Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
For every 10 girls I approach, I will bag 8 and sleep with at least 6.

This is not because I am some mack or some Idris Elba ass dude.

It's because I pick my targets wisely. I might only kick it to only 10 girls in a year, but those then girls have been thoroughly vetted by me.

I do meet more than 10 women in a year, but I don't proceed to kick it to them unless the vibe is there. If I can't pull your interest within the first 10-15 minutes of the conversation then I already know it's not gonna go there. Explain more in a sec


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
For every 10 girls I approach, I will bag 8 and sleep with at least 6.

This is not because I am some mack or some Idris Elba ass dude.

It's because I pick my targets wisely. I might only kick it to only 10 girls in a year, but those then girls have been thoroughly vetted by me.

I do meet more than 10 women in a year, but I don't proceed to kick it to them unless the vibe is there. If I can't pull your interest within the first 10-15 minutes of the conversation then I already know it's not gonna go there. Explain more in a sec
If you keep your initial investment to a minimum is there really any advantage to picking your targets wisely? You can walk up to any person and start a conversation regardless of the signs you perceive from them before speaking.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
So you meet girls through friends, work, etc? How are you meeting women without approach?

Just being myself and going on my daily routine. I don't care about Meeting chicks, but chicks have started convos with me at the bus stop,
At church, at the store, and I just take it from there.

I met my ex fiancé at a birthday party there were only 7 people there. I didn't even plan on going but I did, not a word was said, it wasn't till after the person whose party I attended told me that this girl thought I was attractive, and voila.

Or the last girl I somewhat dated, I go to the same place for breakfast every morning so does she and I was short one day and she's like dor worry about it and bought it for me. And we ended up siting down and talking.

I already mentioned the chick at the bus stop prior

But yeah through my life I've always had situations like this etc.
Just minding my own business, not caring and then poof.

I don't go to bars, clubs, libraries, book stores.

It's not me taking the other approach oh women get talked to every day let me ignore em etc to get their attn, I just don't care, if a woman is interested in me or finds me attractive she has a voice she can come up because odds are I'm to preoccupied in my life to notice .


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
If you keep your initial investment to a minimum is there really any advantage to picking your targets wisely? You can walk up to any person and start a conversation regardless of the signs you perceive from them before speaking.

This is true. I don't think either way is better. It all depends on your preference and what works for you.

I actually meet women and vet them before I decide to date them. Let e give you an example.

I will see a random chick on the bus. The first time I see her "I will say good morning and give her a compliment". Either she responds or she doesn't. Once I realize that this a chick that I see on a constant basis, I do a build up. I have little conversations with her every time I see her for about a week and then I go for the kill. At this point I'm no longer random to her and I would know if she's interested. If she's not interested... I'm still cordial, and she might be an asset as a friend.

Even when it's just women I see once, I will stop a stranger and tell that she has a beautiful smile, or her hair is nice,or a comment like that and then tell her to "have a nice day" and keep it moving. If i by chance see her again, she will speak.. I guarantee it.

What men need to understand is that the average women gets stopped at least 10 times a day. What are you going to do or say different from what the last dude said, so that it doesn't come off as game? Absolutely nothing. If she's feeling you, she will respond. But what's the chance of her feeling you if she doesn't know you from Adam?

Women think differently from us. There are women out there who will fukk with you just like that... but then think about how many other men probably got the number too. We need to stop thinking that our game is exceptional or that we are special to women that don't even know us.

I meet random women all the time, I just don't pursue all of them.


May 12, 2012
They have no incentive to have personalities. They don't need to be charismatic, witty, funny, intelligent, philosophical, or charming to get dudes. They just have to know how to clean up nice, and for some dudes they don't even have to do that. Just have a pulse. :aicmon:

:lawd: this man speaks the truth.

nikkas, if you find a girl and you actually are interested in what the fukk she has to say (not that fake, simp-interest shyt) I would suggest wifing that cuz it'll make the relationship a whole lot less mundane (and less arguements will be had :ahh:)

dont smash and dash those types of bytches bruh, you'll regret it :sadcam:


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
For every 10 girls I approach, I will bag 8 and sleep with at least 6.

This is not because I am some mack or some Idris Elba ass dude.

It's because I pick my targets wisely. I might only kick it to only 10 girls in a year, but those then girls have been thoroughly vetted by me.

I do meet more than 10 women in a year, but I don't proceed to kick it to them unless the vibe is there. If I can't pull your interest within the first 10-15 minutes of the conversation then I already know it's not gonna go there. Explain more in a sec


Trying to fit a circle in a square slot doesn't work. Some of the fellas need to learn the difference between a challenge and a losing situation.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012

Trying to fit a circle in a square slot doesn't work. Some of the fellas need to learn the difference between a challenge and a losing situation.


