black folks reactions to Black Panther have been pathetic

Apr 30, 2012
Nope, you're just projecting your negativity and bitterness onto other people, you're upset that other things didn't take off but this is...oh well, get over it; Your whole basis of negativity is flawed, point-blank, period.
So I'm wrong and should get over, for being "bitter and negative" that Black folks are not as hyped as they are with BP as they should be towards slavery, Tuskegee experiment, Marcus Garvey, Malcom X, Dr. King, Trayvon, and Barack?

They (Asians) are hyped because it's a movie being produced in Hollywood that gives them representation variety. Most Asians are not "crazy rich" and so the movie DOES have the ability to act as a motivator or inspiration to the many, very middle class and lower class Asians that populate North America. You're assuming that they are keeping perspective simply because it fits your narrative that only black people are 'dumb enough' to get hyped over a movie that 'does nothing for our community'.
I'm not assuming, but instead reflecting on history and the current wealth gap between Asians and Blacks
If you read about the unified reaction by both the underworld and heavily politically connected civilian Asians, and those in between, to the climate of Anti-Asian rhetoric / actions from the early to middle 20th century, then you would know about calculated efforts and sacrifices that they make to ensure that Chinatown and Koreantown and other Asian communities are thriving today, regardless of which state

There was the recent thread that further highlights my point of them maintaining perspective regarding the Korean manufacturers of weave and hair products that are solely selling in bulks to Korean merchant, despite being able to make more if they sold in bulks to all merchants

For some reason, though you're likely not a point over 'average' on the scale, you think you're smarter than people and have 'figured out' society and life. The reality is, you have no idea of why people do what they do nor the motivation behind it unless they tell you. Like I said, most people understand that socioeconomic revolution won't be built off the back of one movie, most people also know that we've had positive representation in the media before...Fresh Prince of Bel Air, The Cosby Show, Sister Sister, That's so Raven, Smart Guy, all great depictions of black family life...doesn't mean we don't need one more. Celebrating the release of Black Panther as another positive representation does NOT take away from those other prior efforts, in fact, it only serves to enhance and ground them even more, but if you can't see that, well, that's on you
to "figure out" human behavior is not difficult. Humans are susceptible to conditioning. Unless trained and strong willed, humans will take the easier road to achievement, road of least resistance...thus partly why the existence of koons and praising of symbolic gestures as progress

if Asians are not dependent on positive imagery from American media for motivation to be on code, then obviously Black folks don't either OR any other humans

None of those shows you claim to be positive representations would echo a well needed message to black folks similar to Marcus Garvey, Elijah Mohammad or Malcom X, despite them also being positive representations. Because the movies and shows are for pure entertainment purposes

Like Asians, we wouldn't need to overreact to media portrayals because there are other sources for inspiration, aspiration, motivations and to spark wishful thinking. The aforementioned names' message and positive representations, call to arms demands much more commitment and sacrifice than a remote to switch channels or retwits, thus why they "didn't take off "

When did I defend the hype? Point that out....cause I said wishful thinking is justifiable? That doesn't count as defending - you made a point and I refuted it.
And again, living in the age of social media, doesn't change that one more positive representation isn't hurting anyone. The difference isn't the interpretation(even similar interpretations are not 100% the same) it's what's there to select from. Almost everything you consider the basis of your reality was started by someone based on a stroke of inspiration, wishful thinking and motivation from internal and external factors- the world we live in was not ready made, it was developed and created by creative, hopeful, wishful and aspiring minds.
"The fact that the other readily available inspirational, inspirational, wishful thinking, and motivational examples, that are based in reality, didn't, haven't, and couldn't have the same effect that a fictional movie has, is the the grip that folks have about the movie"
LOL, that's so dumb, and you should feel dumber for having even typed it out. So, what? You're mad that other, older 'white owned' media isn't getting the same reaction as this, newer 'white owned' media? Remedial.
smh. You tried to justify by wishful thinking claim and by
-lazily comparing the suppose hype of Asians to a movie, to justify hype of Black folks for BP. While ignoring that while Asians are not always represented in them media, they are still remaining on code whether not the movie is released

-then you proceed to justify the lack of profiting from "our culture", after you complaining about others using "our culture." Further went down the symbolic gesture path by talmbowt how black folks are "profiting" because "some black children are going to be inspired by seeing black people lead their own society and work towards change." Despite such representations already existing

Living in the age of social media, there are no excuses for not finding anything. Positive Role models expescially

