It's official: Game of Thrones is the most hurtful entertainment experience I've ever had.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
^^^ this conversation also has me ready to take the plunge on ‘better call saul’

saw the 1st ep when it debuted...bailed and never tried watching it again...didn’t think the series would last this long...but I always hear folks saying good things about it...I desperately need a show to marathon...looks like this’ll be it

5 seasons deep and the next season is the last one. :ahh:

Like I said, first season was cool. But each season after that is better than the last. It's a legitimately great show breh.

May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
it is Breaking Bad with most of the good characters and none of the bad ones, and all slowed down a bit

Literally my biggest problems with breaking bad are taken away and all that is left is a character driven drama with the best pieces in place

old pig

Nov 12, 2017
rewatching “saul” 1st ep...I remembered a few scenes actually and then realized I never made it past the 20 minute mark cuz I didn’t remember anything after that...that being said just finished the 1st ep and I’m hooked lol...idk why I never gave this show a fair chance...I guess I just needed to give it some more distance since BB was still fresh in my mind (I liked the series but felt it was overrated amongst some circles)...anyway I’m in...glad I waited...that’s 5 years worth of material to make it thru :yes:

Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
How long has it been since the end of Season 8?

4-5 months?

I STILL cannot go into a GOT thread, Reddit post, series or episode breakdown, lore video and anything related to GOT...Season 8 was so uncaringly bad, it ruined the entire experience.

I was a guy who played the history of GOT all day while at work, listenes to podcasts, debated plots and theories on the Coli and with friends, and connected with like minded fans from older white women to dudes on the block debating if John Snow was the Prince that was promised...

All all that effort and fun was squashed because two directors got a bag to do a movie I don't think people really even care about in this era (I could be wrong.)

I almost feel like my girl cheated on me or something...because I have no desire not only to learn or read anything GOT related, but I'm wary of diving that deep into any media like that ever again, until it's over and done.

Y'all feel the same?

Lost was worst

DJ Paul's Arm

Dec 15, 2015
At least y'all knew it was only 7 episodes

I dipped into the last season watching it on Putlocker

Folks who use that sight know they show the amount of episodes that you can choose from. Well anyways I binge through it, I'm at the end of episode 7, Putlocker showing 8 episodes, episode ends and I'm like "aiggggght let's see what's cracking with winterfell and where Drogon brought Dany."

Rubbin my hands like birdman, I click on episode 8 and that shyt was a behind the scenes episode

I was like


Then I googled it thinkin Putlocker fukked up but it WAS only 7 episodes.

I was like


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Don't read books, brehs. I can't be that upset because I fukk with the books more than the show, and I fukking love the show. Plus I appreciate the 6/7 seasons of unadulterated piff. Dexter was much more disappointing. 4 seasons of top notch TV followed by 4 seasons of trash. Even though I appreciated what Lost brought to television history, If you were at the lunch table, water cooler, etc tossing around theories for years, that ending hurt like a muhfukka.
I must be the only person who didn't mind the Lost ending because I always liked the character development more than the wack theories. By season 4 I'd already figured that the island didn't make any fukking sense anyway so I'd given up on that, it was following each character from their backstory off the island to their growth on it and beyond that really made the show for me.

Then you get to the series finale and it looks like the writers felt the same way. :yeshrug:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
8 great seasons? :laff: Seasons 1-5 were amazing, after that the show fell off and 8 was a dumpster fire :dead:
Yeah, people were too caught up in the show to realize how badly it fell off LONG before the final season. I wasn't a fan so I didn't watch through, only caught an episode here or there when people were talking about it, and I was on here pointing out how hokey and poorly written the show had gotten long before it limped to season 8.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Had there ever been a final season that was great?

Sopranos = trash
Wire = average
Breaking bad = average
Office = trash
Got = trash

Who da hell was watching the final season of Breaking Bad saying, "Ah man, this shyt is falling off, I'm getting bored"??? :dahell:

Both halves of season five won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series in 2013 and 2014.
It achieved a 100% certified fresh rating with an average rating of 9.76 from 45 critic reviews on Rotten Tomatoes,[33] and holds a 99 out of 100 based on 22 reviews on the aggregate review website Metacritic, making it the highest-rated season of any show on the site.[34] In his review of the second half of the season, Seth Amitin of IGN stated, "Whether you call it a 'half-season' or consider these final eight episodes its own season, this final batch of Breaking Bad is one of the best runs of episodes TV has ever offered."[35] "Ozymandias" in particular was widely praised and has since been called one of the greatest television episodes ever broadcast.[36]
The season's Metacritic score of 99/100 led the show to be listed in Guinness World Records as the most acclaimed television series in history.

