Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012

At the end of this video this guy says something profound. I wish my father told me shyt like this as a child. He couldn't say it for the same reason that most men can't.
Him telling me shyt like this would undermine my opinion of my mother and all other women.

Anyway the line is:
I think the default position is distrust and always remain aware that a woman will always put her own interest ahead of yours and that she has no interest in you beyond that which you can do for her.

This video nails so many points. The whole way women constantly reinforce that trust is crucial to a relationship. The statement is true but when a woman says it there's a possible second meaning. The first meaning is what the statement actually says and the second is a statement of conditioning to get you to "trust" her and drop your guard so she can manipulate you freely. In fact if the word trust comes out of a woman's mouth in relation to you and her there's a high probability that manipulation is going on. The sad part is i genuinely believe most men never get past the surface level of what women say to see the possible manipulative purposes of what she's saying.
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Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Approaching a new woman every day for a month, Day 27:

Nearing the end here, brehs. Just as well. I have finals coming up and need to study soon. :salute:

Anyway, I went out to lunch today because I was feeling like a recluse after my workout and finishing my work for the day. I like to do sushi for lunch because it's trendy, so girls like it, and if you go during a rush hour there's always a lot of them sitting all around the place, especially in southern California. Bunch of hot little beach bunnies out where I'm at. Plus, it's healthy and no girl really finds a fat guy sexy over a slim, athletic guy, so there's that. :yeshrug:

There's a ton of hot spots for Sushi out in Pacific Beach because of this, but I decided to forego my love of more authentic tasting sushi in favor of being at a more well-known place where there would be more girls. I walked in and it was pretty crowded, which was perfect, because it gave me the opportunity to do exactly what I wanted to do: I went in between where there was two groups of really beautiful women and sat on the bar stool between the two of them. There was a blonde on my right and a Mexican chick to my left. I figured that I'd go for the Mexican girl for the sake of variety and because I've been going really, really tough on the blondes lately. :manny:

I tapped the counter in front of her to get her attention. I didn't tap her shoulder because really good looking girls tend to be really wary of people touching them out of nowhere. It happens a lot, and quite often from guys they don't wanna be touched by. Didn't want to violate her space and inadvertently start off on the wrong foot while trying to talk to her. :smugdraper:

She had not ordered yet, either, so when they started, I found my chance to enter a conversation with her about what she was about to order. She and her friends were about to have a drink with their lunch, so I decided to chime in. They were deciding whether or not to do sake with their meal, and I decided to chime in and recommend a type of pink Sake called "Sayuri," pictured below:


It's something that's a little sweet and playfully colored, so girls tend to like it. When they ordered it, they immediately fell in love with it and I gained their trust, at least as far as my taste in alcohol goes.

I kept chatting up the girl about travel, Japanese culture, education, and played the "educated, high-minded guy" card in hopes of outshining guys that she would normally run into in the area that would just try to show off how big and muscular they were, or some other superficial traits. Going another route, I made myself unique. When she grabbed my arm and the results of how much I work out, I made myself into someone that had all the traits of the guys she normally runs into, plus more. Being head and shoulders above everyone else, I knew I was ready to take things to the next level.

I waited for a happy lull in the conversation where I told a joke where the two of us had a good laugh between ourselves. I followed up with, "Hey, we should hang out again sometime. I can get tickets to see EDM shows on the cheap." :smugdraper:

Her face lit up. She seemed like a big party girl. :takedat:

Got her number and now I gotta score tickets to something really good in December. No big deal. I tend to be pretty good at this kind of thing.


Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Breaking up with her aint gonna kill either of you. It'll save yall precious time.

I was in your situation, not really getting over an ex but I had run myself ragged trying to fukk w too many chicks and settled down w a cool chick for the ease of it. We lasted a year and I was still just cool on her, didnt see no potential for more than that so I ended it. She was sad, I was like oh well.

6 weeks later I'm on a first date w a new chick who is now my wife. Don't settle, it's a waste of time and time is irreplaceable.