One more positive representation via a fictional characters is hurting Black folks because their entire existence revolves around creatives trying to make a profit and be successful, to secure the bag and open up other opportunities for themselves. They have a price, agenda, and a script, nothing more. Unlike the aforementioned positive role models and the many others that are current making sacrifices for Black folks


Jan 17, 2013
lmao at anyone caring what some alt right youtubers think, they're whole job is troll black people because their audience really wanna be black and envy black people

Secondly, nikkaz is pitiful with their reactions to this movie, I understand comic fans being excited, but anyone else need to kill that

Movie was alright, nothing great about it

B Jordan ain't that good of an actor to me, he was alright in creed too, I never saw what was so great about creed either

I never say Fruitvale station because I never felt a need to see a movie about a nikka gettiing shot by the police, I already know how its going to end

I'm happy Coogler is getting on and shining, but I feel like he was shining right now because the film industry is so trash it don't take much to look good

People are fascinated by blacks in real life lmao, so anybody thinking black anything won't sell or do numbers is funny to me

I was disappointed by the movie, not because of c00ning or the black militant being a bad guy, but the film was just pedestrian at best

none of the tech was cool, special effects were weak, I mean damn what did they spend the budget on, probably pocketed half of it and marked up the expenses

the token white guy wasn't even needed in the story, klaue wasn't needed in the story

vibrainium being the explanation for everything is just lazy writing

T'challa showing up in oakland with a spaceship lmao, wtf

The first ritual battle was pointless made the second one predictable you already knew he was going to lose lmao, because the trailers show him wearing black panther suit lmao

all the action scenes were in the trailer

Didn't get the james bond comparisons at all, final battle was trash, why didn't they hire wesley snipes to direct the action, man was practically begging to have something to do with the film lmao
Good critique:ehh:

You Win Perfect

bow down
Jan 31, 2013
The point is, if we can come together for this bullshyt then why can't we come together for anything important?
because the REAL LIFE work that has to be done isn't FUN.
black people love coming together when its time to dance, dress up, gossip, go to church and cook outs BUT when it comes to dealing with the REALITY no one shows up.

69 others

May 2, 2012
for true fans it's no difference to how star wars fans behave when a new movie comes out (corny but it's whatever) but the folks going on about black excellence, how it's going to change black people and all that other extra shyt :gucci: da fukk wrong with ya'll. shyt looking mad silly. the people who really making bank of this shyt could give two fukks about y'all and by next week most of these over hype clowns would return to the same routine


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
I didn't need the movie to be a proud black african.

But most of us are unfamiliar with our history. It's like hidden colors, it's good for beginners, let our people eat. If you are "more woke" then good for you, but you don't own all the schools. You don't own the media and you don't control the universities. So most our people is on beginning level and this a good introduction to a culture. I would work more just to add on to the spirit then bash people just trying to do they best.
Mar 10, 2017
Good critique:ehh:
I got no problem with the reactions but after this I don't want anymore Criticism of anime fanatics because we had grown ass men walk into the theater with coming to America outfits ...:mjlol:damn fur lion on your shoulder to go see black panther. Got no right to criticize cosplay or anime fandom :russ:

Pirius Black

Jan 25, 2017
can't tell if this was a compliment or a burn...
It's a compliment fam. You're actually creating something black owned as opposed to just talking about it. Black Panther hopefully can create a moment in which awareness is raised towards black content creators. No disrespect intended at all and I intend to purchase some of your stuff for my nephews.


May 17, 2013
I pay taxes so cacs dont lock my black ass up. Haha :russ:

But when I do work, I work for myself. Not for cacs. Cause I understand that in order to have black power - you need black ownership:russ:

But real talk... I just wanna see black folks in positions of power..... I aint tryna rain on y'all parade... I just wanna see us making millions and owning the entire movie instead of being hired "representation"

I just want the community empowered, and you should want the same.

But I aint mad if nikkas wanna see a movie..... I just hate when nikkas go overboard with the pro black bullshyt.... It always feels like a parady or comedy skit and its always some cacs cashing out and nikkas celebrating...... This representation shyt is getting old.... I want us empowered
the writer, director, some of the producers, sound tracks producers, actors, behind the scene grips are all black. If you're talking about distribution, it will always be jewish. They have a strong hold on the market that will not be broken by ANYONE INCLUDING CACS any time soon. This is probably the closest you'll ever get, even Malcolm X by Spike Lee was distributed by jews, even when Lee does indie, he still has to have it distributed by jews, if you think you'll ever have it any other way in todays world, you're delusional.