Being persistent with a woman who isn't mutually interested in you can easily result in you being taken advantage of. Sometimes, a lot of guys think that their persistent made her give in. Not really, some women figure that if he is so persistent trying to get with me, then he'll probably do whatever I want him to do, let me find a use for him.

If a girl rejects you, do not plead with her or convince her to give you a chance. Just take the "L" and move on.
Jul 6, 2012
Reincar is right and he is applying the rules in a strict fashion for your case.

You sound like you have doubts and may regret not forgiving her. If you decide to proceed and follow your emotions, (which is understandably human), put her on probation and tread with caution. There is a chance that she won't repeat the past and there is also a chance that she will resent your kindness/forgiveness OR even continue with the behavior and cry for forgiveness after each transgression....taking advantage of your forgiving nature.

The rules are there to minimize your risk. If you take the chance on her, go in with both eyes open, knowing that you accepted the risk.

Forget about how you feel about her. This should be irrelevant in your decision making. I know I sound harsh and unemotional, but you can't make sound decisions with emotional bias.

Fam it sounds like you two, were just caught up in a whirlwind fantasty of two strangers, worlds apart falling in "love" after after a mystical, chance meeting. Women love getting wrapped up in that stuff because it's straight outta the trashy romantic novels and movies like the Notebook. That shyt sounds sexy and romantic and magical. They dream about stuff like that homie. This isnt a dream - its reality. And only after a month of being "in a relationship" with her (which you were NOT) she cheated. Already! She didnt take you seriously. lol And then she didnt share a bed with her ex....she sucked & fukked the dude all night. No respect for you at all.

Cut her off and treat those out of the country women as jumpoffs....they already got dudes cupcakin at home. Where do you live?

Bruh, you better leave that alone. She WILL cheat on you again. If she thought she couldn't have found someone like you, she wouldn't have cheated on you. These kind of women see men as expendable. Once a woman cheats on you and you take her back, she loses respect for you.

The thing is, you didn't do anything wrong and she cheated.

Stop trying to fix people

I know sometimes you may feel sorry for a chick that's been through a lot with men and want to give her a chance because she seems like a good girl, but she's damaged goods, that only the manufacturer can fix (her), not the purchaser (you).

Don't sit there and waste your time trying to fix these women. If you do this, you are just as guilty as dude with the cape on.

Deal with women that have come to terms with their past relationship mistakes and failures and date you with optimism that you will be a good look.

Genuinely appreciate the input brehs

She's European, I'm British. So culturally there is a big difference from the North American women generally talked about in this thread, and she comes from an alternative lifestyle anyway. I'll be travelling in a neighbouring country for the next month, and come the end of that I could just hop across the border to meet her.

There's a part of me still tempted to give her another chance :damn:, knowing it could all collapse. At least the psychological preparation will be there. But if anything happens it will be after a month, so I have time to marinate over it, and even then I will definitely tread with caution. Either way the experience has been worth it as I've learned a lot and don't have any bitterness for my future.
May 9, 2012
so this chick is REALLY eager to put me back in her friend zone after no talking to me for 2 years..just text me out the blue trying to eat, inviting me to her place to sleep on the 'couch;, would yall handle this?..ive been giving her a pretty cold shoulder


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
so this chick is REALLY eager to put me back in her friend zone after no talking to me for 2 years..just text me out the blue trying to eat, inviting me to her place to sleep on the 'couch;, would yall handle this?..ive been giving her a pretty cold shoulder
Don't acknowledge text or calls from past chicks. its a game she throws you a lil attention and expects you to fall over yourself to get at her. It's just an attempt to use you for something. Who the hell keeps someone's number for 2 years anyway? She takes you for a simp basically. Her roster done probably took a dip and she's looking to fluff it up with a quick simp or two.
May 9, 2012
Don't acknowledge text or calls from past chicks. its a game she throws you a lil attention and expects you to fall over yourself to get at her. It's just an attempt to use you for something. Who the hell keeps someone's number for 2 years anyway? She takes you for a simp basically. Her roster done probably took a dip and she's looking to fluff it up with a quick simp or two.

we've never had anything tho, just friendship..she's attractive, so I always thought of fukkin her, but like I said she is a 100% ho...
May 4, 2012
For every 10 girls I approach, I will bag 8 and sleep with at least 6.

This is not because I am some mack or some Idris Elba ass dude.

It's because I pick my targets wisely. I might only kick it to only 10 girls in a year, but those then girls have been thoroughly vetted by me.

I do meet more than 10 women in a year, but I don't proceed to kick it to them unless the vibe is there. If I can't pull your interest within the first 10-15 minutes of the conversation then I already know it's not gonna go there. Explain more in a sec
