Let's settle this once and for all: Should blacks vote Republican or Democrat?

Dec 19, 2017

Seriously, it really depends on where you live. Brehs that live on the coasts in Democratic strongholds should consider different types of candidates...even those that aren't Democrat. What Northeast/Midwestern/West Coast people consider "conservative" would be considered pretty damn liberal here in Texas. Y'alls conservatives are more like centrists....so it might help to move your vote around to keep the Dems on their toes. Down here, I'd NEVER EVER EVER EVER vote Rethuglican. Our state is so dominated by the GOP that we really need to break the lock. The big cities in TX (not including surrounding 'burbs) are mostly Democrat but everything else is redder than cherry kool-aid.

I'd be happy if we just went purple.
Jun 24, 2012
1. It doesn't matter whether it was effective or not, the point is, he was lying about his endorsement. You don't even have to use his words to know he was lying, either; the FEC proved that he was lying about a 20k donation.

2. This is more dumb conspiracy bullshyt. Wikileaks didn't show shyt. Wikileaks is a Russian psyop. What you're referring to is the pied piper strategy, something a lot of you misunderstand. It's a sound strategy, which has been used in the past, to tie the opposing party to its worst candidate [Trump], to force the more moderate candidates to lead from his positions. There was no grand collusion/conspiracy to get Trump elected, you idiot. Calling Trump a non-factor is a tactic used to downplay the fact this country is overwhelmingly racist. Trump was their perfect candidate.

3. The opinion piece is arguing something that I'm not arguing. It is irrelevant. Further, a president still doesn't have unlimited power. If Trump had unlimited power, he was easily be able to bypass congress to get his wall, he wouldn't have to wait on congress to defund the ACA, he wouldn't have to rely on Rosenstein and to kill the Russia investigation and so on... I hate trying to talk about politics with idiots who see conspiracy everywhere.

3a. Again, more conspiracy bullshyt without a shred of evidence to back it up. Ajit Pai is responsible for the current mess surrounding NN - nothing more. And it has absolutely nothing to do with the 1st amendment (you're using the telecom industry argument) *1. This is another sign that you don't know what you're talking about. Your stance on climate change is just laughable. I'm sure you have all the right information, right? You got it from random YOUTUBE conspiracy videos too, right?

*1: Writers Guild Pushes Back on Argument that Net Neutrality Rules Violate First Amendment

4. This is gobbledygook. I have a bunch of posts on here on how Obama and Holder, while making some good changes wrt criminal justice reform, just wasn't enough. That has all been rolled back by your idol Jeff Sessions.

5. This is you putting words in my mouth. I'll never make such a claim. I can, however, show you where republicans wage war on my right to vote. Or on my representation. And in many other ways *2. Anyway, I'm tired of your straw man arguments. You ignore everything put in front of you to push a narrative. fukk you. I believe this is enough for anyone reading you suss out your true intentions here. You have revealed yourself to be nothing more than a racist, white supremacist through your repeated use of their tactics and language in this thread.


1. So reverse psychology doesn't have to be effected because you said so? The only thing that mattered to you in the whole argument was the donation. He said vocally he was voting for Clinton and lied about the donation, so why did you bring me a bullshyt article about his "Magic Mind Powers"? Loss #1

2. First you said I'm speaking on conspiracy theories and then you go onto a conspiracy theory that Wikileaks in a Russian Psyops. Can you provide evidence of Wikileaks being a Russian Psyop. You did so wonderful explaining the tactics of KKK members with their mind magic in our last page. I'm still waiting on your weak argument that Trump( Hillary's cousin) was the perfect candidate. The country is overwhelming racist?..only Liberals scream such foolishness and don't provide any examples. Instead of looking at the racist institutions, you clowns look at the individuals when there is a problem with racism. Only 119 Million people voted in 2016. There is 324 Million people in the U.S. you do the math on your racism voting problem. Loss #2

3. You still crying about the opinion piece instead of looking at the facts. I bet if that piece was done by a liberal you would eat up every word. Problem with your type, is you lack intelligence to seek information. Doesn't matter where it's coming from as long as the information is valid. Fact is your brain won't be able to comprehend simple shyt given to you because you think it's complex. Executive Order 13603....read it and wheep. #Loss 3

3a. Ajit was appointed by Obama, so that's another loss for you.....:mjlol:.
3b. My stance on Climate Change is laughable but I never explained my stance other than a comment made. :gucci:

3c. What does Youtube videos have to do with my climate change viewpoint?

4. I don't care what you have on Obama and Holder, Justice Dept has and always been a oxymoron. What Justice have they done for Black folks in the last 30 years? You keep putting the Republicans on me like that's my people because you have weak argument.

5. Instead of giving me real facts about what the Dems have done for anyone in the country, you stay crying about me and then bring in the fukkboy republicans excuse "Well your boy Sessions did this and Trump blah blah blah".


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
Jesus Christ, so much nonsense in this post. Don't even know where to start :blessed:

1) Abortion isn't a "black" issue no matter how much you want to make it an agenda. Women of all races get pregnant. The fukk, I refuse to even go deeper into this ridiculous point.

