PLEASE HELP. My tenants organized and are saying they won't pay rent this month. ALL OF THEM.

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Average apartment in houston = 1338$ a month

Times 32 units. Times 12 months equals over a half a million a year gross. Her expenses ain't even half that

Duuuurr I NeEd HeLP Half A MilLioN a YeaR Is My OnlY iNcOme durrrr

You have to pay a mortgage + property taxes on those units. The mortgage + property tax may very well be $475,000 out of your $500,000

The coli loves to shyt on landlords but have no idea how much hard work it requires to rent 1 house, let alone 32 units.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
You have to pay a mortgage + property taxes on those units. The mortgage + property tax may very well be $475,000 out of your $500,000

The coli loves to shyt on landlords but have no idea how much hard work it requires to rent 1 house, let alone 32 units.

If it's so much work, then why not just sell all those units to people who will actually live in them, pocket the profits, and then get a real job that contributes to society? :wtf:

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
If it's so much work, then why not just sell all those units to people who will actually live in them, pocket the profits, and then get a real job that contributes to society? :wtf:

Tell me how she's supposed to sell units if folks don't even have 1 month of savings?

Anything that generates a good cash flow is hard work from the beginning. Your own business, real estate, stocks, etc The point of investing into Real Estate is to not work. Work hard then reap the profits. A majority of landlords work they ass off to get to that point. Hopefully she doesn't lose it

The Coli think landlords are rich entitled snobs when a majority are average hard working people who saved their money for months on end.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
People seriously :cape: off of folk making money from economic rents in 2020. :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

Her entire source of income is the fact that she is wealthier than them and thus can monopolize living space and then charge other people to fukking live without them ever accumulating any value. She adds nothing to society. Yet another reason why every person should have a right to their own home.

And :russ: that multiple other real estate managers told her to ask the bank to let her suspend payments for the duration with confidence that the banks would do it because they've already done it for them. So suspending payments is good for wealthy landlords but bullshyt for renters, right? :comeon:


How you do all that hard work, and still complain about money? Might as well get OUT of real estate. Living paycheck to paycheck as an owner of property for years on and, with no financial improvement :hhh:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I’d be working with the lawyer to ensure none of their leases are renewed and to actively recruit new tenants as soon as humanly possible. Also doing what I can to make sure they have adverse reports on their credit/rental file.
Just casually suggest kicking families out of the homes during a crisis breh, and then try to fukk up their lives extra just for kicks? What kind of fukked-up individual are you?

250k is top 1%. These people in here crying over the top 1% right now. And she's probably a old racist cac to top it off :laff:
It's unreal. Really exposes who posts here.

Most major cities are issuing stay-in-place orders. I doubt they'll be many evictions once those orders get in full swing. Bad time to be a landlord now for sure.
Thousands of people are dying, the actual people add value to society are out of work, but it's a "bad time to be a landlord" because the actual workers they parasitically suck their profits off of are dry of blood right now.


Why don't those landlords just get a job instead of complaining? :sas1::sas2:

Tell me how she's supposed to sell units if folks don't even have 1 month of savings?
I wasn't talking about right at this moment, obviously she didn't start being a landlord 3 weeks ago. :mjlol:

Again, if being a landlord is such hard work, then why not just sell all your units off at a profit (which certainly would have been possible at any point the last five years the way value has been continuously rising) to the people who will actually get to own the home they live in, pocket your profits, and get a job that really contributes to society?

Answer: Because landlords don't care about contributing to society. They don't care that they suck a huge % of their tenants' income away every month and their tenants never get the chance to turn that into value, never get a chance to get ahead. They're in here bytching about their mortgages as if the mortgage isn't something they OWN, something they get to KEEP, while the rent their tenants play is something their tenants LOSE.

They're in it for the profits. Full stop. If they want to bytch then get a real job, cause I ain't about to hear no bytching from pure profiteers who take advantage of other people's situations.


Take from the b*tch, give to the whores.
Nov 11, 2017
People seriously :cape: off of folk making money from economic rents in 2020. :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

Her entire source of income is the fact that she is wealthier than them and thus can monopolize living space and then charge other people to fukking live without them ever accumulating any value. She adds nothing to society. Yet another reason why every person should have a right to their own home.

And :russ: that multiple other real estate managers told her to ask the bank to let her suspend payments for the duration with confidence that the banks would do it because they've already done it for them. So suspending payments is good for wealthy landlords but bullshyt for renters, right? :comeon:

This post is so comically hyperbolic, I have to assume this is satire. What kind of Marxist wet dream rant is this?

