Remembering Latasha Harlins 25 Years Later


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
I done said this shyt 3 times now, I DO NOT THINK THE STORE OWNER HAD TO RIGHT TO SHOOT HER. But it was years of frustration coming ahead in ONE incident, proving how bad racial tensions were. I'm going to keep it real. I live in a black city, unlike most of you fuax black revolutionaries. When I walk outside my building and go to the store, I am worried about nikkaZ robbing me. Been in some situations but luckily no drama went down. You've been robbed 10 times before, you will be on edge. I heard dude above me say "don't come to that neighborhood then", that sounds foolish. Black folks don't own markets, department stores, gas stations. Other cultures were needed to survive, and leave it to blacks to rob and terrorize their neighborhood stores. Call me a c00n or whatever else you feel like calling me. I'm going to keep it a buck. Dumb nikkas done lived in the burbs all their life and want to tell me how it is in the city. Sound fukking foolish

To Latasha, RIP. Your death was senseless and unwarranted. It was just the wrong place, wrong era. I would bring up the Reg Denny case, but I'm sure nikkas will say "well, he shouldn't have been there"

The coli doesnt have a reputation for examining issues about race in a multi-dimensional way, so I feel your frustration to an extent, but I also understand their anger here and why they are justified in hating Du till her casket drops.

L.A was a terrible war zone in those days, and both Harlin and Du lived hard, difficult lives where violence was always a heartbeat away, and the threat of death was present in their everyday movements. So in many respects, both were on a tragic collision course. In a different environment they, perhaps, would have worked out that incident peacefully.

But the difference is if Harlins would have shot a korean woman in the back of the head, a judge would not have nullified a jury's recommendation for prison time and given her probation because she's "been through enough". Its that callous dehumanization of black victims in the eyes of the "justice" system that separates the two, and greatly reduces whatever sympathy you might want to extend Du; the fact that Du was able to go on with her life, while Harlins paid the ultimate price completely removes it.


Jan 9, 2016
smoke, scared cops, anybody who wasn't black getting their asses whooped

its another store in that place where Latasha was shot its on 92&Figueroa

damn man, it must have been crazy. how old were you when it happened if you don't mind me asking ?

and this ain't related to the '92 riots but i heard from this old lady from Louisiana that said blacks who were from the South that came to L.A. in the '50's-60's were forced to stay in South L.A. and Watts and shyt. then she recalled the Watts Riots in '65 and told a story of her neighbor dying in the riots. the riots of 1965 and 1992 were basically about the same reason, racism in the communities.

like do you try to tell the young dudes in your neighborhood or just in L.A., about the riots and dealing with racism as a black male and whatnot ?

mad love to you OG, from NY :salute:

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
Why are you puting shyt you havent paid for yet in your backpack?

Who teaches their kid to do that? Sometimes its like nikas want to die. I know old folks who will tear open packages and start eating in the store without paying. Thats as retarded as putting on clothes without paying and expecting the cashier to ring up your torn tags. Again who teaches their kids this shyt and dont expect trouble?

The Korean bytch shouldnt have shot her.

Latasha should have paid before putitng it in her backpack.

*you're..We just went through this :mjlol:
And she didn't do anything wrong in the first place, cac :umad:
She took possession of goods without paying first. That is not worthy of a death sentence however.

You nikkas who think its perfectly fine to stuff shyt in your kit before paying are wrong.
Dec 13, 2012
Eastside of that Motor
:why: Wrong place? Wrong Era?

Was Trayvon in the wrong place and wrong era when the spic hunted him down like a dog?

Latasha would be in the wrong era today and wrong place as long as she black........

And I grew up in the "era" Latasha was growing up in...she was two years older than me at that was big news back then across the nation.......and i'm from one of toughest hoods and blocks in the US......:rudy:

Call it like it is....these koreans and arabs in our hoods come to there to steal the money out the hood then dip, they racist before and after they get there. Robberies or no robberies....the situation is always tense, due to their racism. Just like cacs they will smile in your face and then create a confrontation in order to kill you.

Latasha wasn't doing nothing wrong. She came to the counter to pay and had the juice in her bag, because she was intending to PAY and had the money ready. Don't cape for prejudice and racism when its staring you dead in the face.

I used to go to the corner stores when I was latasha age also...same era...I had arabs in the hood I lived at.....and they hated black people and was just waiting for an "opportunity" to be able to kill one. They used to pull shotguns out on people they "THOUGHT" was stealing or in their store to do harm, when it really wasn't any problem. Yes I as a kid witnessed this in broad daylight. So there are many "latasha harlins" incidents waiting to happen as long as there are racists OUTSIDERS in our communities who only care about the money they can get out of you, but not your life.

And this korean bytch even lied to save her ass, which inevitably it did with a crooked and racist justice system, saying it "accidently" went off.....the damn video shows she AIMED at that girl.......she should've been fed to rats right afterwards.......I'm glad they burned her store down and burned all the chinks stores down during the "riots"....and yet they still at today.....done took over the hair industry and made a fortune off self hatred........smiling in sisters faces while they sell em chemicals and dog hair....and robbin black communities internal wealth.