This almost the exact same reason I settled down. :ohhh:

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
The toughest part of living this lifestyle championed in this thread is the societal peer pressure. this is NOT a popular way of living.

There's no brotherhood out there. Most of our guy friends are going to either be a simp, settle, or succumb to the pressure.

Like this thread:

:ohlawd: That's one of my good friends. My other friends are all either settling down or putting up with some shyt they shouldnt. When I wanna hit the scene and have fun nobody is down. Even tho I got a girl, I still make sure we have our separate time.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Here's a little gem that I was turning over recently. Tell me what you guys think:

A woman's wants and desires should end directly where a man's dignity begins. In other words, you might have the impulse to give her whatever she wants in order to make her happy, because on the surface it would seem that if she's asking for something, it must be because what she's asking for is exactly what she's seeking, right?


Ultimately, despite all the many other things that she asks for, what a woman needs, whether she really realizes it or not, is a man that has the dignity to strongly give her the truth of any given situation. In other words, her many little wants that she may or may not have are not worth bending over backwards for like a servant. A man that maintains his dignity means far more to a woman than a man that sacrifices it for the superficial.

Besides, when you act like a servant to her instead of a partner, you lower your worth to her when she contrasts the two of you in your relationship. Why freak out over the small potatoes when both your dignity and respect would be put at risk?


Feel free to let me know if or where I'm wrong. I'm always willing to be corrected.


May 6, 2012
Approaching a new woman every day for a month, Day 27:

Nearing the end here, brehs. Just as well. I have finals coming up and need to study soon. :salute:

Anyway, I went out to lunch today because I was feeling like a recluse after my workout and finishing my work for the day. I like to do sushi for lunch because it's trendy, so girls like it, and if you go during a rush hour there's always a lot of them sitting all around the place, especially in southern California. Bunch of hot little beach bunnies out where I'm at. Plus, it's healthy and no girl really finds a fat guy sexy over a slim, athletic guy, so there's that. :yeshrug:

There's a ton of hot spots for Sushi out in Pacific Beach because of this, but I decided to forego my love of more authentic tasting sushi in favor of being at a more well-known place where there would be more girls. I walked in and it was pretty crowded, which was perfect, because it gave me the opportunity to do exactly what I wanted to do: I went in between where there was two groups of really beautiful women and sat on the bar stool between the two of them. There was a blonde on my right and a Mexican chick to my left. I figured that I'd go for the Mexican girl for the sake of variety and because I've been going really, really tough on the blondes lately. :manny:

I tapped the counter in front of her to get her attention. I didn't tap her shoulder because really good looking girls tend to be really wary of people touching them out of nowhere. It happens a lot, and quite often from guys they don't wanna be touched by. Didn't want to violate her space and inadvertently start off on the wrong foot while trying to talk to her. :smugdraper:

She had not ordered yet, either, so when they started, I found my chance to enter a conversation with her about what she was about to order. She and her friends were about to have a drink with their lunch, so I decided to chime in. They were deciding whether or not to do sake with their meal, and I decided to chime in and recommend a type of pink Sake called "Sayuri," pictured below:


It's something that's a little sweet and playfully colored, so girls tend to like it. When they ordered it, they immediately fell in love with it and I gained their trust, at least as far as my taste in alcohol goes.

I kept chatting up the girl about travel, Japanese culture, education, and played the "educated, high-minded guy" card in hopes of outshining guys that she would normally run into in the area that would just try to show off how big and muscular they were, or some other superficial traits. Going another route, I made myself unique. When she grabbed my arm and the results of how much I work out, I made myself into someone that had all the traits of the guys she normally runs into, plus more. Being head and shoulders above everyone else, I knew I was ready to take things to the next level.

