Just came back from a black feminist meeting


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
If you think sex and a back rub is the key to fixing these women issues of abandonment, youre mistaken. You think these women dont get that already? The problem is theyre not being heard. Think for a sec if you was to run up to these women talmbout "damn girl you just need some pipe and you will be alright" Tell you right now that would make them feel worse since they already feel that their bodies dont belong to them, so me telling them what they should let me do to it isnt gonna work.

These women want our ears, not our dikks. If dikk was the key, we wouldnt be having this convo.

Don't read overly deep(no pun) into the sex part, I just enjoy talking about slaying p*ssy....but thats another conversation for another day.:mjpls:

The point I was really getting at was that giving attention to a woman is important...but we have to be careful how we do it as men. We are being watched at all times. While your intentions were good the venue was all wrong. There is no place for healthy male and female interaction in that sort of environment. I feel like a huge issue is misplaced good intentions. We want whats right but we don't do it in the way that maximizes the full potential of the action taking place.

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Its true and doesn't help that some of the mothers have unresolved issues they never addressed before entering motherhood. Knowing the kids are ruined before they even have a chance is the worst. :wow: The damage is so deep I honestly think it would take a miracle to change. I literally watch family members post pics of my lil cousins throwing up gang signs, referring to the son as "her man"....I already know how the story ends.

The thing is, the system is geared towards having the mothers raise the children and have primary custody. In my opinion, you need a man around to raise a boy, otherwise the streets will raise them and they fall prey to the drug game (or whatever else) that the white man has been littering into our communities. It's like going up to a bunch of starving homeless people, throwing a scraps of food in their laps like "here!" and then walking away and laughing at the dismay. shyt is very sad to see. I could be wrong, but once black people started fighting for they rights white people started getting embarrassed about themselves. They was out there talmbout Hitler's disgusting he's out here committing genocide on the basis of ethnicity/religion, but yet they was doing the same to blacks back home. So they started letting us drink out the same fountains and sit and eat in the same restaurants, but we was still risin up with the revolutionaries and tellin each other we gotta up lift ourselves up. So they got scary, as the white man always does, and went into the neighborhoods they segregated us into and littered it with drugs. Young nikkas saw that as easy money, and the prison industrial complex came full force (not like it wasn't happening before, but this time they was throwin nikkas in jail for sellin drugs they supplied us with anyway). So if you look at it, the root of the problem has always been that the minute the white man sees any sort of progress for black people, they start finding ways to destroy it. It baffles me that black women even believe in feminism, the same feminism that had white women out there referring to every black women with a white man as Sally Hemings? Yeah okay. :rudy::heh:

Another problem is, we don't have an outlet to talk about our issues, or whatever we're dealing with. Mental illness is not talked about in the black community enough or even at all, it's so many nikkas that's in the hood that's depressed, suicidal, schizophrenic. I remember my brothas always sayin "man I hope I make it to 25", cause if you look at it a lot of black men in the hood/projects had this genuine fear of not making it to 21 let alone 25. I swear to God when I heard about Trayvon being murdered at 17, I cried my eyes out because he ain't did nothing, and it reminded me of what my brothas told me. Like it was so true. You can't even walk around without a white man being afraid of you because your heart is beating.


Apr 18, 2013
The thing is, the system is geared towards having the mothers raise the children and have primary custody. In my opinion, you need a man around to raise a boy, otherwise the streets will raise them and they fall prey to the drug game (or whatever else) that the white man has been littering into our communities. It's like going up to a bunch of starving homeless people, throwing a scraps of food in their laps like "here!" and then walking away and laughing at the dismay. shyt is very sad to see. I could be wrong, but once black people started fighting for they rights white people started getting embarrassed about themselves. They was out there talmbout Hitler's disgusting he's out here committing genocide on the basis of ethnicity/religion, but yet they was doing the same to blacks back home. So they started letting us drink out the same fountains and sit and eat in the same restaurants, but we was still risin up with the revolutionaries and tellin each other we gotta up lift ourselves up. So they got scary, as the white man always does, and went into the neighborhoods they segregated us into and littered it with drugs. Young nikkas saw that as easy money, and the prison industrial complex came full force (not like it wasn't happening before, but this time they was throwin nikkas in jail for sellin drugs they supplied us with anyway). So if you look at it, the root of the problem has always been that the minute the white man sees any sort of progress for black people, they start finding ways to destroy it. It baffles me that black women even believe in feminism, the same feminism that had white women out there referring to every black women with a white man as Sally Hemings? Yeah okay. :rudy::heh:

