So fellas, the ladies wondering why ya'll aren't settling down for them. -Essence Mag


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
@Rawtid, I read your post that Black men shouldn't compare their salaries to white men as though a white man that makes 50k has a much higher ability to earn 100k or more with a MUCH greater rate so it's doesn't make sense for BM to make that statement when we say, how she can want a 6 figure nikka but settle for a 40k cac.

Here is my opinion: You are dead ass wrong. The amount hurdles it took for that brotha to get to 40k which isn't small to cacs giving to brothas in any form of business or effort even in bigger cities like DC for example is a lot harder than any cac. If that cac is making 40k, it's not the fact that by being white he could make more. It's the fact that he don't want to do the shyt which ain't even that hard to make 60k or more as a cac. That's why he's happy just doing a basic job and would rather make loot off of sistas like Miss. Jessie daughter who got stuck up by a cac. She was on that cac is great rah rah shyt too and killed herself as she lost everything to that cac. I have no sympathy for that. I even told my friend that, when you married that cac, you signed up for fukk shyt. but but... she a democrat too. :snoop:

nikkas don't understand racism or white supremacy. Hell, even when you tell em, they get scared like Finn from Star Wars.

If a white man making 40k wanted to do make more. He will do it. I see them do it ALL the fukking time. It's normal in their world to do so. There are no blinded barriers that we as Blacks (M/F) deal with on that level.

I've said this once and I will say this again. For @The Wave. If she/he has extreme standards for their race and low standards for others, they have no interest in their race. It's not that she ain't ready, is that she just don't like Black folks like that. Something turned her off and it's going to take that wake up call to turn her on. She was born in 86 so she needs to start soon and fast. 30 is next year. My friend was no different. He loves being Black but he doesn't. He's considers his self conscious and I consider him unconsciously conscious. What does that mean?

It means that he is aware of stereotypes and perceptions. He is aware of underlying racism to a degree. He understand some forms of Black history, most definitely not African history and the Black history the cacs hide from us. He is aware that the Black male is sexual appeasing to most races and when in-shape can generate interest from the opposite sex of all races. He's taller and was a talented college athlete so he knows sistas would date him. But... he always dated cacettes. He always had sex with them which was the norm for desirable BM in my small town growing up. They use little things like white girls can suck the skin off of the dikk till saying shyt about sistas who they wasn't really fukking with outside of sex of course. You know nikkas, we fukk everybody for the most pt. So in reality, I asked him, what type of Black woman do you want. He said, she CANNOT be a golddigger. I said I know a lot who aren't. She has to be fine as hell. That was much tougher, he was only facially average for the most pt regardless of being built, 6'3 225 pounds like a LB. She had to be wife material. You know code for a good girl. She had to be in shape and found it nasty when a Black girl is out of shape. I was like okay. She had to be loyal. I was like, I know some sistas but it's gonna be hard. The really fine sistas have a bevy of opinions and your mouthpiece has to be tight. I looked. I found some who said, they will consider. Tried of dating so called players who always have more options than them when it comes to truly committing in terms of women of their perceived level. He turned them all down.

He was just married. His wife was a 5'2 220 white woman who is cac nice but I didn't find her mother to be even cac kind at all but she knew the deal. Only white men who want a fat white women is PURELY for sex or they are massive losers. When it comes to Blks, she could hit a home run and get one with a career, a great height and weight and is willing to commit. She had a Black friend with a Marilyn Monroe tat. I warned you guys about ANY woman with Marilyn's shyt on them or on their wall or shirt. That's a sign of the bad girl seeking approval and for sistas, that means she's likely a c00n too. For her, she would have bedwench but she's too stereotypically Black for that shyt. Looks like she has a attitude. She is only comfortable around cacs. She went to a SEC school. She date nikkas but from what I hear, the feelings on the guys she likes aren't mutual. My friend's wife practically has a slave quarters type of shyt which my girl noticed off the bat. My girl is just as woke as me. I couldn't have it any other way. I am not trying to marry a broken flower stem. Sometimes the shyt is fukked up, Marcus Garvey even talked about it about how some ppl just fukked up and you can't changed them.

When he got that wake up call maybe 3 months after their marriage. He called me, I told him, you signed up for this shyt. You gonna have to swallow your pride or leave with nothing in terms of material possessions. I swear we don't get it. Whites are still playing white supremacist games with us even when they with us.

It's gonna take a lot to change it. They were raised this way and the system and culture assures it will be successful. As a BM, I don't know what to say. Everything I mention here has a lot to do with the thread I created even though all of the ppl mentioned above aren't Black. Because at the end, we are in a system of white supremacy in the eye of the satanic storm. Our problems would be exclusively our problems regardless if we were directly with each other or without each other. We can be poison to anyone we touch but a white supremacist and we can be controlled at the neck by them which is why so many swirlers, especially the men run back to sistas. It ain't the age thing either as some like to say. It's the lack of control and the slick remarks like... well since your Black, they might not give us the house if they see you or I could call the police right now and have your life turned upside down or if you are a fukk boy, they can have little and make you sign a prenup that your Black ass doesn't get shyt if we end and don't think a judge will agree with you as a BM that it is unreasonable. Cacs do completely different shyt to sistas but with the same purpose of control.

