black folks reactions to Black Panther have been pathetic

Rhyme n Tekniq

Mar 22, 2017
It seems pathetic when you consider the fact that no black people beyond the cast members directly benefited from this movie.

But you underestimate the power of positive imagery and its capacity to inspire a people or a nation; to have far reaching influence beyond it's original context.

Yea its just a comic movie.

Or is it?

Consider the sociopolitical environment in which this movie is being released.
you've got a historically disenfranchised group of people who have had their plight marginalized and been fed mostly demoralizing, 1 dimensional representations of themselves on the big screen since forever. Combine that with the fact that a major American movie studio that has been on a string of history making box office success is taking a property based on a black superhero who wouldve been deemed an unmarketable risk 15 years ago and not only making the movie but going out of their way to cast it top to bottom with a predominantly black cast too. Oh and it has been hyped to the moon by every one comic fan or not. This is the biggest roll out for a Marvel movie since the 1st avengers.

It not just about a black super hero film being done right. But havin the biggest platform with the biggest film studio behind it and showing once and for all that this exact premise can bring in alot of money, ensuring more will be made and possibly ushering in a new era for black cinema which means more opportunity for aspiring black artist and actors. To kids; a super hero among the marvel ensemble they can deeply identify with.

There's a shyt ton of subtext to explain why black people are responding to this movie the way they are. It's entertaining and empowering to see us unapologetically rejoicing and having our blackness on full display.

Far as you having a problem with the way in which we rejoice. IDGAF my friend.
Show up and show out; that's what nikkas do. If our happiness offends you and makes you feel threatened so be it. Whether you deem it petty, trite, unnecessary, foolish, or pointless; It's still our moment. This is the counter propaganda WE need whether it was unintentional or not on Marvel/Disney's part. None of that shyt matters.

Powerful Imagery is enough to spark greatness in the inner recesses of our minds and spur us to manifest. The Jews undersood the power of imagry when they designed the Hollywood Infrastucture. Why do we discount it.


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
I can go deeper into this "escapism" bullshyt I'm reading but these brehs sad & misery loves company... Like cause I'm Black I gotta watch documentaries & not enjoy a action movie with Black, powerul, proud, people...

I'm super sure I can't take majority of yall nikkas to parties

Don't know your circle but most these dudes mad want you at that party like
:ahh:: I got bars about slavery...
instead of
:gucci:: I'm havin fun & getting p*ssy...
Each has a time & place.... They just mad it ain't they type of party...


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
It seems pathetic when you consider the fact that no black people beyond the cast members directly benefited from this movie.

But you underestimate the power of positive imagery and its capacity to inspire a people or a nation; to have far reaching influence beyond it's original context.

Yea its just a comic movie.

Or is it?

Consider the sociopolitical environment in which this movie is being released.
you've got a historically disenfranchised group of people who have had their plight marginalized and been fed mostly demoralizing, 1 dimensional representations of themselves on the big screen since forever. Combine that with the fact that a major American movie studio that has been on a string of history making box office success is taking a property based on a black superhero who wouldve been deemed an unmarketable risk 15 years ago and not only making the movie but going out of their way to cast it top to bottom with a predominantly black cast too. Oh and it has been hyped to the moon by every one comic fan or not. This is the biggest roll out for a Marvel movie since the 1st avengers.

It not just about a black super hero film being done right. But havin the biggest platform with the biggest film studio behind it and showing once and for all that this exact premise can bring in alot of money, ensuring more will be made and possibly ushering in a new era for black cinema which means more opportunity for aspiring black artist and actors. To kids; a super hero among the marvel ensemble they can deeply identify with.

There's a shyt ton of subtext to explain why black people are responding to this movie the way they are. It's entertaining and empowering to see us unapologetically rejoicing and having our blackness on full display.

Far as you having a problem with the way in which we rejoice. IDGAF my friend.
Show up and show out; that's what nikkas do. If our happiness offends you and makes you feel threatened so be it. Whether you deem it petty, trite, unnecessary, foolish, or pointless; It's still our moment. This is the counter propaganda WE need whether it was unintentional or not on Marvel/Disney's part. None of that shyt matters.

Powerful Imagery is enough to spark greatness in the inner recesses of our minds and spur us to manifest. The Jews undersood the power of imagry when they designed the Hollywood Infrastucture. Why do we discount it.
Breh... :salute: You know how many people wanted to ride the Marvel wave but didn't think a MAJOR BLACK lead could do it??? Breh today asked me about Falcon movie, like "Black Captain" :stopitslime:... We got Panther, don't nobody give a fukk about that.... Movie shows our culture in a good way..


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
yall had your fun, now don't let them run game on yall with a string of blaxploitation films now :sas2:
You serious??? Or joke??? Cause I see that shyt coming sadly... Hood movies, Tyler Perry movies, Comedy movies, Slave movies, etc...

I'm seeing in today, comic fan, & sick of damn near every other king of "Black Movie"... If I wanna see fiction I'ma watch Panther, not this worthless harlot that changed for God & still having sex out wedlock... This simp finding love... Worthless dealer beating the system... ETC... I HATE THESE "BLACK" MOVIES...


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
Goof balls in the locker room with their cartoonish takes on what "Black" is.

Same clowns uttering "Black" and "Militant" in the same sentence on here as a way to describe them selves will use ugly racially charged language the next second.

Y'all aren't black militants.
Y'all don't love black people
Y'all are hateful b*stards that use black empowerment as a lense through which you can disparage, dehumanize and disregard and an entire fukking group of people while claiming to "care" for them.

Check the post history of a lot of these clowns and you'll see ugly shyt that askinhead would say only difference is these fukks listen to Tariq Nasheed instead of reading Mein Kampf

There's nothing "safe" or "sure" about Black panther.

If we're being real as a film it's unprecedented and it's a nice departure from historal drama's or comedies, now THOSE are safe bets.
You just said a whole bunch of nothing

Go see Miracle At Saint Anna or something fakkit

Nothing is good to you c00ns unless a cracker makes it
Getting hyped over a fictional character when u never gave a muthafukk about movies based on real Black people

Choke on a dikk


Dec 28, 2016
No it won’t :heh:

It’s a Marvel supierhero movie. They do numbers no matter what. This proves nothing :dead:

You don't know that!

The movie is projected to make 200 million in 4 days. You would have to be beyond naive to thing that type of bread doesn't get noticed in board rooms.