Another problem is, we don't have an outlet to talk about our issues, or whatever we're dealing with. Mental illness is not talked about in the black community enough or even at all, it's so many nikkas that's in the hood that's depressed, suicidal, schizophrenic. I remember my brothas always sayin "man I hope I make it to 25", cause if you look at it a lot of black men in the hood/projects had this genuine fear of not making it to 21 let alone 25. I swear to God when I heard about Trayvon being murdered at 17, I cried my eyes out because he ain't did nothing, and it reminded me of what my brothas told me. Like it was so true. You can't even walk around without a white man being afraid of you because your heart is beating.

The Real

May 8, 2012
Another problem is, we don't have an outlet to talk about our issues, or whatever we're dealing with. Mental illness is not talked about in the black community enough or even at all, it's so many nikkas that's in the hood that's depressed, suicidal, schizophrenic.

This is so real. I'll never forget this one experience I had while working at a bookstore a few hours a week to help pay for college. This elderly Black woman came in, and she asked to talk to me, so I went over to help her, but she almost seemed scared to speak. Then she looked around and told me to wait until the white staff had moved further away. After they did, she asked me if we had any books that she could read to help her with the pain of racism, and that she didn't want to ask any of the other workers because they were all white and wouldn't understand, plus they were the ones she was struggling with, in a way. She said she felt completely alienated due to her life circumstances as a poor, Black woman and that the racism she experienced was causing her serious depression, and that living in a white world made it so no one understood or believed the extent of her problems. It was deep... I was just a kid, didn't really know how to respond, but I tried to help find the books and gave her some empathy and some ideas for mental health.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
The thing is, the system is geared towards having the mothers raise the children and have primary custody. In my opinion, you need a man around to raise a boy, otherwise the streets will raise them and they fall prey to the drug game (or whatever else) that the white man has been littering into our communities. It's like going up to a bunch of starving homeless people, throwing a scraps of food in their laps like "here!" and then walking away and laughing at the dismay. shyt is very sad to see. I could be wrong, but once black people started fighting for they rights white people started getting embarrassed about themselves. They was out there talmbout Hitler's disgusting he's out here committing genocide on the basis of ethnicity/religion, but yet they was doing the same to blacks back home. So they started letting us drink out the same fountains and sit and eat in the same restaurants, but we was still risin up with the revolutionaries and tellin each other we gotta up lift ourselves up. So they got scary, as the white man always does, and went into the neighborhoods they segregated us into and littered it with drugs. Young nikkas saw that as easy money, and the prison industrial complex came full force (not like it wasn't happening before, but this time they was throwin nikkas in jail for sellin drugs they supplied us with anyway). So if you look at it, the root of the problem has always been that the minute the white man sees any sort of progress for black people, they start finding ways to destroy it. It baffles me that black women even believe in feminism, the same feminism that had white women out there referring to every black women with a white man as Sally Hemings? Yeah okay. :rudy::heh:

Another problem is, we don't have an outlet to talk about our issues, or whatever we're dealing with. Mental illness is not talked about in the black community enough or even at all, it's so many nikkas that's in the hood that's depressed, suicidal, schizophrenic. I remember my brothas always sayin "man I hope I make it to 25", cause if you look at it a lot of black men in the hood/projects had this genuine fear of not making it to 21 let alone 25. I swear to God when I heard about Trayvon being murdered at 17, I cried my eyes out because he ain't did nothing, and it reminded me of what my brothas told me. Like it was so true. You can't even walk around without a white man being afraid of you because your heart is beating.


Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
This is so real. I'll never forget this one experience I had while working at a bookstore a few hours a week to help pay for college. This elderly Black woman came in, and she asked to talk to me, so I went over to help her, but she almost seemed scared to speak. Then she looked around and told me to wait until the white staff had moved further away. After they did, she asked me if we had any books that she could read to help her with the pain of racism, and that she didn't want to ask any of the other workers because they were all white and wouldn't understand, plus they were the ones she was struggling with, in a way. She said she felt completely alienated due to her life circumstances as a poor, Black woman and that the racism she experienced was causing her serious depression, and that living in a white world made it so no one understood or believed the extent of her problems. It was deep... I was just a kid, didn't really know how to respond, but I tried to help find the books and gave her some empathy and some ideas for mental health.

And she's not the only one. The same thing happened with my own father, until it eventually got to him. Imagine just growing up during that time, I honestly don't know how they did it. Black people are the funniest people in the world, and the most creative in my opinion, because I believe it was one of the ways they were able to get through life during slavery. We're so resilient as a people we'll just deny having any sort of problems, and I think that's a true testament to our character. So with this divide between black men and women, we're suffering in different ways, I feel like if we got together and actually tried to resolve these issues we'd move forward as a people. There's no reason for us to just suffer on our own, or try to hash out these issues without being in each others presence, cause it either becomes a sausagefest or a these nikkas ain't shyt fest. And it does nothing but waste our damn time. We're harboring so many issues of our own, especially black mothers, that if they just felt acknowledged maybe it would help us better understand each other. I know I saw that with my own parents, my mother was harboring her own resentment, my father was dealing with being a black man in this country (especially one that was a part of revolutionary movements that were being considered threats to America no word of a lie, Hoover said it himself) so it was a complete disconnect between the two. And sadly, it's still there.


Da Spice...
May 1, 2012
Basically, that's a huge issue and why I can't get with this whole black feminism movement. Because of brothas have been ripped from us by this bullshyt justice system and the streets, or whatever else, why the fukk would I do the same? I have 9 brothas myself, as black women we need to hold down the fort and stop checking for this bullshyt feminist movement when nobody is checking for us but ourselves. Why would I join a movement that was created by the very devils who created it, and took them from me? That's an issue that needs to be talked about more.

Whenever I read any of your posts I always start hearin shyt like dis playin in mah head:


Mike Ock

All Star
Jul 8, 2012
The World, but from BK
Only 10 percent of black people make 50 thousand dollars a year. Are alot of these frustrations whether they know it or not revolving around how broke nikkas are. When they say, i dont feel safe are they in a way speaking on the lack of stability men can provide as providers. 2 people making 70k a year in a city with a real estate market that makes upgrading unrealistic can cause problems. I just wonder, is it because nikkas are broke?

I straight up don't believe this statistic.

@Willstyles , :salute: at the topic and insight though.


eienaar van mans
May 1, 2012
That's true and all but in the end he better stay black because those "PAWGs" he's licking his chops at weren't looking his way when he was elbow deep in dishwater either.

Nah that is where you are wrong...that would be an entirely other thread...and I ain't even in to white chicks like that period...but other races of women...especially white women...are much more likely to stay with a man who has "potential" than wait for a man to be "good"...

in my example would the white chick be with the dude at the dishwasher phase...probably not

but by the waiter to cook face...yeah...she would...cause she would say to herself..."hhmmm...next move after cook is bartender...manager...something that pays good money...i am not going to just have him move in with me but I am definitely gonna be flirting...definitely gonna be some groping...definitely gonna be giving him head once a month..."


