united states

  1. loyola llothta

    Sanctions Backfire: US IS Being Left Behind

  2. King Static X

    If the Presidents were females...

    ...this is what they'd look like:
  3. loyola llothta

    JFK Files Reveal US Plotted to Use Biological Weapons in Cuba.

  4. SirReginald

    The United States Has Turned "PATHETIC" (No Universal Healthcare Or Care For Its Citizens)

    I saw on CNN (commercial) that they are gonna have a debate over Obamacare next week with Bernie and other sitting politicians. TBH, I find this sh-t pathetic. Look at Cuba, they offer healthcare to its people. Our country has the largest incarceration rate in the world. They don't care...
  5. FAH1223

    Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks

  6. Rell Lauren

    14 years ago today, the Northeastern U.S. and Ontario lost power. What do you remember?

    I was 15 at the time and it was Summer Break. I remember it being around 4 in the afternoon and playing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic when the power just went out. I thought it was something wrong with the television until I went and saw the power was out in the entire apartment. I...
  7. JahFocus CS

    The Great God Trump and the White Working Class

    the article is rather long, so I posted some excerpts that stuck out to me. link is below. *[do these motherfukkers have any other choice but to do as Sanders says and open up the party to millions of working people and young people who are not engaged with the political process currently...
  8. Jimi Swagger

    Five Maps That Improve Our View Of America’s Megaregions

    It’s a fact of modern geography that traditional political maps fail to capture the real outlines of American communities. Cities and states have for some time been slowly subsumed into economic megaregions created by people choosing to live and work at greater distances. For most people...
  9. loyola llothta

    For First Time in Decades, US People Are Dying Younger

    For First Time in Decades, US People Are Dying Younger
  10. JahFocus CS

    To escape Trump's America, we need to bring the militant labor tactics of 1946 back to the future

    To escape Trump's America, we need to bring the militant labor tactics of 1946 back to the future @Type Username Here @Swavy Karl Marx @Madvillain @BaggerofTea
  11. SirReginald

    The LAST Time America Became "UNITED" Was On 9/11 (Why Is This?)

    Now, RIP to the victims and this is NOT meant as disrespect whatsoever. Anyway, I feel the LAST time the United States was united was when 9/11 happened. Let's be honest, regardless of religion and race we stood strong :manny: My point? I think we should be united again. Only this time by...
  12. J

    I don't understand why Democrats and Liberals are upset...

    After yesterday hearing what people had to say, I'm sick of the excuses and finger pointing. I've heard Democrats and Liberals blaming third party voters, lack of voters, young people, Black People, etc. No no, the ones who supported Hillary since the primaries BLAME YOURSELVES. Honestly I...
  13. M

    Documentary about 2016 Election & Voting *Trailer* (Whoa, just saw this film)

    People to remember: Paul Singer Kris Bachs John Paulson Koch Brothers You got those 3 people? That's the 3 people to remember. Just saw it on Amazon, Palast has the best documentary of the year on this subject. this one clearly concisely goes through the details in illustrations about...
  14. SirReginald

    Will The United States EVER BE "Democratic" & NOT Ruled By Corporations/Oligarchs?

    I wanted to ask you guys this today. So, do you ever see the United States being a TRULY Democratic society where it's not ruled by corporations:jbhmm: Because it seems that every decade we have a fight to defeat something. In some ways, I think the oligarch rule may come to an end in years...
  15. The Odum of Ala Igbo

    Why are people in support of illegal immigration?

    I truly do not understand. There are people breaking a country's laws to enter the United States. Why should we not get rid of people who break the laws? It's not fair for legal immigrants who struggle for years to enter the United States. Please, explain to me why I'm wrong for not supporting...
  16. Iran helped 9/11, using the Saudis as proxies. Look at the facts. - US Treasury agrees

    Let me preface this. I am NOT excusing, pardoning, or changing any blame The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has had to 9/11, radicalism, or any sort of exported extremism. Not at all. As for the Iranian Connection? Its damn near confirmed IMO Back in 2011 (before the nuclear deal so miss me on...
  17. SirReginald

    How Are We Really Called The "UNITED" States Of America When We AREN'T United? (Hypocritical?)

    Listen, most of us on this site live in the United States :francis: We are not rich in racial tolerance. Yes, we are one of the wealthiest countries in the world. However, not when it comes to equality :snoop: Matter of fact we are the OPPOSITE of United :snoop: What I'm saying is, we are...
  18. A Real Human Bean

    U.S. State Department condemns Israelis for acts of "terrorism"

    The actual quote is found here: For further discussion, let's compare this to Hillary Clinton's statement on the recent violence: :jbhmm: Not a word about the 1,000 Palestinians wounded, and 28 dead.
  19. MushroomX

    The United Swears of America based on 13-14' Tweets

  20. Dreamestorical

    Africa: U.S. Military Holds War Games on Nigeria, Somalia

    Something to ponder... allAfrica.com: Africa: U.S. Military Holds War Games on Nigeria, Somalia (Page 1 of 2) Why did the U.S. government wargame the occupation of Nigeria?? Boko Haram financed by U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Turkey?? "Among scenarios examined during the game were the...