
  1. Luken

    Women's shelter has funding cut for refusing to serve trannys

    strange times we live in :smh:
  2. King

    What’s the finest girl you ever slept with?

    I still remember mines... This happened around a year and half ago. A B-list French Actress (she had a feature film, that’s all I’m revealing) from coastal West Africa. Idk how the hell I even met her, but it was on Tinder and she liked a young nikkas sauce, so she was down immediately :myman...
  3. SheWantTheD

    Why Is It That No One Cares That The Average Women Has A Premium Snapchat?

    This has got to be the weirdest shyt I've seen in a while that's really been swept under the rug. We care more about these women paying their taxes off of what they do rather than them selling their bodies for quick and easy cash. Why aren't mothers across the world boycotting apps like...
  4. jeff8

    Meek Mill tells black women to get rid of their wigs/fake hair in 2019

    Looks like Meek is gonna be HOH in 2019. Update: weave, wigs, same difference, both are fake hair, but maybe I'm just ignant. :yeshrug:
  5. SheWantTheD

    Have Women Taken All Their Attention Whoring Online?

    Is it just me or do women attention whore in public less than they have used to in the past? I don't know if I'm just more hip to the BS or what, but I can only recall one chick that I know in person that's on that attention whore shyt in real life ie constantly flirting with you/seeking your...
  6. Vodun

    What would society be like if women were not shamed about how many partners she has had

    No slult shaming by men or women Able to talk about sex in detail in the open without feeling guilt How would that effect the dating game today and social media?
  7. Luken

    Why You Dont Get Girls Volume 3 : You're weird/ do weird things.

    Gather round, Gather round,Girls are easy to smash...even easier to talk to. if your not doing any of either these, something is wrong in your life. you dress decent, you look decent. you feel decent. But....your not getting any action...and you dont have too many female friends. Why is this...
  8. SheWantTheD

    White Women Are Notorious For...

    Dating below average (pause) simps while notoriously cheating on them. And in the small chance that they get caught, the dude always goes back to them. :snoop: Even though these women wanna have fun and go through the "ho phase" they'll stay in a relationship and cheat notoriously on the side...
  9. DatLBCGuy562

    Weird/Non Conventional/Unusual Things That Turn You On About The Opposite Sex...

    -I LOVE it when women wear Uggs and leggings. Like. I’d rather her in that heels. It just does something to me :noah: -I prefer women in Vans. Can’t just be any Vans though :ufdup: Has to be the slip on, checkered classics with no socks and an anklet on :ahh: -When a woman wears an...
  10. DatLBCGuy562

    Is It Worth It For A Man Over The Age Of 35 To Date New Prospective Lovers?

    I'm 39. Will be 40 in summer of '19 :flabbynsick: I just signed up for Match.com because my coworker swears that he eats on there. I see his logic. If women are actually paying money to be a part of a site, they are less likely to waste your time or play games in hopes of seeing a return on...
  11. Rhapture

    Who handles rejections/break ups better, men or women?

    Generally speaking? And why do you believe so? :jbhmm:
  12. Lamar Givens

    @Skeetsinternal; you have been warned!

    I plead with you brehs who think smashing other brehs wives/girls is the wave...this will be your future :wow:
  13. Luken

    If a woman locks the bathroom door in your presence. She doesnt like you.

    This thread once again brought to you by way of #FACTS :yes: Few scenarios where this can happen: now, lets say your working late at the office, its just you and your co-worker of 4 years, a Rita Ora looking type of girl. you have a co-ed washroom. its10 pm, she goes to the washroom and you...
  14. Balla

    How you pawgers feel about what Tariq said?

    Forgot the timestamp, but he said "if nikkas can get Cosby after all these years later, why you think white women can't do this to regular nikkas years later?" He basically said that a white chick at any time she feels, can do this to you at any time years later. You don't even have to be a...
  15. Balla

    Is a person ever too old to be having a phase?

    You know how nikkas say they go through a phase of wanting different types of women. Not even races, but just types; like a nikka could like slim women, then want thick women, likes chocolate women, then wants red bones, etc. Do older dudes still go through that ? or are they already done and...
  16. SirReginald

    Women Are Now 42% Of U.S. Breadwinners — But Also 'Underestimate The Costs Of Motherhood'

    TLDR As of 2015, approximately 64 percent of women were acting as breadwinners or co-breadwinners in their families, according to a study from the Center for American Progress. Of those women, 37 percent are married and out-earning their husbands, while single mothers make up the remaining 63...
  17. SheWantTheD

    Women Don't Need Men? :mjlol: YEAH RIIIIGHHTTT

    This is exactly how women act when they don't have a man or aren't getting attention from men like that :mjlol:
  18. Uitomy

    Why do women keep remarking that I’m quiet at work?

    so I’ve been working at Best Buy for about a month and today my manager remarked “you know you don’t speak much” Before I’ve worked in a flower shop and an outback steak house and I’ve heard the same thing (varied delivery) about 2-3 times in each of those places. Other men don’t make that...
  19. R

    So how do I not fall in the loop of compliments when going out to meet ladies?

    I never been good at approaching girls. Really want to start hitting up bars and clubs
  20. R

    To all the sexless young men

    Channel that energy into making some good ass music. Never has their been a bigger generation of whiny babies. Put the phone down and learn this music theory. Sex isn't everything but I think we can easily say women/love have been most of the motivation for good black music. Bring it on brehs...