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
The thing is, the system is geared towards having the mothers raise the children and have primary custody. In my opinion, you need a man around to raise a boy, otherwise the streets will raise them and they fall prey to the drug game (or whatever else) that the white man has been littering into our communities. It's like going up to a bunch of starving homeless people, throwing a scraps of food in their laps like "here!" and then walking away and laughing at the dismay. shyt is very sad to see. I could be wrong, but once black people started fighting for they rights white people started getting embarrassed about themselves. They was out there talmbout Hitler's disgusting he's out here committing genocide on the basis of ethnicity/religion, but yet they was doing the same to blacks back home. So they started letting us drink out the same fountains and sit and eat in the same restaurants, but we was still risin up with the revolutionaries and tellin each other we gotta up lift ourselves up. So they got scary, as the white man always does, and went into the neighborhoods they segregated us into and littered it with drugs. Young nikkas saw that as easy money, and the prison industrial complex came full force (not like it wasn't happening before, but this time they was throwin nikkas in jail for sellin drugs they supplied us with anyway). So if you look at it, the root of the problem has always been that the minute the white man sees any sort of progress for black people, they start finding ways to destroy it. It baffles me that black women even believe in feminism, the same feminism that had white women out there referring to every black women with a white man as Sally Hemings? Yeah okay. :rudy::heh:

Another problem is, we don't have an outlet to talk about our issues, or whatever we're dealing with. Mental illness is not talked about in the black community enough or even at all, it's so many nikkas that's in the hood that's depressed, suicidal, schizophrenic. I remember my brothas always sayin "man I hope I make it to 25", cause if you look at it a lot of black men in the hood/projects had this genuine fear of not making it to 21 let alone 25. I swear to God when I heard about Trayvon being murdered at 17, I cried my eyes out because he ain't did nothing, and it reminded me of what my brothas told me. Like it was so true. You can't even walk around without a white man being afraid of you because your heart is beating.

:wow: That theory of yours is more true than people would like to believe. The whole save the ethnic people over the world but destroy your own black citizens dynamic still baffles me. I had a white college professor tell me one of the realist things I ever heard...he told me if your ever at an older Caucasian family's home and they are hosting you as a guest. Ask to see old family pictures and souvenirs they've kept. He told me the further you dig you would likely find a picture of a lynching that was used as a postcard and see a younger version of their grandfather in the picture. So they wouldn't really let you see photos before the 70's. Told me about how his own family members act cool in public but long for the "good ole days" when "times were different". Thats a different thread for a different day though. :mjpls:

I agree that the men need to be a bigger part of raising these kids. A man is going to be able to reach a young male in ways that a woman can't reach him and a young lady should learn how to be treated by a man from her father.

The mental illness thing is a tragedy. I think it has a lot to do with shame and not wanting to seem weak to outsiders.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
This is so real. I'll never forget this one experience I had while working at a bookstore a few hours a week to help pay for college. This elderly Black woman came in, and she asked to talk to me, so I went over to help her, but she almost seemed scared to speak. Then she looked around and told me to wait until the white staff had moved further away. After they did, she asked me if we had any books that she could read to help her with the pain of racism, and that she didn't want to ask any of the other workers because they were all white and wouldn't understand, plus they were the ones she was struggling with, in a way. She said she felt completely alienated due to her life circumstances as a poor, Black woman and that the racism she experienced was causing her serious depression, and that living in a white world made it so no one understood or believed the extent of her problems. It was deep... I was just a kid, didn't really know how to respond, but I tried to help find the books and gave her some empathy and some ideas for mental health.
after helping her find the books

did you attempt to get her number so u can smash?
ease her depression u know


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
well the issue is that most black men start off so far behind the 8 ball that they are very rarely good from the jump...as a black man you have to learn how to be "good"...you have to want to be "good"...you have to dedicate yourself to being "good"...and the problem with black women is that they don't really want to have you around while you are going through this process...