2) "Welfare" also isn't a "black" issue. You're coming off as a real racist cac thinking abortion and welfare is synonymous with black. MAJORITY OF PEOPLE ON WELFARE ARE WHITE! You are so misinformed it's annoying.

3) Guns kill people, period. Countries that banned guns have all seen drastic drops in gun crimes as a result. All those people killed in Vegas were white. All these recent major shootings, majority of the victims were white. But the issue with gun control is not about race.

Please don't quote me anymore because you sound either really young or just plain old dumb :hhh:
You stay woke. LOL.
Jun 24, 2012
Jesus Christ, so much nonsense in this post. Don't even know where to start :blessed:

1) Abortion isn't a "black" issue no matter how much you want to make it an agenda. Women of all races get pregnant. The fukk, I refuse to even go deeper into this ridiculous point.

3) Guns kill people, period. Countries that banned guns have all seen drastic drops in gun crimes as a result. All those people killed in Vegas were white. All these recent major shootings, majority of the victims were white. But the issue with gun control is not about race.

Please don't quote me anymore because you sound either really young or just plain old dumb :hhh:

1. Abortion's Racial Gap

Black America, Abortion and the Morality of Choice | Black Agenda Report

3. Gun Crimes doesn't equal No crime. Crime contines to be high in banned gun countries.

:francis: You aren't educated period.


Feb 12, 2015
Neither but Democratic if a gun is placed to my head.

I believe the lower to middle class working poor peoples of the world should form their own political systems. Most people have the same beliefs or platforms. Most want policies that don't fukk over hard working individuals but also aren't down with the circus show of trans-homo holiday mess that Democrats try to push along with it's more reasonable economic policies.

If somebody was smart enough to create a political party that was socially and economically moderate without the hate and greed of the Republican Party or the absurdity and panderering of the Democratic Party, that ALSO paid attention to the environment and invested in the youth, nobody except hardcore fringe nutjobs would ever participate in a two party system ever again.

Anybody wanna start the Pragmatist Party?

-Care about the environment
b/c that's where we live u dumb fukks. And we think that Americans need to slow down and cut back on consumption so that we can have a place to exist on and water to drink b/c ya know...that shyt matters.

-Aren't feminist or misogynists.
We are humanists. We aren't pro-choice, we are pro-prevention. That means having real conversations about sex and relationships and gender interactions in our schools so our kids don't grow up as lame ass woman hating, socially awkward rejects or bitter entitled bytches or irresponsible silly a$$holes whether they are male or female.

-Like modified capitalism but we also support social welfare.
No more tax breaks for the wealthy. Fukk the elite. No more pretending that trickle down economics works. We won't be controlled or swayed by outside big businesses and cronyism. Instead we will give tax rewards only to companies that give a shyt about their workers, provide reformed social benefits for Americans who need them. We will also have monthly educational talks on television that will help Americans understand economics and where our money goes in an attempt at transparency. We believe a well informed populace is a stronger one. We will also divert funds to lower income communities to establish employment programs, financial literacy programs, and provide pathways from homelessness to homeownership.

-We love our immigrants, but we also recognize that we can't sustain huge illegal immigration at the cost of current citizens.
Sooooo we aren't going to fukk with your countries for ur natural resources anymore which we anticipate will go far towards ur own countries becoming more stabilized and decreasing immigration.

And when u do immigrate to America, you will have to invest in American goods and services. All immigrants will be require to pay an extra tax for the first 5 years of staying here to offset the costs of our country absorbing you. Also any illegal immigrants will not be deported, but will be required to pay fees to stay. Only immigrants engaging in criminal activity will be deported.

-We don't really care about ur sexual orientation.
We support traditional nuclear family models, however we won't restrict rights for non-traditional families. However we also won't allow said non-traditional relationship models to usurp the emphasis on the nuclear male/female family. We'll protect ur rights to be you but we aren't putting policies in place to provide special privileges for you such as changing restrooms or allowing u to jeopardize the strength of our armies to make u feel better.

-We want to encourage a return to simpler values while juxtaposing that with cutting edge technology.
This we are supporters of innovation in agriculture, urban farming and personal farms and gardens. We will provide subsidies and tax breaks for families who seek food and water independence. We will also provide tax breaks and assistance to sustainable farms that are energy efficient and provide meat and produce in healthy ways. We will also work with the department of education to establish a farming curriculum to increase awareness about food production and water conservation.

-Each generation had its calling. Our generation will be the generation that discovers fully sustainable clean energy.
Government will fund research programs and STEM programs that work specifically towards utilizing and inventing systems that focus on clean, sustainable energy. We want to fund facilities that are run entirely on stored solar and wind energy, and entire industries that prioritize clean energy sources.