I waited for a happy lull in the conversation where I told a joke where the two of us had a good laugh between ourselves. I followed up with, "Hey, we should hang out again sometime. I can get tickets to see EDM shows on the cheap." :smugdraper:

Her face lit up. She seemed like a big party girl. :takedat:

Got her number and now I gotta score tickets to something really good in December. No big deal. I tend to be pretty good at this kind of thing.

good stuff but you don't necessarily have to get tickets or whatever. that was only the excuse to exchange numbers.

also, what's your protocol on how to contact them afterwards? I usually just call a few days after and ask if she wants to go for a quick bite/hangout or whatever. if she says she can't because blablabla, i just say cool and wait to see if she makes a counter-offer. if not, i never call again. how do you usually do it and how do you see it playing out with today's chick?

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
good stuff but you don't necessarily have to get tickets or whatever. that was only the excuse to exchange numbers.

also, what's your protocol on how to contact them afterwards? I usually just call a few days after and ask if she wants to go for a quick bite/hangout or whatever. if she says she can't because blablabla, i just say cool and wait to see if she makes a counter-offer. if not, i never call again. how do you usually do it and how do you see it playing out with today's chick?

This is actually a good question. I set a specific time and date for two reasons:

  1. It gives her a chance to politely decline no by saying that she is busy during the time I invite her, eliminating the chance of embarrassment or hurt feelings.
  2. It gives her a distinct chance to give a counter offer that differs from when you want to meet her.

If she really wants to meet up with you, she'll give a counter offer. I usually say something along the lines of, "Well, I think it'd be fun if we did [event] on [day] at [time of day], but I'm open to other ideas."

I don't say that I've got a really open/flexible schedule because that looks slightly desperate and that I'm already bending over backward to fit her needs. Saying that I'm open to other ideas makes you look open minded about what she wants to do rather than simply the time she wants to meet.

I have a two-day rule. I normally don't like these kinds of rules, but two days seems to always work out really well. Not to presumptuous and not too neglectful. She'll feel important enough that I thought to call and was excited to do so relatively soon after, but she'll also respect the fact that I wasn't so desperate that I called the next day.

Also, I text. If I don't get a response I say something along the lines of, "If they were holding a class for texting people back on time, you'd get an F, haha." It's never failed me before.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The toughest part of living this lifestyle championed in this thread is the societal peer pressure. this is NOT a popular way of living.

There's no brotherhood out there. Most of our guy friends are going to either be a simp, settle, or succumb to the pressure.

Like this thread:

:ohlawd: That's one of my good friends. My other friends are all either settling down or putting up with some shyt they shouldnt. When I wanna hit the scene and have fun nobody is down. Even tho I got a girl, I still make sure we have our separate time.

there is none except the internet, most of my guy friends when they are in relationships they disappear, their girls dont want them to hang out anymore or they dont have time, videogames are silly and boring, watching sports is another game again . instead they are whipped.

and of course its not a popular way of living, looka t the media and marketing they want you to drive a new car, they want you to get married get a mortgage a big house you dont need furniture you dont need etc.

and if not your shamed, im 27 and whenever im around family i still get the "why aren't you married yet", any lucky lady your dating and crap :upsetfavre:

maybe its sad or maybe im cold but every day i less and less want to be in a relationship, id say even last year or even earlier this year i was holding out maybe id get "lucky" and hit the jackpot, i was on dating sites, talking to females offline, casually dating, then i slowly cut the chord from that as well and no lie ive been so happy, gone are the days of texting females bakc and forth daily, i barely use my phone just for surfing now, i go to work, sometimes after i go downtown with my camera and just take pictures


down by the water in peace, sometimes ill just go out to eat by myself and watch a movie in peace, no responsibility no nagging, alot of times i just go home, eat my dinne and lie in my bed and watch movies or catch up on a tv series or play videogames, hell this saturday i may just hop on a megabus and head down to nyc for a few days just because i can, its a great life :smugfavre:

ive been where you were, after i broke up with my fiance, i was dating again, , being with chicks i felt nothing for inside and just staying cuz i dindt wnat to "hurt em":smugfavre:

glad those days are over


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
brehs today at work with my break group i heard a story, true story.

my co worker is afemale and well one of her friends went down with her bf to cuba to celebrate her birthday, on her 30th birthday she asked her bf to marry her and gave him a ring :scusthov:

of course i had to say something, and told her the only reason why her friend did that is because her biological clock is ticking, that once women reach 30 looks start to fade they start to lose their eggs and want to get settled down asap, of course this led to bitter and banter amongst the women in my break group but :ehh:

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
@His_Excellence_Reincar hit the nail on the head.