Even though the story is clearly :duck: you want to shyt on us landlords for renting properties to people? You are aware not everyone can afford a mortgage let alone buy a property outright, right?

It’s one thing to temporarily suspend payments but to outright refuse paying rent collectively is some bullshyt. So this person should be penalized for taking the incentive to own an apartment complex? Are you serious?

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Just casually suggest kicking families out of the homes during a crisis breh, and then try to fukk up their lives extra just for kicks? What kind of fukked-up individual are you?

It's unreal. Really exposes who posts here.

Thousands of people are dying, the actual people add value to society are out of work, but it's a "bad time to be a landlord" because the actual workers they parasitically suck their profits off of are dry of blood right now.


Why don't those landlords just get a job instead of complaining? :sas1::sas2:

I wasn't talking about right at this moment, obviously she didn't start being a landlord 3 weeks ago. :mjlol:

Again, if being a landlord is such hard work, then why not just sell all your units off at a profit (which certainly would have been possible at any point the last five years the way value has been continuously rising) to the people who will actually get to own the home they live in, pocket your profits, and get a job that really contributes to society?

Answer: Because landlords don't care about contributing to society. They don't care that they suck a huge % of their tenants' income away every month and their tenants never get the chance to turn that into value, never get a chance to get ahead. They're in here bytching about their mortgages as if the mortgage isn't something they OWN, something they get to KEEP, while the rent their tenants play is something their tenants LOSE.

They're in it for the profits. Full stop. If they want to bytch then get a real job, cause I ain't about to hear no bytching from pure profiteers who take advantage of other people's situations.

Breh you're not making any sense right now.

It takes years to get to that level, but once you at that point you have a lifetime of easy cash flow. So why sell it? If you worked on a business for 15 years and it started generating $1 million profit are you gonna sell it to work a 9 to 5?

Y'all talking shyt about landlords and I'm telling you most are average people who grinded from the bottom. If people want to get away from the 9 to 5 then ain't nothing wrong with that. Not everybody wants to work 9 to 5 and retire at 60 years old

And since we talking about tenants, nobody is forcing them to rent. In most scenarios buying a house is way cheaper. Mortgage + Property tax could be $800, whereas renting would be $1300

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The median White family is worth $200,000. The median Black family is worth less than $20,000.

About 60% of American wealth is inherited, and among landlords it's certain to be an even bigger number.

The VAST majority of people who own property did not earn all that shyt themselves, but made a substantial portion of their money off of inheritance, investments, and economic rents. The VAST majority of Black families do not own shyt that they rent out to other people and are extremely disadvantaged in their ability to do so.

But the TLR rich :cape: brigade is insisting that America is a meritocracy. :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

This post is so comically hyperbolic, I have to assume this is satire. What kind of Marxist wet dream rant is this?

Even though the story is clearly :duck: you want to shyt on us landlords for renting properties to people? You are aware not everyone can afford a mortgage let alone buy a property outright, right?

It’s one thing to temporarily suspend payments but to outright refuse paying rent collectively is some bullshyt. So this person should be penalized for taking the incentive to own an apartment complex? Are you serious?
I ain't a Marxist at all, you've just displayed your ignorance of economic theory.

Why can't folk own their own property? In a country with as much land as America, with as much wealth as America, a country with far more homes than families to live in them, why can't every family own its own property?

The answers are:

1. Because property speculators buy up all the homes, far more than they need for their own family to live in, and thus drive up prices which keep everyone else from being able to afford entry into the market.

2. Because property owners insist on profiting off of charging rents rather than selling and letting the people who actually live there own their own home.

3. Because America has a history of fukking over Black folk (and many others) from their just earnings and destroying their wealth, making it impossible for them to own.

4. Because wages stay continuously depress so renters have to pour 30-40% of their earning into rent that builds NOTHING for them, but instead for you.

And you appear to want things to stay that way. :scust:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Y'all talking shyt about landlords and I'm telling you most are average people who grinded from the bottom. If people want to get away from the 9 to 5 then ain't nothing wrong with that. Not everybody wants to work 9 to 5 and retire at 60 years old

And since we talking about tenants, nobody is forcing them to rent. In most scenarios buying a house is way cheaper. Mortgage + Property tax could be $800, whereas renting would be $1300

60% of American wealth is inherited, among landlords wealthy enough to own their own place plus rent out to others that number is going to be even higher. And that's before you even get into investment income, interest, and economic rents. The % of landlord money that was actually made from their own productive work is certainly a minority.