We got issues. We have a myriad of issues. To overlook our system and culture and put the blame of BW or BM is disingenuous. I created this thread telling you in the tag, it's a platinum thread. If you read my posts in here, I played both sides of the fence strategically. I knew where I was going with this thread yesterday. My point is this. White supremacy is what is purely affecting our relationships. Start talking to your family to learn your family history. Reading books to learn your heritage and acting on bettering yourself, nothing will be possible that will seem feasible. This will not come over night. Please understand that most will not come along for the ride initially. Please understand it will be a bittersweet journey. Please understand that their has to be an end game and a fight for freedom or else you really aren't free. As BM/BW, being sick on this place is normal. Pain cuts deep. Our explosive reaction to each other is not learned behavior but it's a language of the languish. All I can ask of you is to take the effort. It will not be easy but it will be fruitful. I love you brehs and brehettes. I'm out.


This nikka wrote a damn thesis :dwillhuh:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I've said it once, I'll say it again.

Degrees are only useful if you actually work in that field and most don't.

My wife and I married based off potential (what we could be) an not what we were (mid 20's ).
I had no kids, nice body, handsome, 5"11, and the mindset an hustle to do big things and in college.

My wife was a cna, gorgeous, killer body, had one kids, very honest, hard working and wanted more our of life.

10 years later we combine to make over 150K and still more earning potential, we've bought 2 houses, most recent was brand new 3,300 Sq feet with 5 bedrooms+game room, along with 3 kids.

We didn't settle for each other, we felt getting each other was the best and that we could make it happen and we did!!!!!
Getting together was the best move we could've ever made...

Most BW don't think like this...they don't want to build with you, they want you to own the building and move them in it.

This isn't a black woman issue. White women are way more concerned about a man having his shyt together than black women are.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
so middle management is "successful" now :childplease:

these so called arrogant women need to sit down

Breh, these "successful" women are full of shyt. Successful doesn't mean income. You got chicks making 60k with 40k in student loan debt saying how successful they are because they have a degree.

Most these broads are broke as shyt breh. I gotta home girl with 90k in student. My GF's friend is 80k in student debt and had to move back in with her moms. I had another home girl in college with 40k in student debt and a damn religion degree :dahell:

I cut all that bullshyt out and straight ask a bytch how much she make. They'll stop saying how successful they are when you remind them how middle class their ass really is.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
No lie, when my mom found out she was dating a cac she was like, "Well he must be a millionaire. Otherwise I don't see why you are with him? They are hideous in my eyes"

How my sister turn out the way she did will always be a mystery to me. I would say its because she grew up whitewashed in Charlotte, NC... but I've heard this same excuse from plenty of women who are the furthest thing from whitewashed:francis:

You know what you need to do breh :demonic:

the class

the unknown stuntman
Mar 27, 2015
I hate when black men say shyt like this. When I look around where I live I see average to below average Asian (South Asian Indian Pakistani) women driving around the latest audis Benz bmw etc bought by their husbands. They didn't need to look like a bollywood movie star to get a man who was making enough money to buy them nice cars and have them living on homes that are owened.

Do you know why? Because there are plenty of Asian men who can provide.

You dudes in here talking about these women not having the looks are just admitting that there are so few black men who can provide that that they can leverage that.

Y'all ever get tired of being underachievers?

This. We should just make more money and achieve more. It's so simple. Why didn't WE ever think of that? :rudy:

Action Mike

All praise..
Feb 24, 2014
I hate when black men say shyt like this. When I look around where I live I see average to below average Asian (South Asian Indian Pakistani) women driving around the latest audis Benz bmw etc bought by their husbands. They didn't need to look like a bollywood movie star to get a man who was making enough money to buy them nice cars and have them living on homes that are owened.

Do you know why? Because there are plenty of Asian men who can provide.

You dudes in here talking about these women not having the looks are just admitting that there are so few black men who can provide that that they can leverage that.

Y'all ever get tired of being underachievers?

Sounds awesome.

Would you date an asian breh?


Sep 30, 2015
One example out of many. The fact is that naija girls are more loyal to naija men compared to many African countries.

I actually agree, the ones that date other are few. Infact I know more single ones than ones who date, other africans other blacks and other races combined.

I don't know if it's because I live in the dmv but here its rare to see a naija girl dating anything other than naija except ghanaian.

Hell I know quite a few that moved back to Nigeria looking for husband after college


Sep 30, 2015
Fact of the matter is many women. Think highly of themselves but have low self esteem so they live in a fantasy. They don't even know they have low self esteem.

