the other hand, think what it could mean if we could induce the white cells in our blood to double their protective activity without any increase in numbers. It would reduce sharply the possibility that invaders of the bloodstream could get by these defenders and do consequent damage to our systems. It would mean that the need for drugs to fight bacterial invasions would be just about eliminated. It would mean bringing the protective ability of everybody's blood up to the level that is now possessed by the superbly healthy individual.


Nov 29, 2016
I have plateaued like 3 years same size if I eat high carbs scale jumps up i dont think it matters if I stop eating meat