Let's settle this once and for all: Should blacks vote Republican or Democrat?

Nov 18, 2016
At this point we need to throw votes to the republican side to show Democrats we’re not blind loyalists that way they actually promise some shyt for our communities.

If they don’t then let this country burn under the constraints of conservative economic politics, fukk it.
Also black people need to be taught how o thrive under Republican policy.

We've been preached a message of fear for so long that we automatically assume Republican policies will be bad for us.

I'm talking about economics mainly. When it comes to issues of policing we need to be focus locally and stop being obsessed with the federal government when iis local policy that has he biggest impact
Nov 18, 2016
The republicans are more honest about what they want. They don't care for blacks and let you know that. On the other hand, the democrats want the same thing, but they're so skilled at manipulation that they've got blacks cheering on their own demise. This is the party that helped destroy the middle class with NAFTA, blew up the black family with feminism and welfare, locked tons of blacks up with three strike laws and has a member that openly praises Margaret Sanger in Hillary Clinton. Let's not forget Al Gore, on video, going to Africa and telling them they need to control their population. Despite all of that, blacks defend Democrats like their mother.

Democrats know more than anything that black people want inclusion so they sell that to us really hard and it works, especially on black women who feel invisible in society (seems to work less on black men who crave independence which is a core Republican value but they've done a great job of separating black womemn from black men and empowering black women to think they don't need or have to follow black men so they've solved that issue..that and incarceration which was accelerated by the Democratic party through the Clintons and the Congressional Black Caucus).

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
Democrats know more than anything that black people want inclusion so they sell that to us really hard and it works, especially on black women who feel invisible in society (seems to work less on black men who crave independence which is a core Republican value but they've done a great job of separating black womemn from black men and empowering black women to think they don't need or have to follow black men so they've solved that issue..that and incarceration which was accelerated by the Democratic party through the Clintons and the Congressional Black Caucus).

Great point breh


Aug 25, 2015
It’s not a sports team, vote for who has your best interest.

Id abandon two party politics and vote across parties if you agree.

Party loyalty is regressive and means you get taken for granted

I cant see myself voting for the conservatives (UK Version of Republicans) but I wouldnt rule most parties out if I happened to agree.

Jun 24, 2012
No, it just doesn't make any sense. I'm being serious. You're trying to argue that perception doesn't matter, while actively trying to change the perception of a person/party in this very thread. You're employing the same propaganda you used in the past that was debunked (the youtube video, the campaign buttons, ignoring party realignment). You tie those [negative] things to that person and it hurts how they're perceived. That works on the highly susceptible. That works on people like you. That works on fickle moderates. The KKK retard understands this, which is why he backed off from endorsing Trump and switched to Clinton. But his lie about donating such an amount fell apart under scrutiny. I mean, we argued this in 2016. The FEC proved it was a lie, but here you are... again. We know how these people operate. I know how you operate.

@88m3 Uncle Grand Dragon of the KKK supports Hilary Clinton - Here's the last thread where this shyt was debunked.

You posted a [irrelevant] Jim Powell opinion piece as if I should care about some Cato Institute talking-head. Again, I don't understand. When I say I know what was at stake, I'm speaking of the supreme court, the lower courts, having a functioning government, net neutrality, climate change, something that's not full of sycophants. I mean, I'm open to you showing me where Obama supported and singed on for Trump to decimate the EPA? Are you suggesting that Obama supported putting a white supremacist at the head of the Justice Department? Did Obama agree to appoint a bunch of unqualified, young racist white males to the lower courts? Are you saying that Obama really wanted Gorsuch in the SC? Show me where this was already done and signed years ago and I'll shut up.

Disagreement is fine if it's rational. You're not a rational person. You bring baseless conspiracy and nothing more.

1. Perception matters in some cases but not in this case. Logic should be used easily. The New Yorker article spent alot of time focusing on showing evidence of Quigg lying about his donation and his tweets but somehow lacks info on who and how he influenced in his tricks? Show evidence that his psychology skills are valuable outside his group and turned moderate voters over to Trump? There is none just like the Russian hack.

2. The Reverse Psychology worked on you instead. The news networks all colluded the public by pushing Trump( a non factor) into the spotlight more and more. At first they laughed at his viewpoints but then started to create a huge narrative on him. It was already shown in the Wikileaks. It was all planned to push Trump vs Hillary. A tactic used from both parties to sway votes to shytty candidate's backed by Wall Street, Israel, Big Pharma and Big Business.

2a. I don't vote so none of this shyt effects me. I dont support either party so it effects me none.

3. So the opinion piece doesnt hold weight and is dismissed by you. Somehow you totally missed the point in why i posted it. I posted it because there is a real EO signed by Obama giving a president unlimited power. You can't and won't debunk it. Now Trump is in office, he can do whatever he wants. It's already too late.

3a. Supreme Courts and Lower courts arent stopping anything worth talking about. They are all bought and paid for. Net Neutrality has been a mess and was purposefully sabotaged to give corporations more power over people and limit their choices and 1st amendment. Climate Change is another farce because neither party has the right information and both have created these conditions.

4.Justice Dept is a oxymoron. Lower Courts are still put young black men in jail under Obama and Clinton so they are nothing new. Problem is you think the broken system can only be fixed under democrats when it will never be fixed.

5. I'll wait to you show me black people have succeeded as a whole under the democrats. That's rational thinking...you fail to comprehend.


Nov 5, 2015
Democrat if u black or Hispanic republican if u white.

If blacks economics ever go up u should vote republicans.

Niether party really any good.

Republicans attack blacks with police and attack lower economic blacks cutting welfare and jobs and housing that can help poor people.

Democrats attack blacks with white feminist

quoted for truth


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
One side always thinks the other is stupid. My personal opinion, whether you think both sides are racist, that's an opinion. History shows at least Democrats give us power in the Senate, our first president was a Democrat, and Democrats need us along with other minorities to be in power. Whereas you're literally a puppet to Republicans... I will never understand you black Republican brehs

Democrats have a history of getting KKK support. Look it up.


Nov 18, 2016
You riding with Pritzker breh?

Nah. I need someone who would slap Madigan in the mouth for me. Don't see him doing that.

Though Bruce could do it, but he low key admitted he can't do it .

Who's left? Jeanne Ives crushed Bruce the other day in :wow: fashion.. Maybe her or Kennedy..

Will definitely pay attention to who is saying what in the coming months.