Rank your parents

Palm Tree's & Blunts

Big timah timah
Aug 15, 2015
Everyones going to rate their mom a 9 or a 10. Black people never had mommy issues for some reason.

I've noticed guys that have a bad relationship with their moms tend to be weird as fukk versus someone who was abused by their father. I mean both obviously have issues but meet someone who hates their mom :huhldup:


All Star
Oct 7, 2015
Mom: 8.5
Dad: 7.5

Mom: I'm not as close with her as I should be. I could trust her with anything. She always encouraged me to be creative, bought me art supplies as a kid, convinced me to play chess in HS, got me my first piano, let me read her book collection, etc. Nowadays, she's the only person I show my music before I release it :to:

I docked 1.5 points because there was some sort of verbal abuse growing up, as a kid I had a stutter and a weird voice, ppl always made fun of me for that...I wasn't the smartest kid either and i'd fukk up a lot. You get used to being called a dumb ass, retard, etc but when your mom gets mad and calls you that and mocks your voice, you really have to be a loser. :francis:

Plus, I'm introverted and she isn't, all I wanted was to be left alone most of the time instead of being dragged somewhere.

Dad: He was always there, but for most of my life that was it, he was just there.

Taught me a lot but not enough; I learned to shave, ride a bike, tie my shoes and a bunch of stuff by myself.

Outside of TV I never really had other examples of a Dad to compare and he was a huge fan of sports so I always assumed he was ashamed of me or something, we never had a lot in common besides DNA.

I was scared to open up with him, I still am to an extent but either way, we're very close now.

Only downside is him tryna give me advice he should've years ago...like man, you did your best, stop making up for lost time :francis:

i feel you breh, my pops was around but, he never really went out of his way to get to know me.

he taught me how to ride a bike, but that was it. i taught myself how to fight, how to approach women, fix things etc.
i remember one time he took me to buy me a jacket, one of the clerks was a jerk to me and made a mocking face, i was 10 at the time so i didnt really do anything except walk away, he got pissed because i "embarrassed" him. thats the type of father he was, if you werent good already, you werent worth encouraging and helping to improve.
i had to grow up and figure things out on my own basically. i tried to strike up conversations about things i liked, he mostly gave me the :beli:


Jun 22, 2014
Mom is a solid 9, the incesant yelling puts a damper on things, but she's been a fantastic parent.
Dad is a solid 7, he's good with money now, but was terrible with it before, and he doesn't do enough stuff as far as parenting, though he did when I was younger. He also attempts to assert dominance in stupid ways, and his hyper-conservatism can be grating.
Edit: I think I'd have to give him an 8, to be honest if either my mother or father raised me alone, I'd likely be in the exact same place I am today, they care about both my emotional well-being, physical well-being, and academic achievement.
Perhaps because me and my siblings are essentially problem-free children, I haven't seen my parents tested or pushed to their limits in anyway.


Nov 18, 2016
Mom 5/10 couldn't financially support me as a youth, sent me to live with my aunt and uncle when I was 5.they told me I was their child. didn't learn The truth until I was 15 after my "mom" died and "dad" remarried. went to live with my real mom at 16

Dad 0/10 didn't meet him until I was 28 said 3 words to the man