Secondly, people ARE forced to rent. Landlords and property speculators have bought up so much housing that it drives up the prices and keeps regular folk priced out of the market. Plus average Black wealth is absolutely shyt for historical reasons that many people have little control over.

Y'all keep talking like America is a fukking meritocracy, exposing yourselves. :francis:

And how dare you have an Old Testament verse as your name and cape for this situation. :dahell:

You landlords didn't put the land there, God did. The only reason you "own" the land is because you rushed around and bought it up before other folk had the opportunity, took advantage of their poverty, and now profit off them with the sole rationale that you have more money than they do.

In the Old Testament every family in Israel is GUARANTEED a home to live in that they own, and the Hebrew Law states that every family will always have that right. God WANTS people to own their own homes. And when people in Israel starting accumulating property and fukking with other people's right to have their own place, God came down hard on them.

Ah, you who join house to house, who add field to field, until there is room for no one but you, and you are left to live alone in the midst of the land! The Lord of hosts has sworn in my hearing: ”Surely many houses shall be desolate, large and beautiful houses, without inhabitant.”
Alas for those who devise wickedness and evil deeds on their beds! When the morning dawns, they perform it, because it is in their power. They covet fields, and seize them: houses, and take them away: they oppress householder and house, people and their inheritance. Therefore thus says the Lord: ”Now, I am devising against this family an evil from which you cannot remove your necks, and you shall not walk haughtily, for it will be an evil time.
“But whom do I treat unjustly,” you say, “by keeping what is my own?” Tell me, what is your own? What did you bring into this life? From where did you receive it? It is as if someone were to take the first seat in the theater, then bar everyone else from attending, so that one person alone enjoys what is offered for the benefit of all—this is what the rich do. They seize common goods before others have the opportunity, then claim them as their own by right of preemption. For if we all took only what was necessary to satisfy our own needs, giving the rest to those who lack, no one would be rich, no one would be poor, and no one would be in need.

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
The median White family is worth $200,000. The median Black family is worth less than $20,000.

About 60% of American wealth is inherited, and among landlords it's certain to be an even bigger number.

The VAST majority of people who own property did not earn all that shyt themselves, but made a substantial portion of their money off of inheritance, investments, and economic rents. The VAST majority of Black families do not own shyt that they rent out to other people and are extremely disadvantaged in their ability to do so.

But the TLR rich :cape: brigade is insisting that America is a meritocracy. :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

I ain't a Marxist at all, you've just displayed your ignorance of economic theory.

Why can't folk own their own property? In a country with as much land as America, with as much wealth as America, a country with far more homes than families to live in them, why can't every family own its own property?

The answers are:

1. Because property speculators buy up all the homes, far more than they need for their own family to live in, and thus drive up prices which keep everyone else from being able to afford entry into the market.

2. Because property owners insist on profiting off of charging rents rather than selling and letting the people who actually live there own their own home.

3. Because America has a history of fukking over Black folk (and many others) from their just earnings and destroying their wealth, making it impossible for them to own.

4. Because wages stay continuously depress so renters have to pour 30-40% of their earning into rent that builds NOTHING for them, but instead for you.

And you appear to want things to stay that way. :scust:

All of what you stated is besides the point.

There's black landlords out there, should they suffer too?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I’d be working with the lawyer to ensure none of their leases are renewed and to actively recruit new tenants as soon as humanly possible. Also doing what I can to make sure they have adverse reports on their credit/rental file.
Just casually suggest kicking families out of the homes during a crisis breh, and then try to fukk up their lives extra just for kicks? What kind of fukked-up individual are you?

250k is top 1%. These people in here crying over the top 1% right now. And she's probably a old racist cac to top it off :laff:
It's unreal. Really exposes who posts here.

Most major cities are issuing stay-in-place orders. I doubt they'll be many evictions once those orders get in full swing. Bad time to be a landlord now for sure.
Thousands of people are dying, the actual people add value to society are out of work, but it's a "bad time to be a landlord" because the actual workers they parasitically suck their profits off of are dry of blood right now.


Why don't those landlords just get a job instead of complaining? :sas1::sas2:

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
I don't plan on working for the white man till I'm 60 years old, so yes I'll be buying up real estate and charging for a profit:manny: