black folks reactions to Black Panther have been pathetic


Nov 12, 2014
In reply I'd ask where does that inferiority complex come from? Let's start with Centuries of a white power structure showing you EVERY SINGLE DAY that your people were slaves and criminals. Decades of a white supremacist media denigrating blackness and promoting whiteness. A Eurocentric educational system that depicts Europe/Anglo America as the birthplace of innovation and democracy, economics, industrialization and techological advancement. While the homeland of your ancestors is a den of povery, famine, disease and conflict. Etcetera etcetera.

I'm glad that you personally have the psychological fortitude to not be swayed by any of the above. But unfortunately not everyone is built like you. Although Black Panther was created by a white man and produced by a white corporate structure, it's promoting blackness in a very positive and encouraging way. A black african genius, billionaire king.

How many big budget films have pushed this narrative? All those black people on the writing team that wrote the screenplay, the black editors, black camera crew, visual designers, the majority black/african cast, Coogler etc, they are all eating. Are you against that? For whatever reason, Disney has given these black folks a huge opportunity with this film AND the upcoming movie A Wrinkle in time. Now these folks will go on to do other films and in a perfect world give other black folks the same opportunity they got pushing similar narratives. I can't hate on that. :yeshrug:

How many studios are gonna green light a major motion picture that shows Africa in any sort of positive way? Let alone a feature film with a majority black cast that isn't some sort of comedy or slave/civil rights film. Been there done that. Our people need something different that will foster inspiration, especially in our children.

Did you not hundreds of thousands of black people crying when Obama got elected? The psychological effects of that imagery changes EVERYTHING. I left Chicago and moved to Nigeria for 6 years. I have to tell you that not seeing a white face in public and on tv was strange initially. But seeing blackness in an element that goes against the grain of American propaganda changed my life. And seeing this film will operate in a similar fashion and is a big step in the right direction. Do we have a long way to go? For sure, but a journey starts with a step and this my friend is a big one.

Please see below...

BP still has stereotypes...

In recent years Django Unchained, I think I love my wife, Dr. Who (always), Ghost Rider etc are examples of films with an acceptable level of typecasting and stereotyping. DU ONLY because of the Django character and his extreme self-agency (NOTE: racists do not like the film).

Examples in BP:

AAVE might seem normal in some parts but it is a stereotype.

Africans in isolated Wakanda talking about 'Swag'.

Not to mention that the marketing pre-movie has been a colonial- esque one of whites being the audience's proxy with a journey into the dark unknown - ala Tin tin, Tarzan, Asterix. Even in the real world NOT all African countries are Third World so not sure why the should be a primary (trailer) THEME in the imaginary marvel Universe - Economy of Gabon - Wikipedia . "Nomadic", "Under-developed" transmit the same idea without the notion of being "trapped in poverty".

Then there is the other contentious stuff in the trailers (which I will not go into here).

It is called damning someone with faint praise. It's like when someone tells you "you talk well for a black guy" or "you are pretty for a black girl".. There are (at least) two main messages in those types of statements. One positive, one not so much..

... and I haven't even seen the movie yet..

This doesn't mean that I don't see the film as a form of progress and it doesn't mean that i will not support it. We just need to keep things in perspective.


Feb 2, 2016
I don't see a problem with that, people dress up for comic book/sci-fi movies all the time. It's all the other shyt that is stupid.

shyt is embarrassing breh. Not because of the clothing...but because of the simple minded nature of it all. I can dig the aspect of the most powerful country on earth being black...but it's still fictional as hell.

nikkas didn't don African garb to see X by the masses or the MLK joint or the Panther movie.....and most will tuck away their Halloween like costume to never put it on question are we as a people that hard up for respect that we attach ourselves so heavily to fictional wins.

I enjoyed paying money to see it...but I felt shamed at seeing my people be so gullible and thirsty going overboard to display what they feel is black superiority


Jul 17, 2012
Exactly what I said.

I said "nothing" but this dip shyt turned around and called me a "c00n".

I hope y'all see the irony in someone pushing a "pro black" stance but sounding exactly like a Storm front poster when people disagree with em.

You're not pro black, you're a fukking joke acting out a cartoonish caricature of what pro blackness is on a sub forum of a Hip-Hop website that's co-owned by a white dude.

Clown shyt at its finest.

