black folks reactions to Black Panther have been pathetic


Jul 30, 2015
I've never said people can't/shouldn't go see the movie. I just said i disagree that going to see it automatically means you're really doing something in terms of black empowerment. It's a movie. A DISNEY movie at that. It's just entertainment, and no matter how many smilies you post, it won't change that. Many have tried to say that buying a ticket to see this movie is black economic empowerment, even though it's a white owned comic book movie. Of course the pay will be beneficial for the INDIVIDUAL actors, but when you start claiming that their pay will get "invested back" into the community and can't even explain how, nah nikka.

I know some on here know what Powernomics is about and could give a basic explanation of what it is for example.. But in general, if we were to ask many if they know what that is or means, i'm telling you, many WOULD NOT. Many wouldn't even know who Claud is. But that's fine, right?

To go even further, they're now on here saying that if you do not go see the movie, you are not super Pro Black or "woke" like them. Going to see this non-black owned movie is the criteria for being Pro Black? If you don't go see a movie owned by whites, you're not Pro Black? It's impossible to be about black empowerment without seeing this movie?

"I'm more 'woke' than you because i saw Black Panther!"

The reason i don't have 30,40 or 50k posts, like some of the cats running around here claiming that "you aren't pro black if you don't see BP", is because i do a lot when it comes to black business offline. That's why my post count is low. I've put almost 100k of my OWN money into black businesses so far. It's not millions, but that's more than most of you "i'm woker than you" clowns are doing. shyt, your post count is probably close to the amount of dollars i've invested in black business.:mjlol:

They say they are doing more than everybody else, just because they dressed up as Prince Akeem and bought a movie ticket.
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Apr 30, 2012
To your first point: Yes, you should get over it. Sadly, many black people know nothing much about slavery, the Tuskegee experiment, Marcus Garvey, Malcom X, Dr. King, Trayvon, and Barack and it's ok with it's going to have to be ok with you. You have no authority over anyone to demand that they take pride in the same things as you. If people choose to put their faith and hope into fictional characters, that's their decision. You're also making the assumption that we've all had the access to the same information or, better yet, the desire to learn the same things. I take no issue with those black people less educated in black history than myself and I won't shame them for their lack of knowledge, we don't all get the same opportunities, please try to remember that.
It's ok with certain kids and acceptable with"adults" like you for Black folks to be ignorant and nonchalant about their history, because you are the same way. Thus why you feel comfortable with the ridiculous attempts to excuse their ignorance during the era of high speed innanet

Let me guess, the next excuse is not having a computer to access the innanet? well goto the library....oh what, bu bu he doesn't a library card, then sign up...bu bu he doesn't have a pen or ID..

Folks like you want to weave in and out of Black consciousness at your leisure, but don't want to be called out for the hypocrisy, fakeness of your act

You did make an assumption. Bottom line is, you don't need socioeconomic issues to want better representation. You've not been able to refute that and you won't be able to. Taking an interest in your representation has nothing to do with socioeconomics, income or wealth. Asians don't control any aspect of north american media and so despite their ethnic/racial successes, their representation to the world is still at the hands of whites. Your argument against what I'm saying is lazy based on the pure fact that it can't be proven because 'Crazy Rich Asians' hasn't even come out they are 'staying on code' how? They are already talking about it and being excited and the full cast hasn't even been confirmed. And what 'code' are black people breaking by going to support a film that was directed by a black person and stars black people? Elaborate please.
More excuses. The history and current efforts to maintain Chinatown and Koreantown, thus an existence of a code within each group, is not provable via a simple innanet search?

A person that justify BP hype via Asian hype, while ignoring the clear difference in socioeconomic conditions, don't need to worry about a Black code

When did I justify lack of profiting off 'our culture'....first and foremost, like I said to the other poster...your very existence is making a white person money, so the idiotic logic that not supporting black panther is somehow blocking whites from getting paid is simply that: idotic. People are claiming they're going to bootleg..ok..who is making those blank CDs?...the Sharpie marker to scribble "BP" on the disc? The case or cover it will come in? Where did you buy that recording camera from?'re ALWAYS lining a white person's pocket- that's how the system is set-up. I clearly stated that our (meaning black...which idk, some of you might not be since all you care about is white people) culture is being exported and we barely have representation in that exporting -- of all things, we profit more from the representation, which would, of course, be the point...not understanding what you think you're getting at - it's likely a hard miss either way... these people did in-fact get paid to star in this movie so income was earned by black actors...