Literally the highest-rated season of television in history breh. :mjlol:

Literally every episode of Season 5 is rated 8.9 or higher on IMDB and MOST of them are rated 9.5 or higher.
Last edited:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Ehh Season 6 was good.

Battle of the b*stards was amazing.

Season 7 was where it got iffy but we gave them the benefit of the doubt. We thought they were saving the best for the last season. We even waited almost two agonizing years for it. Then we got it. And it was fukking garbage.

Battle of the b*stards looked pretty and caught people who were caught up in the show. But the writing and character development already sucked at that point. It was soap opera quality with a bigger budget and better cameramen. This is what I wrote three years ago when we were talking about that:

Let's take "Battle of the b*stards", which is supposed to be "The Greatest Game of Thrones Episode Ever!" by some of the fanboys, and break down the places where the writing and/or plot/character depth just sucked.

* Daenerys and Tyrion talking casually while violence reigns down from the sky and a wall crumbles next to them is corny. They would have secured themselves away from the incoming, not just had a chat in that vulnerable area. But the writers set them up like the situation is desperate, even though it's not really desperate, and the way they're acting isn't in line with the situation - it's just a writing play to set up the next scene.

* Tyrion is explaining WAY too much in that scene...he's really talking to the audience, not Daenerys.

* Daenerys responding to the surrender demand with "You must be mistaken, we're here to discuss your surrender" was a corny, cheap hollywood cliche line that you could see coming a mile away.

* The burning of the ships was silly. The strategy was ridiculous, it was like they filmed it thinking, "they're dragons, people will believe anything". If you had helicopters, would you have trained all of them on a single ship and kept firing on it incessantly even though its occupants were already dead or gone, when all the other ships were right there? Would you stay hovering in one spot asking to be shot down when they have artillery firing at you like crazy? Would you unnecessarily burn the ship to the core even after Grey had just said, "Our queen likes ships"? The dragons would have been moving from ship to ship quickly, focusing on getting the people (one sweep of fire would do the trick) and disabling the weapons, not just sitting around playing with one ship.

* The whole "we have to kill one of you" followed by the two a$$holes saying "kill him, he's low-born" thing, followed by them getting killed in his place was corny cliches again, contrived as fukk, poorly acted (even though the acting is usually much better), and once again, you could see what was coming a mile away.

* Tyrion's "go back and tell your people what you saw here" was another corny, cheap movie cliche that's been done a million times.

* The Sons of the Harpy's random pillaging gave the impression that the director had gotten tired of thinking through battle scenes and took a quick way out. Try to think about why random freemen would be just milling about outside the gate in nice little well-separated groups in the open so they can be ravaged. If you think about it there is no backstory that could possibly lead to that situation, they just lined some people up to get killed.

* Then the whole, "Here comes the overwhelming cavalry - haha you're getting destroyed" when the Dothraki ride in was another film cliche.

* Finally, it all ends with a way-too-overtly-feminist moment.

On to the western battle....

* Ramsey being a brilliant battle commander makes no sense. He is able to carefully and strategically manipulate Jon Snow the whole time, which is out of line with his unhinged, emotionally unstable character. How is every move he makes in battle perfect? This is the issue with the character development in this show. Ramsey repeatedly has been able to make moves like this, always executes his evil plans perfectly, even though he didn't appear at any point to be the kind of person who should have been able to plot so competently.

* Why does Rickon run away in a straight line like an idiot, doing exactly what Ramsey wants him to do? Why is Ramsey a master archer? Remember the similar but far better running scene in Apocalypto? That's how a real man would act, dodging and weaving and looking for cover, not just running like an idiot when he knows that any talented archer will taken him out the first moment he wants to.

* Why are all those men loyally fighting to the death for Ramsey? When he murders Rickon Stark, the heir of Winterfell, right in front of their faces, why do they keep fighting? Completely unexplained.

* Davos having the archers get ready to fire, and then having them stand down because "it's no good - we'll just kill our own men" was pandering to a stupid audience. He never would have had his archers ready their arrows in the first place for that very reason, and the need to explain out loud why he was standing down definitely wasn't necessary. Ramsey firing into the battle, and Davos not doing it, should have been enough to reinforce that Ramsey is a cruel man. Davos's actions don't make sense except to create a cheap movie moment for a slow audience.

* Jon Snow losing his mind, making error after error, doing a dozen things that should have gotten him killed but having some lucky salvation every time, getting missed by hundreds of just got old after a while. One of the most tired plot armor scenes I've had to watch.

