Who is closer to GOAT status? Mahomes to Brady or MJ to Lebron

Jan 19, 2017
Give Dan Marino Andy Reid and defense.

Give a young Andrew Luck Andy Reid and a defense.

This goat shyt getting carried away

Bro…you just made an even GREATER case for Mahomes.

Having Andy Reid wasn’t seen as being such an asset when he was wearing green

You have to be young lol

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
Bro…you just made an even GREATER case for Mahomes.

Having Andy Reid wasn’t seen as being such an asset when he was wearing green

You have to be young lol
Yes it was. Andy Reid been an offensive genius. Thats why hr got a job so fast. McNabb was throwin for 500yrds on a bad ankle. Had McNabb not been a choke artist, Philly wins that TO yr


May 17, 2012
the internet
Jordan is THE athlete
Unfortunately unlike NFL fans, NBA fans are not as generous and the media have pretty much made Jordan the undisputed definitive GOAT of the league and generally speaking basketball itself.

NFL fans are less bias so the fact that Mahomes is even in that GOAT conversation so early in his career without much of the accolades Brady has gotten says a lot about the mindset of NFL fans compared to NBA fans.

There is no player even if they had all the accolades, accomplishments and then some that they'll ever be able to surpass MJ because the fans won't accept it. You see how many talk low of Bill Russell's accomplishments and championships.

MJ is probably one of the few athletes in any sport to be forever locked and set in stone as GOAT of his (or her) respective league.
NFL has never had a Jordan type figure

Jordan is apart of American culture (if not the entire world)

I cant think of one NFL player that has ever had that type of impact
Jan 19, 2017
Unfortunately unlike NFL fans, NBA fans are not as generous and the media have pretty much made Jordan the undisputed definitive GOAT of the league and generally speaking basketball itself.

NFL fans are less bias so the fact that Mahomes is even in that GOAT conversation so early in his career without much of the accolades Brady has gotten says a lot about the mindset of NFL fans compared to NBA fans.

There is no player even if they had all the accolades, accomplishments and then some that they'll ever be able to surpass MJ because the fans won't accept it. You see how many talk low of Bill Russell's accomplishments and championships.

MJ is probably one of the few athletes in any sport to be forever locked and set in stone as GOAT of his (or her) respective league.

They went to the ECFs like five years with one SB appearance. Andy Reid was not like that and wasn’t viewed as such. Stop it


Jan 25, 2016
I like Mahomes a ton... but I just dont think he better than lets say Mike Vick outside the accomplishments. and yeah, accomplishments trump just talent.

but if I had to draft between the two today, Id choose Vick



Jan 25, 2016
I will say this tho...

A part of the reason why a lot of people (including myself) are open to awarding Mahomes the GOAT title is that there are a lot of fans that just don't like Tom Brady the athlete and/or Tom Brady the person and some question the legitimacy of his career.

You know there are a lot of conspiracies and speculations about Brady's career as to why some fans can't or don't want to let go of their negative perceptions and assumptions of him...some people believe he and Belichick (who many don't like for similar reasons) cheated their way to a couple of those Super Bowl titles..deflategate and many other theories plus personality wise IDK some people are not fond of TB12. (or Belichick) for numerous reasons that I can't speak on cause, I don't know what they are.

See MJ is beloved by most fans, it's rare to hear anybody whether it's Bron stans, Kobe stans, or Curry stans, etc who don't love Michael Jordan to some extent. With MJ he was loved so much by fans that he was declared GOAT even before he retired and still to this day it's undebatable to call him anything other than GOAT...

Brady on the other hand is not as beloved by fans which is why his claim to NFL GOAT is being disputed not long after he retired when it seemed like it was set in stone.

Mahomes is reaching MJ status in the sense that he's becoming beloved and adored by fans which is why so many are willing to label him as THE (or soon-to-be) GOAT. He's likable whereas Brady has never been loved to that extent.

Sometimes being the GOAT isn't just centered on career stats, championships, winning, etc (no doubt it plays a big role) but also based on likability, personality, and the perception and connection you have within the minds of the fans. Brady despite his greatness I don't believe has ever reached that level in regards to the fans, which Mahomes has done so far.

That's a really good point.

People aren't endeared by Brady as they were by say Peyton Manning. If Peyton had won in 2009 and gotten 2, I think some people would have called him better than Brady and maybe close to Montana. People liked Manning's personality better.