How do you take our culture and export it around the world but we don't get any representation in it? Even if we aren't making the most profit off the film, blacks are still'd be surprised what imagery can do - some black children are going to be inspired by seeing black people lead their own society and work towards change. Hell, we might get more black people trying to produce films and direct films and more black casting agencies and set designers, customer designers...a lot can happen.

Like I said most things require more effort, but you don't know why people chose to either engage or disengage unless they explicitly tell you. You're assumption that everyone is too lazy or too dumb to do more is strictly assumption.
The constant incorrect use of the word assumption will eventually required you to prove your claim. So show me where I mentioned anyone being lazy or too dumb to do anything

"living in the age of social media, there are no excuses for not finding anything. Positive Role models expescially
One more positive representation via a fictional characters is hurting Black folks because their entire existence revolves around creatives trying to make a profit and be successful, to secure the bag and open up other opportunities for themselves. They have a price, agenda, and a script, nothing more. Unlike the aforementioned positive role models and the many others that are current making sacrifices for Black folks"

Living in the age of social media they found...wait for it...Black Panther, a positive role model.... I don't understand the point you think you're making here either. There is nothing wrong with people finding inspiration in Black Panther. Just because there are other people that you can look up to, doesn't mean you can't also look up to this character.
The whole second paragraph is pure emotion and assumption...there is no logic there. One more positive representation is hurting black folks...cause it's fictional???..cause the point is to make profit???...ummm...sorry to break it to you but most people have an agenda. Whites got rich off The Cosby Show, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, That's So Raven....just like they get rich off black musicians and athletes - what makes Black Panther so different from these other fictional representations? What about people who love Huey Freeman from the Boondocks, he's a fictional character a lot of people find inspiration in, maybe even admire...are they not allowed to enjoy him because he's fictional and created with the agenda of being a polarizing cartoon character so that Aaron McGruder can simply open more opportunities for himself???
I'm just failing to see why you guys don't have a problem with any of the other stuff but Black Panther is really just pissing you off.
No it's not the kids finding BP as role models, but the irresponsible "adults" like you that are pushing BP as a role model because clowns like you want to feel good and want to repeat a silly narrative like "Hell, we might get more black people trying to produce films and direct films and more black casting agencies and set designers, customer designers...a lot can happen,"

irresponsible "adults" who justify careless behavior because another another racial group is doing the same thing

Everyone certainly has an agenda, especially in entertainment, which is why I mentioned it. So don't make this movie that's for profit purposes for the studio and more reel footage for the creatives' portfolio, more than what it is

Remember you are caping for a fictional character to be viewed as inspiration, while making excuses why folks don't know about non-fictional characters


Jul 30, 2015
As for the brehs who keep bringing up Asians and trying to act like they're in the same position as black ppl overall....let me put it to you like this. When you drive through an Asian community, you see Asian businesses. When you drive through a black community, you see....Asian businesses. See what's wrong with that picture? What should be there? Dudes are so used to others owning everything that you don't even realize who is supposed to own the businesses in black areas. We don't even see other men owning the businesses in our communities (and everywhere else) as abnormal. We're used to it and expect it at this point.

As far as income, did you know the median Asian household income is almost twice the amount of the median Black household income? The last time i saw, which was a few years ago, it was almost twice, it might be there by now. I just checked, here it is:

Asian median household income: $78,000.
White median household income: $62,000.
Hispanic median household income: $46,000.
Black median household income: $37,000.

You nikkas can say "business ownership is insignificant" or "it doesn't matter who makes the most money" all you want. That "nothing matters" mentality is a huge part of the problem.
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Suffering From Success | 1316 Days
Jun 8, 2012
The Island of Relevancy, Forever
:wow:Mmm Hmm. I was losing my shyt when I found out that there was going to be a Nat Turner movie coming out. Like it was a long time coming. Sadly, the flick was steamrolled before it even got out to the projector from attacking the actor for questionable actions to the movie being under the radar. Yet folks were doing the cupid shuffle to see bullshyt like The Butler and 12 Years a Slave:mjgrin:. God forbid we actually murder the master, instead of allowing master to whoop our asses.

That was the movie to lose our shyt over


Dec 28, 2016
Amazing how people to love to bytch grip and moan about shyt. Let people live if you see a problem what are you doing to push brothers and sisters forward if the answer is nothing need to STFU and take a back seat.

The brother who directed the movie has a chance now to set up his own company and hire a shyt load of brothers and sisters.

Most of the actors either brothers or sisters will either get paid more for their next film or start a production company that will most likely retain more brothers and sisters.

If you are bytching about something and not trying to fix it your noise period!
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