Somebody Has to Do Something About Seth Rollins


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
He went like 5 years without hurting anyone. Let's not overreact here.

He accidentally knees Cena in the face - Cena admitted it was his own fault for not protecting his face. He did a spot with a :flabbynsick: Stang that was probably resulted in Stang getting hurt because he wasn't in proper shape anyway. The Balor injury was awkward because he stuck his arm out. I think the release was just too early, so I guess Seth is to blame on that one.

Youre blaming Sting for being injured?


May 10, 2012
The Swamp

Seth Rollins opens up on breaking John Cena's nose

"That was really bad. Dude, he looked gnarly. I felt so bad. It was just a knee, we were trading shots and I threw a high knee just for some separation so we could get to whatever the next thing we were doing was and for whatever reason ... look, John'll be the first guy to admit he's a clumsy fella. He's not a graceful individual. When he's not sure about stuff, for his own protection, a lot of times he'll put his body into whatever you're doing. When you're throwing punches at him or forearms, he leans a little bit.

Sting Reveals Post-Match Conversation He Had with Seth Rollins in an Ambulance, Says Rollins is "the Best He's Ever Worked With" and More - Wrestlezone

The biggest pleasure. I’m honored. After 30 years and working with some of the best and some of the greatest, [Rollins] is, I’m telling you, he’s got to be the best I’ve ever worked with. I mean, this guy has it. And I think he’s just scratching the surface on what he will do. I’ve never seen somebody as talented. He’s working two [matches] on Raw, two [matches] on the pay-per-view, he’s involved in every other segment and it’s physical. He’s got guys coming from every angle. There’s a lot on his plate. He’s carrying a lot, and he’s handling it. He’s proven he can do it. I’m just glad I had a chance to work with him. He’s the kind of guy who could be in there with a broomstick and make something very interesting happen, a match that people would love somehow.

Really, I can’t say enough. He poked his head in the ambulance and said, “Man, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened.” I said, “Seth, don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault.” And he, for 15 minutes, he said, “I just wanted to tell you what an honor it was, what a pleasure. I can’t believe I had a chance to get in the ring with you and work with you. I was you for Halloween when I was a kid.” He was on and on about it, but man, this young guy, he doesn’t have any idea how much I appreciate being able to work with him.

To be fair, they should've never even agreed to do that spot. Sting was 56 years old when they wrestled. You're telling me a 56 year old man with all the wear and tear on his body from 30+ years of wrestling is capable of taking a back/neck bump with no repercussions? :beli:


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
I love how this is the new cool "I know wrestling" thing from the iwc

Rollins carried that company fo months. Sting was in his mid 50s, the other two the shyt ain't ballet

That's what wrestling fans have always done. We talk about how matches are worked, booked and even the state of the business :manny:

Would you be saying the same if someone like Sheamus had the same incidents Seth has been involved with?

yall actin like seth the first to injure someone.

did yall forget about piece of shyt ryback? :skip:

People clowned Ryback and didn't want him working with fan favorites because of that....


Nov 27, 2012
This is the THIRD person he's injured in 13 months (not counting himself). Think about that. Three people in 13 months and they're STILL giving the guy title shots.

I know that people like to rag on Bret for being a surly, curmudgeonly a$$hole, but he was dead on about Seth being completely reckless with his opponents. The first time with Cena is forgivable, since accidental knees happen in wrestling. I'm even willing to forgive him for the Sting injury, since neither guy could have possibly known about the spinal stenosis issue (they really should have gone to the finish immediately though). But Balor now? He throws Balor into a spot on the barricade where he could only go shoulder first and, quelle suprise, Balor fukks up his labrum.

And before anyone says anything about the Styles Clash, keep this in mind: Taking the Clash is completely on the guy taking the move. Taking a turnbuckle powerbomb is completely on the guy giving the move.

The jury's out: Rollins needs to remove the turnbuckle powerbomb from his moveset (and probably moved down the card). Anything else would be inconsiderate to his fellow workers.
No. The Styles clash is an awful move and should be scrapped before it costs WWE someone big.