You a young dude....don't act like you know about that "era"......and what is and ain't......cuz I got ether for that ass.........stick to this skinny jean homosexual lovin era you clowns adore......


Everytime y'all rebuttle you just prove my point, that it was BIGGER THAN LATASHA HARLINS. You don't even make sense, going from being glad that people burned down a 'chink' store, to saying that foreigners are poisoning our communities by selling dog hair, when THEY are the people buying it :mindblown:

Like I've said for a 5th time now, my statements were not specifically about Harlins, but about the bigger subject, race relations. And because I'm viewing it from a different way, y'all nikkas call me a c00n? You serious? You can't get any 'blacker' than me, but yall call me a c00n?

I can tell y'all are not from an urban community so please stop fronting. Please. I literally walk into that same liqour store weekly and everytime I don't feel safe. LET'S KEEP IT REAL. Half of you fake ass e thugs wouldn't even be able to come to my area without pissing yourself. I will never excuse the actions against Latahsa. But you are out your mind if you think you wouldn't be on edge with bloods and crips acting up everyday. Sound like fools

King Poetic

SagittariusReigns Supreme
Feb 15, 2013
The Lakes
how was it like in the '92 riots if you was there at that moment ?

U had bloods/crips in certain sets who would see each other face to face, but they would say :whoa: we can kill each other later and then start torching police cars

U had cops who would get calls from police choppers that so and so white person need help and the cops wouldn't come at all.... this is one reason Johnnie Cochran represented Reginald Denny when he got beat and tried to use the police for 50 million

I give the Asians credit at the time, they was fighting back to protect their property , but it wasn't enough tho

A lot of family members came home with couches, tv's, radio's, etc


May 8, 2012
Why are you puting shyt you havent paid for yet in your backpack?

Who teaches their kid to do that? Sometimes its like nikas want to die. I know old folks who will

The Korean bytch shouldnt have shot her.

Latasha should have paid before putitng it in her backpack.

She took possession of goods without paying first. That is not worthy of a death sentence however.

You nikkas who think its perfectly fine to stuff shyt in your kit before paying are wrong.

You can put anything anywhere in any store but they can't do shyt until you head out the door. You could literally walk around Macy's with clothes stuffed in your pants just as long as you stop by the register

Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014
Why are you puting shyt you havent paid for yet in your backpack?

Who teaches their kid to do that? Sometimes its like nikas want to die. I know old folks who will

The Korean bytch shouldnt have shot her.

Latasha should have paid before putitng it in her backpack.

She took possession of goods without paying first. That is not worthy of a death sentence however.

You nikkas who think its perfectly fine to stuff shyt in your kit before paying are wrong.

N!gga get all the way the fukk outta here where did you grow up under a rock or some sh!t? :dahell:
If she were trying to steal it she wouldn't have been so obvious as to put it in her backpack right in front of the thug Korean cashier.


Aug 29, 2012
I done said this shyt 3 times now, I DO NOT THINK THE STORE OWNER HAD TO RIGHT TO SHOOT HER. But it was years of frustration coming ahead in ONE incident, proving how bad racial tensions were. I'm going to keep it real. I live in a black city, unlike most of you fuax black revolutionaries. When I walk outside my building and go to the store, I am worried about nikkaZ robbing me. Been in some situations but luckily no drama went down. You've been robbed 10 times before, you will be on edge. I heard dude above me say "don't come to that neighborhood then", that sounds foolish. Black folks don't own markets, department stores, gas stations. Other cultures were needed to survive, and leave it to blacks to rob and terrorize their neighborhood stores. Call me a c00n or whatever else you feel like calling me. I'm going to keep it a buck. Dumb nikkas done lived in the burbs all their life and want to tell me how it is in the city. Sound fukking foolish

To Latasha, RIP. Your death was senseless and unwarranted. It was just the wrong place, wrong era. I would bring up the Reg Denny case, but I'm sure nikkas will say "well, he shouldn't have been there"

I live on the eastside of atlanta, it dont get much blacker than that and i been to every hood store in town. My neck is on a swivel at certain times of the nite in a handful of spots, but It is what it is. As a store owner she should only pull out the strap for armned robberies not for petty theft. And as for you, if u scared get a dog.

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
N!gga get all the way the fukk outta here where did you grow up under a rock or some sh!t? :dahell:
If she were trying to steal it she wouldn't have been so obvious as to put it in her backpack right in front of the thug Korean cashier.

If she were trying to steal she'd put the juice in her backpack before paying.

See how that works? Her parents failed her. Take the juice to the counter, oay, then put it in your pack.

Its not worth dying over and the korean bytch was not authorized to execute her for it, but simple store etiquette would have saved Latarsha's life.
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Dec 13, 2012
Eastside of that Motor
I live on the eastside of atlanta, it dont get much blacker than that and i been to every hood store in town. My neck is on a swivel at certain times of the nite in a handful of spots, but It is what it is. As a store owner she should only pull out the strap for armned robberies not for petty theft. And as for you, if u scared get a dog.
Never been scared in my life, 150 pounds and have been in some of the worst hoods in the states