I'm not surprised you didn't grasp my post.
a black movie
made by an all black team
about black greatness
also has black women looking amazing and strong

and you c00ns find a way to complain.


Jul 17, 2012
I swear Ive seen some of the same nikkas in here complaining about this movie were some of the same ones complaining about the only movies we have are slave movies, romantic comedies or Madea movies'
they just love to complain,

they're furious for once we have a movie that has us in a good light, represented well, and changing black peoples lives from the camera men to the writers to the actors, to the kids watching it and knowing, realising they don't have to look up to a white superhero like superman as they have their own.


Jul 30, 2015
This whole argument started because a lot of nikkas kept saying that they were more "woke" or Pro Black just because they're going to see BP.
Then some of us said, "How? :dahell:" we just wanted to know, how does going to see this movie make you more Pro Black than us? What's the reasoning?

That's when they started reaching to try to explain how they are so much more "woke" they are. Then they even said if you don't go see it, you're a c00n. You're a c00n if you don't go see a white owned comic book movie? :mindblown: what kind of logic?

They're the ones claiming to be super militant, not us. They're acting like if you don't go see it you're somehow a c00n, and if you do go then you're Malcolm X.

What's going to matter is what all of you are going to do AFTER you leave the theater. After the credits roll, after you take that Coming to America fur lion off your shoulder, what are you going to do? Let's fast forward to 6 months from now. How many black owned things will you have invested in by then?

Are brehs gonna finally get serious about entrepreneurship, investing, and group economics?

Some of you just recently discovered your "wokeness", which is fine, but you're acting all arrogant over a MOVIE TICKET:heh:i could see if it was owned by black people. But how are you saying going to see a white owned comic book movie makes you more pro black than others?

Nobody said don't go see BP. But what's ridiculous is all the nikkas who just discovered their "pro blackness" recently and are trying to act as if they are more pro black just because you're going to see this movie. nikkas who have been doing shyt for real didn't have to wait for a white owned comic book movie to come out to feel that it's "time for a change" or reminded of our blackness, we've already been trying to change things, while you nikkas didn't care. Now BP has reminded you that you were black. That's cool, but I want to know, what do you plan to do next? I hope somebody makes a thread in a few months asking these nikkas what they have been doing for the black community.
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Aug 10, 2015
You don't know that!

The movie is projected to make 200 million in 4 days. You would have to be beyond naive to thing that type of bread doesn't get noticed in board rooms.
Lmao I know it will get noticed. It will get noticed as being a successful marvel movie. It has nothing to do with it being full of black people. Idk how many times I have to say but; it’s a super hero marvel movie. They do well no matter what. People were going to see it no matter what. It ties into the avengers universe so the nerds (black white or other) were going to show up anyways :heh:
Aug 31, 2013
I've seen folks shyt on Malcolm calling him a fakkit who ultimately did nothing for Black people. I've seen folks shyt on Garvey for not being African-American and reducing his movement to nothing. I've seen folks shyt on Black Africans/West Indians, saying "stay out of African American business."

But this cartoon character got folks wearing dashikis to theaters and shirts saying "I'm from wakanda the land of make beleive":bryan:...folks is CLOWNS. Crying about "this is our star wars:sadbron:" Damn right this is yalls star wars cause yall are so removed from reality and how you view yourself and other Black folk(specifically Black Africans and West Indians), that a damn cartoon character got yall ready to be African, Afrocentric,Pro-Black and Militant. shyt is pathetic.


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
they just love to complain,

they're furious for once we have a movie that has us in a good light, represented well, and changing black peoples lives from the camera men to the writers to the actors, to the kids watching it and knowing, realising they don't have to look up to a white superhero like superman as they have their own.
shyt like this

Real Talk, black people need to stop making "black themed" movies

Seriously 95 % of movies with a black cast and black director, black producer, etc are corny af. The movie is always either about A) some kid from the hood trying to make it out or B) some 40 year old who's trying to find love while complaining about finding no good man (basically every tyler perry film).

And nikkas wonder why most black films get bad reviews. Its always the same shyt over and over again. Blacks are begging white people to make a black bond or black superman when in reality, we could just make our own version of bond or superman. But instead of doing that the same corny themed movies are made again and again.

/End of rant

Now its

Black people going crazy over a fictional king in a fictional country in a fictional movie made( and where 90% of the profit will go) by white people:bryan::smugdraper: