Being in your 30s with no kids and not being married puts you in a strange place.


Nov 17, 2017
I honestly don't see the point in marriage besides social stigma.

I can't think of one benefit a man can get from it.

It's for the kids, all women do is bytch about every single fukkin thing.

Sure it's fun to have someone to do this with.

But that's only good when they don't nag, which will be never.

And most relationships and marriages I know about have ended.

I can maybe think of a couple of married couples that I knew growing up.

The man is always on the bad side of the divorce.

I really see no point, of course fukkin bytches gets old, but tell me why nikkas who are still married do it?

Why would nikkas risk all if their money and sanity to just fukk a chick?

It's because deep down they hate the idea of marriage and did it for all of the wrong reasons.
Mar 23, 2013
When you get married men are last priority remember that.

People get married for the kids.

Women get married to use a nikka up and because of society.

Men get married because they want consistent p*ssy/ can't get no other women or they want to do the right thing.

Men's wants are last, and rarely do they get what they want.

Like Patrice O’Neal says a mans HAPPINES should always come first cause men’s happines is Superficial women’s isn’t. If a man is happy he wants to make everybody else happy. Like if I really wanted to take the gloves off I could talk about my uncle that killed himself after his Divorce.... and this is back before it was a major Statistic like it is today ...this happens when I was 7 yrs old

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
Men get married because they want consistent p*ssy/ can't get no other women or they want to do the right thing.
ehh I plan to get married because I want to build with a partner and have a family. Not really any of the above

women are out here putting the p*ssy on the platter like hors d'oeuvres nowadays. wtf would you get married for consistent p*ssy


Nov 17, 2017

Marriage is really for kids, comfort, and society. There's rarely that ever lasting love.

I won't ask you to share your personal story about your uncle, but was there any key thing besides that that caused your view towards marriage ?

Do you ever think about getting married ?

Like Patrice O’Neal says a mans HAPPINES should always come first cause men’s happines is Superficial women’s isn’t. If a man is happy he wants to make everybody else happy. Like if I really wanted to take the gloves off I could talk about my uncle that killed himself after his Divorce.... and this is back before it was a major Statistic like it is today ...this happens when I was 7 yrs old


Nov 17, 2017
That's doing the right thing.

I said men get less out of marriage than women.

Most men can't get p*ssy from bytches consistently.

ehh I plan to get married because I want to build with a partner and have a family. Not really any of the above

women are out here putting the p*ssy on the platter like hors d'oeuvres nowadays. wtf would you get married for consistent p*ssy

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
That's doing the right thing.

I said men get less out of marriage than women.

Most men can't get p*ssy from bytches consistently.
Na not really. It's more of a "want" than "doing the right thing". "doing the right thing" the way you put it is like ol boy knocked up some random chick after 1 night stand and decided to put a ring on it since she's pregnant. Some men actually "want" to get married because it just makes sense. you pick a good partner who you can build with and raise kids with. this is priceless imo. there are potential negatives like anything else. but the positives are worth taking the chance on. If you don't ever want to have a family or look at it as nothing more than consistent p*ssy then it's pointless, but if you have any ounce of black empowerment in you I don't see how you can see it as a bad thing.


Nov 17, 2017
I wasn't referring to me when I said those things, those are legit reasons why dudes do get married.

Everyone's experience is different I'm all for if a guy wants to get married or doesn't. As long as they're happy.

I don't like marriage because to me it gives women all the power and with the women I have dated they all wanted control of me and I couldn't imagine if I was married how worse it would have been.

I don't put up with bullshyt and if I get angry enough I will leave the bytch. Marriage takes that away from me.

I don't know what's gonna happen, maybe I will get married way later in the future, I do want sons, I'm not against everything.

But from my own personal experience from seeing a lot of shyt not work in marriages, a lot of shyt not working out in relationships makes you think different.

And I'm not gonna play the good guy and deal with shyt I don't want to.

I'm at the point if it happens it happens.

I need to get all my shyt together, I gotta sow my oats, I got shyt to do before I think about being tied down.

Which also would make me a better partner in the long run instead of just doing it.

I have nothing against marriage, but I don't like it for myself.