-Our criminal justice system will be completely reformed.
Police officers with a history of racially charged violence will be terminated as liabilities to our justice system. Criminals with petty misdemeanors will be moved to rehabilitation centers or armed educational facilities where they will undergo a series of rigorous studies based on life skills, financial literacy, entrepreneurship and personal money management. Depending on their scores on these psychological and academic trials, their sentences can be reduced by up to 90%. ALL prison systems will be run by and funded by the government by officials that are vetted and trained. Private prison systems will be shut down and turned into schools.

-Chronic unemployment beyond a 2 year time period is illegal beyond the age of 21 unless you are in a financial position to sustain it without reliance on social welfare programs, or are enrolled in a 4 year educational program or military unit or are over the age of 60 or are pregnant/disabled/medical leave/or living sustainably off the grid.
If you are unemployed beyond the 2 year time period, you will be required to register with the U.S. Department of Employment that will assess your cost of living, your interests and abilities and match you with comparable employment and transportation options in your area.
Single mothers and fathers will be provided with local surveillanced quality childcare. Subsidies will be given to individuals who wish to establish small businesses and franchises along with a set of required courses that provide information on steps and forms required to get started. Attendance to these classes assures government financial assistance in the form of small business loans to help with starting costs.
Government subsidized housing will be provided with the enrollment in the government housing program. However enrollment in this program also requires that participants are taxed with a fee that goes towards an untouchable savings account to be used towards financial independence when participant is ready to live without government assistance. Credit will be carefully monitored to ensure it is competitive by the time individuals leave the system.

-I'm sorry but we don't get why money should be given to Israel. So we're not doing that any longer.

-Educational reforms will be geared towards authentic learning experiences and creating citizens with both strong academic skills and strong trade skills as well.

-Government funding will be redirected from senseless military spending to improved housing and community infrastructure in low income neighborhoods.
Government gentrification will provide housing upgrades and subsidies to the home owners in poor neighborhoods to improve their communities and stay in their homes while encouraging investors and business owners to create industries and franchises in these neighborhoods.

-Due to social changes in American consumption patterns and clean energy innovations, we predict energy independence by 2040. Thus our military will be actively working to stabilize currently occupied countries in order to be able to pull out our troops. Troops will be trained in medical and combat readiness to transistion from war efforts to rebuilding infrastructures.

-See website for health care reform, elimination of war on drugs, reparations.


"It's just common sense!"


Jan 9, 2015
Your own interests first, and then Democratic. Thats only because the Republican party have just about lost all credibility under Trump, in my opinion. Still, Democrats have a history of playing identity politics to win elections and then falling short when it comes to policy.

For this reason we as a people should be weary to blindly vote Democratic, and instead seek out the progressives who actually intend on improving our communities.


Jan 9, 2015
They been lost credibility after Bush

Not necessarily politically. Bush was still a conservative and his policies reflected that more often than not. I say they lost credibility under Trump simply because it doesnt seem to be about conservative ideals with them anymore. To me, it seems like theyre riding this populist Trump train and loving every second of it.

Fundamental Republican ideals be damned, theyre going to support and defend whatever decision Trump makes, even if completely contradicts what they stand for as a party.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
Not necessarily politically. Bush was still a conservative and his policies reflected that more often than not. I say they lost credibility under Trump simply because it doesnt seem to be about conservative ideals with them anymore. To me, it seems like theyre riding this populist Trump train and loving every second of it.

Fundamental Republican ideals be damned, theyre going to support and defend whatever decision Trump makes, even if completely contradicts what they stand for as a party.

Bush was a world class idiot that led us into an unnecessary war that killed over 250,000 people. A war he later joked about. A war that cost taxpayers money and put our economy down to shyt and started a recession. His policies didn't mean a damn thing.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
1. Abortion's Racial Gap

Black America, Abortion and the Morality of Choice | Black Agenda Report

3. Gun Crimes doesn't equal No crime. Crime contines to be high in banned gun countries.

:francis: You aren't educated period.

Since I'm bored, I'll actually reply to this.

Abortion is NOT just a black thing. Women period are effected by this. I don't care what some article from 2014 says. You're an idiot for thinking this is some how relevant to race when originally religious purposes were the reasons that conservatives were anti-abortion and still are til this day. Wouldn't Reps and Conservatives be pro-abortion if it meant more aborted black babies? C'mon son...

Like how you flipped it from "gun crimes" to crimes. The original topic was guns. Stop deflecting.

You sir, are not the educated one.
Jun 24, 2012
Since I'm bored, I'll actually reply to this.

Abortion is NOT just a black thing. Women period are effected by this. I don't care what some article from 2014 says. You're an idiot for thinking this is some how relevant to race when originally religious purposes were the reasons that conservatives were anti-abortion and still are til this day. Wouldn't Reps and Conservatives be pro-abortion if it meant more aborted black babies? C'mon son...

Like how you flipped it from "gun crimes" to crimes. The original topic was guns. Stop deflecting.

You sir, are not the educated one.


1. I gave you the link how it effects black women. Why would Republicans be pro abortion if the democrats are pro. Stop ignoring the problem.

2. Key word is Crime, maybe you should comprehend what is talked about in context.