When a black man is washing the dishes...a black women won't want anything to do with him...girl please...this nikka wash dishes for a living...:heh:
But when that black man is washing dishes he has that moment when he realizes...damn i am 22 and washing dishes i got to get my shyt together:sadbron:

Then he move from washing dishes to waiting tables...but a black woman won't want anything to do with him...girl please...this nikka wait tables for a living ...girl lets scrape all this food on one plate to help this nikka out :heh:
But when that black man is waiting tables he realizes that a few months ago he was washing dishes...and well slow motion is better than no motion :manny:

Then he move from waiting tables to cooking...but no black woman will want anything to do with him...girl please this nikka a cook...this nikka back here in all that grease all day...nikka go home every night smelling like crisco...:heh:
But when that black man is cooking...well now he been there awhile...now people who been there know him as the guy who went from washing to cooking...and now that black man is seeing the in and outs of the business...and he is thinking :leon:...you know i could add a lil spice here...try this...try that...get a little creative...:leon:

Then he move from cooking to bartending...and now that black woman might not want him...but now she kinda interested... now he on her radar...now she see him out here mixing drinks and flirting with chicks and they tipping him 10 dollars and damn who is this white dude in a suit he seems to be all buddy buddy with...:leon:...damn it's 3 a.m and i am still here...damn is he taking that entire tip jar home:damn:...damn i see some 20's in that jar:damn:
And now that black man is right there on the precipice...cause he has washed dishes...busted tables...served food...and cooked food...and been a bartender...and you know what...it took 3 years but damn everybody know this guy...people who have been coming here know him by name...when he says he used to be a cook people say "so that was YOUR eggplant paremesean :leon::ooh:

And then...they got a management gig open up...a new place opening up...and who do they ask...that black man of course...because he has seen every ounce of this place and knows it in and out
And now this nikka got a suit...now you look at the restaurant owned by or property managed by or team management manager is...this nikka...

And now all these black women are like :pachaha::wub:...girl that is a good man...girl he OWNS something...girl look at him in that suit i bet he got a big dikk...girl he worked his way up the right way...girl that is a gawd damn good man right there you think he single...

But...what those black women don't realize is that he was a good man when he was just washing dishes...

And well you didn't want him then...and now...well now he owns something and he doesn't really have time for you...he doesn't have any emotional attachment to you, black woman, because when he first became a good man washing that sticky ass alfredo off them plates...he looked around and didn't see you...black woman...:mjpls::mjpls::mjpls:...you were to busy bashing him for washing dishes and being a 20 year old still living at home and having no ambition remember...:mjpls::mjpls::mjpls:

You don't want a good black man who is a good black man...you want a regular black man who is making the transition to a good black man...cause that transition is a very real struggle...and when he makes it that black man will always look back and remember the people around him in that struggle...or the lack of people...black woman...:mjpls::mjpls:

....first of all, I love how you racially sequester your tangent as if beautiful, accomplished women from all other racial categories are habitually dating dishwashers, fast food workers, etc....anyway, cant win here: when black women take a chance on a diamond in the rough --- and it just turns out to be rough (which is the immediate dating pool for many low income people), they are ridiculed for having a kid with a loser, and shunned as single mother. If they show some discipline, and create standards that they expect men to meet before they get seriously involved, then its "look at this uppity nikker bytch who dont wanna take a chance on me, Imma show her and get me a white girl as soon as my fortunes change" (as if the white woman was down from day one, lol)

Just say that you have been indoctrinated by the european standards of beauty, and you prefer white women. Stop trying to insult everyone's intelligence.

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
That's exactly what I'm talking about, and I've been through that in my own personal life. It's disheartening but you now where the root of the problem is, the white devil, then you can move on from there. It's a lot of black women placing that blame on black men which completely and utterly confuses me but most of the time it's like talking to a brick wall. It's gonna take a lot of convincing on their side as well.

It's entirely possible, the black men I know are open, willing, and acknowledge it. We used to talk about these issues all the time in college, and we came to an understanding because it was right there in front of us it was nothing but crackas.

These women know about the root of the problem which is why its not and never was a shyt on black men group. This group is about depression that comes from black men being taken away by themselves or society. Most of these women have lost men in their life, there is not grief counseling in the hood for us. Us Black men walk around fukked up in the head thinking that losing our brothers, cousins, uncles, fathers and friends to street violence or jail is a every day thing. We are taught not to show emotion, too be strong and not talk about shyt cause others might think youre soft. On my way home I had to pull over and get some fresh air, cause I felt sick. If im having nightmares about my dead friends and still learning how to deal with their lost, imagine how the women most feel.