* How did a bunch of guys with giant shields surround the whole army, including cavalry and a giant who can kinda see over people's heads? That made no sense. At least the director admitted it was a budget-saving device that was done to "look cool" on the cheap, since filming with active horizons is expensive.

* The Stark forces are saved by a deus ex machina (here comes the new guys riding in for the rescue!), which already happened once earlier in the episode. And for the Bolton forces to be destroyed by something outside of Ramsey/Snow's characters/relationship was a disservice to the characters.

* Why weren't these guys here earlier? Why wasn't the possibility even mentioned by Sansa? Jon Snow could have been killed a hundred times before they got there, when all he needed to do was wait. Again, just audience manipulation - Jon Snow nearly dies and is barely saved just to play with the audience, not because it makes any sense when you think about it.

* Sansa getting her revenge and Ramsey being eaten by his own hounds....yet another cliche moment.

Overall, so much crap happens the way you know it has to happen for the audience, but makes no sense according to how it should happen for the characters. That's what I'm calling lack of plot/character depth. It's an audience-driven show, not a plot-driven show. They're in it for the ratings (hell, even George R.R. Martin has talked about how much he has the audience in mind when he writes), not for the world that they've created.

If you take away the budget and production value Game of Thrones is a corny show on the same level as Sons of Anarchy and Power. And I like both of those shows but they are glorified soap operas

People have been getting fooled by British accents since forever
Actually, now that I think about it, Thrones is on the exact same level as House of Cards. Fancy looking shows that are full of flaws...
lol how does that make me miserable I watched 5 seasons of this show, it just wasn't that good. And yes a bunch of British accents will make shytty writing sound like Shakespeare (he was British and his name is synonymous with great writing, see how it works?). Its not a "militant" thing. Plenty of black people watch this show, but that doesn't make it great...]
The whole goal in Game of Thrones currently, seems to be female empowerment, and "breaking the internet" moments.
lol at this thread. all yall need is overt sex scenes and graphic violence and a show is GOAT to you

Like Boesky says especially, the show looks beautiful, and they're lining up those "moments" constantly, and that stuff combined with enough intricacies to go into forever will keep the fanboys hooked...just like a soap opera.

old pig

Nov 12, 2017
did bob odenkirk @ least get an emmy nomination for “saul” ...?

only 4 eps in but damn


ok I see he’s received several...just didn’t win them... @ least they acknowledged him



R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
I must be the only person who didn't mind the Lost ending because I always liked the character development more than the wack theories. By season 4 I'd already figured that the island didn't make any fukking sense anyway so I'd given up on that, it was following each character from their backstory off the island to their growth on it and beyond that really made the show for me.

Then you get to the series finale and it looks like the writers felt the same way. :yeshrug:
I liked the ending, but I'm very much an "it's the journey, not the destination" type viewer. The Lost journey is right up there with Game of Thrones, if not better. We fell in love with those characters. So the ending was an emotional one. But at the same time, I can't act like I don't understand how it could be extremely frustrating to those that need answers. Also I understand how it could be viewed as a copout. Pulling emotional strings as opposed to concrete storytelling. I think any show that can leave you feeling strongly , one way or another, at its end obviously did enough right to even warrant such emotion. I promise you I won't even know when The Walking Dead ends. I watched the Sons of Anarchy finale like:unimpressed:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I liked the ending, but I'm very much an "it's the journey, not the destination" type viewer. The Lost journey is right up there with Game of Thrones, if not better. We fell in love with those characters. So the ending was an emotional one. But at the same time, I can't act like I don't understand how it could be extremely frustrating to those that need answers. Also I understand how it could be viewed as a copout. Pulling emotional strings as opposed to concrete storytelling. I think any show that can leave you feeling strongly , one way or another, at its end obviously did enough right to even warrant such emotion. I promise you I won't even know when The Walking Dead ends. I watched the Sons of Anarchy finale like:unimpressed:
Oh yeah, I get why people were upset cause all folk could talk about was, "What's the monster? Where did the island come from?" and shyt like that. It was clear to me by Season 4 that they were just winging that shyt, I think when the Iraqi was brought back to life in the water was when that aspect of the show jumped the shark for me. They were just making it up as they went along. So I know why people were pissed.

But personally, that was never the show for me. I was into the characters, their trials and shortcomings, seeing who would overcome their sins and who would fall to them. And that's clearly what the writers were into too, cause that's where all the energy and planning went. Every show works at multiple levels, otherwise they couldn't get an audience. Lost really did fail the viewers who mostly saw it as a mystery show, but so far as a character development drama the ending wrapped up the whole purpose of the journey perfectly.