Na not really. It's more of a "want" than "doing the right thing". "doing the right thing" the way you put it is like ol boy knocked up some random chick after 1 night stand and decided to put a ring on it since she's pregnant. Some men actually "want" to get married because it just makes sense. you pick a good partner who you can build with and raise kids with. this is priceless imo. there are potential negatives like anything else. but the positives are worth taking the chance on. If you don't ever want to have a family or look at it as nothing more than consistent p*ssy then it's pointless, but if you have any ounce of black empowerment in you I don't see how you can see it as a bad thing.
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the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
I don't like marriage because to me it gives women all the power and with the women I have dated they all wanted control of me and I couldn't imagine if I was married how worse it would have been.
You saw the red flags like a real breh should. :obama:At least you were self-aware enough to peep game when you see a chick on that control-freak tip. the p*ssy would blind a lot of nikkas leading them to overlook the red flags then they cry foul later. that's why I take my time with these chicks no matter how much they want to push fast forward. If they don't like the pace, the door is always open for them to walk out. But a chick who's 100% down for you is not worried about trying to control or rush you.

and Honestly if you not at least 30+ I wouldn't even be thinking about marriage.


Nov 17, 2017
I agree, mid 30s seems like a good time to consider.

You saw the red flags like a real breh should. :obama:At least you were self-aware enough to peep game when you see a chick on that control-freak tip. the p*ssy would blind a lot of nikkas leading them to overlook the red flags then they cry foul later. that's why I take my time with these chicks no matter how much they want to push fast forward. If they don't like the pace, the door is always open for them to walk out. But a chick who's 100% down for you is not worried about trying to control or rush you.

and Honestly if you not at least 30+ I wouldn't even be thinking about marriage.


Dec 27, 2017
@Atlrocafella your not wrong but your incomplete. I’ve said that Monogamy will be at the bottom by 2025. I beleive on cnn/Fox News that Polygamy and open relationships have gone up 7 percent in the last 4yrs. Which is coo cause more people need to be honest about how they move ...I personally don’t have time to be lying to you. What people miss is in today’s era relationships/marriage are a huge gamble that dosent really benefit the man in any way. Then most don’t wanna be taken court cause 70% of women file for divorce.

It sad day when the world t large just dosent care what men think or how we feel. I can already hear how women and men are going to try and shame me which is fine marriage just isn’t for everybody. You it’s bad when people that have been married for 20yrs plus is telling you not to get married . To me personally nobody cares about the male perspective and just men period.

Men didn’t care how women felt for a latter part of thousands of years. I can empathize with men who truly trying to do their best and get screwed by life but it isn’t the majority. And those in power to make changes care nothing for those who are in weaker positions.

The courts aren’t perfect and could stand to correct themselves in the West. But when I look how far women have come from what it used to It’s hard for me to empathize with y’all in that regard, the same way you all have little empathy when Western women complain about women’s rights. Society is changing and both men and women have to adapt which means we are both not going to get everything we want. Men have to compromise just like women have had for centuries.


Dec 27, 2017
When you get married men are last priority remember that.

People get married for the kids.

Women get married to use a nikka up and because of society.

Men get married because they want consistent p*ssy/ can't get no other women or they want to do the right thing.

Men's wants are last, and rarely do they get what they want.

Provide examples of these women you speak using you and how?

Men use women and women use men. It’s only a problem when one feels more used than the other. If you want p*ssy you are using her body for sexual gratification.

Men’s wants will not always be first depending on the dynamic of the relationship neither are women. Are you capable to put others before you or do you expect to be put first at all times. That’s never going to consistently happen not even in a healthy relationship. Someone always has to somebody else needs before his or her own and hope that the other person does the same for him/her when the time comes. People who think ONLY of themselves and their pleasure are never going to sustain a healthy relationship man or woman.

I met guys who attract selfish women. I hope you are not that guy.
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Sep 23, 2014
Not saying it's a bad thing, but I don't think it's spoken on much.

Especially if you have a decent career and your money is straight. You will find it hard to find like minded people that have money and free time that can just up and take a trip somewhere Most people in their 20s are too broke to do much of anything. And most people in their 30s are broke and all of their time is tied up. I guess this is cool if you're introvert and loner, but if you're very sociable, it can be bothersome.
By the time I reached my late 20's I was making great money and was a bachelor. Had a nice lil rotation of 3 or 4 chicks a week:banderas: but still felt loney going to sleep/waking up alone everyday:mjcry:. It was time to settle down. I slid in the dm of that girl that got away from me back in the day. Pulled her:troll: wife's her and have a fam:wow: and now im slowly getting back to the old me:wow: and now im getting the best of both worlds. Got a wifey but smashing chicks on the side when I choose:banderas:. Her ass ain't going nowhere :jawalrus: