Umar Johnson and Tariq Nasheed Beefing Update: Umar never had a psychology license


Real O.G.
Dec 1, 2012
link me to the vid

and this still isnt explaining what im asking. i know why a production may cut/remove footage. but im asking why, in this specific case, would tariq remove it—and how did umar NOT know he was going to be involved jn HC

I don't understand what's so hard for you to understand. :lolbron:

Umar knew he was being interviewed but also realized that it wasn't certain he would actually be in HC1 due to the (alleged) waiver he signed which gives Tariq full ownership & doesn't obligate or require Tariq to use any of Umar's interview footage along with the unprofessional attitude & egotistical demeanor Tariq had towards him (allegedly) not to mention that most production companies/movie studios inform actors or individuals who weren't contractually signed to be in the movie/production that they made the cut and are part of the final release which Tariq also didn't do.


Real O.G.
Dec 1, 2012
This what nikkas say when they make claims, you ask for receipts and then they juelz their way out of it. :mjlol: :laff:

You got it my G.

I'm the teacher & you're the student! It's not my job to do your homework brougham. :russ:

“Eurocentric” emails, day late DVD shipments, lack of “peer respect”, and not being notified of a screening that everyone on this forum knew about (but somehow Umar didn’t) equates to shady janky suspect business dealings :bryan:

I swear nikkas don’t read their own posts before they hit reply.

Nothing you’ve described equates to any shady business. PERIOD.

Usually remedial types like yourself have a difficult time determining the difference between good business practices vs questionable, dubious ones! :mjgrin:

He literally is creating a beef in his head so he can get some publicity, scrape up a few extra bucks, and skip the country with the bread IMHO.

More simple minded, remedial logic!

How could Umar skip the country now when the state, feds (IRS) and crowd funding institutions are on Umar's ass trying to seize his income/people's contribution money, arrest him for back child support & take away his profession credentials?


Please explain how this so called created "BEEF" by Umar along with the additional negative public scrutiny he's created going to help Umar achieve his goal of scraping "up a few extra bucks, and skip the country with the bread" ?



Melanated God
May 1, 2012
I'm the teacher & you're the student! It's not my job to do your homework brougham.

Idk if you realize how debates/discussions work.

The burden of proof is on the person who made the statement in the first place moron :mjlol:

Usually remedial types like yourself have a difficult time determining the difference between good business practices vs questionable, dubious ones!

“Questionable, dubious” business practices are shipping DVD’s late and Eurocentric emails? :laff:

How could Umar skip the country now when the state, feds (IRS) and crowd funding institutions are on Umar's ass trying to seize his income/people's contribution money, arrest him for back child support & take away his profession

Skip the country, go into hiding etc.

He’s literally acting SO erratic that he HAS to have some kind of grand scheme in place.

No way he’s just out here acting like this, creating a fake beef with no ulterior motive or back up plan.

He can’t be THAT stupid, i refuse to believe the :damn:DESCENDANT of Frederick Douglas wouldn’t have a plan in order.​

Then again Meek did the same shyt. Maybe it’s a philly thing.

Or maybe he really is out of his mind cuz he’s def acting like it.


Real O.G.
Dec 1, 2012
Idk if you realize how debates/discussions work.

The burden of proof is on the person who made the statement in the first place moron :mjlol:

Actually the burden of proof is on you to disprove & debunk what I stated by doing your own due diligence.:pachaha::ufdup:

Skip the country, go into hiding etc.

He’s literally acting SO erratic that he HAS to have some kind of grand scheme in place.

No way he’s just out here acting like this, creating a fake beef with no ulterior motive or back up plan.

He can’t be THAT stupid, i refuse to believe the :damn:DESCENDANT of Frederick Douglas wouldn’t have a plan in order.​

Then again Meek did the same shyt. Maybe it’s a philly thing.

Or maybe he really is out of his mind cuz he’s def acting like it.

Nah, you can see based on how Umar makes moves that in most cases he's more book smart than street smart I also think Umar knows his sham in regards to the donations for the school is up plus he's dealing with the state, feds and financial institutions that's on his neck not to mention he's probably on them narcotics as well.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
This what nikkas say when they make claims, you ask for receipts and then they juelz their way out of it. :mjlol: :laff:

You got it my G.

“Eurocentric” emails, day late DVD shipments, lack of “peer respect”, and not being notified of a screening that everyone on this forum knew about (but somehow Umar didn’t) equates to shady janky suspect business dealings :bryan:

I swear nikkas don’t read their own posts before they hit reply.

Nothing you’ve described equates to any shady business. PERIOD.

Umar Fraudson is a charlatan b.

He literally is creating a beef in his head so he can get some publicity, scrape up a few extra bucks, and skip the country with the bread IMHO.
Tariq even said Umar knew about the board investigation on his license back in AUGUST :wow: :huhldup:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Bruh you're falling for Umar's bullshyt. He twisted things to make it seem like Tariq deceived him on something. Saying nonsense like "He didn't tell me about a name change." "He didn't tell me that the movie was coming out". What exactly did Tariq deceive him on? Umar was invited to take part in a documentary with the subject matter detailed out, he was interviewed and recorded, and he got paid for it. Where is the deception?

Tariq addressed that bullshyt at 8:02:

@Y2Dre @goke313

Tariq got this dude dead to rights :wow:

Umar, its over :wow:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Umar was not done “shady” or “janky”

The nikka got interviewed, got paid, and had his career jump started because of it.

This whole shyt is a desperate cry for attention and any money he can get before he ultimately disappears cuz let’s be real—he’s not building no school. He’s been talking about this bullshyt school for 5 years already.

That’s absolutely what’s happening. You don’t sit on these juelzing “gripes” for 6 years and then all of a sudden spark a beef just as soon as your license is up for review.

nikka please. :mjlol:

So since he didn’t get interviewed at the correct time, and wasn’t told he was in the film he was so offended yet sat on thess pressing issues he had with Tariq for 6 years and did 2 more movies afterwards?

Do you hear yourself?

I heard it all, difference is EYE know bullshyt when I hear it and you clearly don’t.

Janky would be him not getting paid and not in the credits—not him getting interviewed, paid, and having his entire career rebooted.

You thought you made a point.

Umar was so offended at the “janky” and “shady” business Tariq was doing yet he did 3 movies and sat on the problems for 6 years right before his license is being taken away...:jbhmm:

Yeah...cuz that makes sense...


Remember...anytime Umar claps back, then its time to ask:

WHERE :clappingemojioriginal: IS:clappingemojioriginal: THE :clappingemojioriginal: SCHOOL? :clappingemojioriginal:


Director of the Federal Bureau of Instigation
May 1, 2012
Martin, TN
He’s literally acting SO erratic that he HAS to have some kind of grand scheme in place.

No way he’s just out here acting like this, creating a fake beef with no ulterior motive or back up plan.

I actually think Umar's plan might be to sue Tariq. Think about it.

Umar has been salty at Tariq for awhile but why and why snap now. He's basically watched Tariq's success grow past Umar who himself isn't new to this shyt and maybe was even out there before Tariq.....but not only has his success grown but it's grown to the point that Tariq is taking expensive vacations and buying a 1.3m dollar home in a gated community. Not only that but then add the fact that Umar has also been a part of that success thru his participation in the HC films. So basically in Umar's mind he's probably thinking he's been paid a pittance while the man who paid him used his knowledge to gain much, much more monetarily. All the while Umar probably feels he isn't getting the respect he deserves, since he's still out here having to beg black folks to donate to his school, much less the amount of respect Tariq has garnered.

So instead of asking Tariq from a business standpoint to collabo on some things where he could make some money like Tariq, seems like he's let the bitterness consume him. That he's not as thorough in business as Tariq is but rather than admit that he'll claim he was used unfairly. So the endgame in Umar's mind might just be fukk it, that nikka has made all this money off me and i want my fair cut. Let's just say i won't be shocked if it goes that way and he sues Tariq.