Most educated black women who earned for themselves have absolutely no idea of what it takes to date a successful ambitious black man let alone one that's a millionaire. Because they don't come from that background.

How many have had bf or husbands who are earning $100000+ travel %50-75 of the time. Have female assistants and secretaries, go to dinner with clients who happen to be females, discreet business meetings, and gym time to bat? Damn near none.

Alot of what women say is nothing but pillow talk esp bw. Unrealistic also flawed by social media,

A man earning $100000 annually, will have time to cuddle up be at home and CHLL FOH. women are dumb

mortuus est

May 26, 2012
everybody just needs to work on themselves

it seems like humans worry tooo much about finding the one for them

since the start of human life not everyone finds the one for them, now in this day and age theirs so many things that will keep us separated

humans also need to understand that we all cant get everything we want and desire, once people understand this, they will be ok.


Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
I hate when black men say shyt like this. When I look around where I live I see average to below average Asian (South Asian Indian Pakistani) women driving around the latest audis Benz bmw etc bought by their husbands. They didn't need to look like a bollywood movie star to get a man who was making enough money to buy them nice cars and have them living on homes that are owened.

Do you know why? Because there are plenty of Asian men who can provide.

You dudes in here talking about these women not having the looks are just admitting that there are so few black men who can provide that that they can leverage that.

Y'all ever get tired of being underachievers?

How do you know their husbands bought those cars @LadySimone ?

I work with plenty of Indian, Paki and other Asian women who make solid money and drive nice cars. In some cases, those chicks are over here on a Visa and their husbands can't even work, immediately, due to immigration laws! So, they are carrying the family, financially, while the husbands stays at home or goes to school to get advanced degrees. I know quite a few Indian, Paki and Asian women in that situation. The thing is, they know down the road, their husbands, who usually hold engineering, computer science, etc. degrees will make significant money, so it's a temporary burden they are willing to shoulder. How many Black women would be willing to do that--move to a new country and carry the family, financially?

Unlike Black women, a lot of Indian, Paki and other Asian women aren't racking up debt to get religion, communications, sociology, psychology and other low-paying degrees.

They head for the computer science, engineering, pre-med, etc. degrees. You know, the shyt that pays good salary after college. They're working at Twitter, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Intel, etc. You know, designing the social media shyt and other products Black women use in droves!

With or without a husband, those women would be straight in terms of quality of life. It just so happens that their culture is one that promotes education and achievement, so their men are also in a lot of the same fields rather than trying to be rappers or ballplayers.

In addition, a lot of those women get wifed up by men who can provide because their culture doesn't reward sluts or reformed whores. Families have a big say in mate selection and a man's family isn't going to let him marry a woman with visible tatts, b*stard children, poor character, a reputation in the streets, etc.

A lot of these "single" Black women would not pass a man's family's screening in those cultures at all.

So, I'd advise you to compare apples to apples. Black women need not compare themselves to Indian, Paki and other Asian women or even Nigerian, Ethiopian, etc. women. Stick to comparing yourselves to American white women. Similar culture, similar values.
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Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
Fact of the matter is many women. Think highly of themselves but have low self esteem so they live in a fantasy. They don't even know they have low self esteem.

Most educated black women who earned for themselves have absolutely no idea of what it takes to date a successful ambitious black man let alone one that's a millionaire. Because they don't come from that background.

How many have had bf or husbands who are earning $100000+ travel %50-75 of the time. Have female assistants and secretaries, go to dinner with clients who happen to be females, discreet business meetings, and gym time to bat? Damn near none.

Alot of what women say is nothing but pillow talk esp bw. Unrealistic also flawed by social media,

A man earning $100000 annually, will have time to cuddle up be at home and CHLL FOH. women are dumb

Exactly. They want that type of man, but fail to realize he will not be able to shower them with the time and attention they so desire.

The Maverick

Rookie and the vet.
Jun 22, 2014
You know, I used to feel some sort of empathy, but that came and went. I'm looking at these young chicks airing out dudes on social media, celebrating "curving" them. Chasing men with no sort of utility. Wasting their youth on fleeting things. And then when the coin flips, they're looking for the men who actually made it out with their marbles together. The same men who've probably been burned once or twice by the same type of woman.

The thing about life is that wants must be pursued. These women can prepare themselves to get that raise, to work those hours, to get that degree. But when it comes to relationships, nada. Been on cruise control for so long that they don't even know their supposed to bring something into a man's life.

The thing that makes a lot of women different from men is that they never want anything below where they are. They don't want a man shorter than they are, don't want a man that makes less, don't want a man who drives a worse car. And that's fine and dandy, everyone is entitled to preferences. But results are earned. And by the time folks start figuring that out, and figuring out where they stand in relation to what they want, the shot clock is already running.

A lot more of these articles are going to be written in the future. It is what it is.
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