Women find lots of things that men do extremely perplexing and confusing. And dumb. They don't really understand us, so they don't understand why we don't want to get married. Why get married to someone that doesn't get you? Why get married to someone that will belittle what you do, whine when you're working too much or not enough, whine if you have too big of a social life outside of her, whine if you don't have enough cool friends to lend you social value, more than likely rely heavily on you for financial purposes, yet all along think that a huge part of the stuff you do is stupid and nonsensical?

Sometimes women can be really cool. How many of these women do you think exist? How many do you think stay cool after the knot is tied? How many are willing to sign a prenuptial agreement? How will you handle the kids, if you have them? What if you don't want kids and she does, or visa versa?

Lots of questions, breh. Remember, women often cite men's inability to commit, yet initiate 75% of divorces.

I knew a woman who was really cute, petite, blonde, and had all kinds of guys that were simping on that sweet little body of hers. She saw all of these rich and powerful men (she was a Hollywood actress) and decided that she could divorce her way to a better man. She manipulated and lied to all of her friends and divorced her husband to try and get wifed up by one of these cats.

She ended up completely single, back in Oklahoma, her home state, and now has two kids from the man she divorced, who no longer wants to be her husband. She has nothing now and has made every member of her family miserable.

Her story is far from unique. Don't let it happen to you.
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Cooling with women is a lot of fun. Not taking anything serious, etc. When you start wifing them up and expecting all that loyalty, that's where you start coming into all those problems unless you've carefully screened her. That's why I am not in a rush to give a woman that wifey card.

It's a lot of fun just seeing how women look at you when you've started to put the pieces together and your dress game is sharp, you're in-shape, you smell right, etc. Joint is a lot of fun actually.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Found this in the Loud thread. I give babygirl props for being honest


She pretty much put it on the line of what women respond to... someone that knows how to talk to and handle them right and put them in their place.

All that going to dinner, buying gifts, taking her on trips is unnecessary.

If you can't catch the woman off of your conversation and presence, then you got to keep it pushing. The number one rule of this game is to deal with the women that like you for you. When you add additives and preservatives... when you need dinners and gifts to deal with a woman, she doesn't like you, she likes your fringe benefits. She'll use up all your time and money while dealing with the negro she really likes.

Something ya'll young negroes need to learn too is it's true what Chris Rock said. A woman knows if she is going to deal with you within 5 minutes of seeing you...You need to maximize your looks. Trust me, it makes dealing with women WAY easier. Also, the type of conversation you have is important. Stop thinking you need to come through with debate-winning tactics. Stop treating women like your homeboys or your college professors. Talking about politics, science, and all these analytical things is for your comrades. It's not for the women you deal with. With women you deal with, keep it fun and laid back, but ready to check her if she comes funny with it. Having a 'cool' conversation with a woman is much more important than having an intelligent, rational conversation.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Check this out:
Why boys are turning into girls - Telegraph

Here's something rather rotten from the State of Denmark. Its government yesterday unveiled official research showing that two-year-old children are at risk from a bewildering array of gender-bending chemicals in such everyday items as waterproof clothes, rubber boots, bed linen, food, nappies, sunscreen lotion and moisturising cream.
The 326-page report, published by the environment protection agency, is the latest piece in an increasingly alarming jigsaw. A picture is emerging of ubiquitous chemical contamination driving down sperm counts and feminising male children all over the developed world. And anti-pollution measures and regulations are falling far short of getting to grips with it.
Sperm counts are falling so fast that young men are less fertile than their fathers and produce only a third as much, proportionately, as hamsters. And gender-bending chemicals are increasingly being blamed for the mystery of the "lost boys": babies who should normally be male who have been born as girls instead.
The Danish government set out to find out how much contamination from gender-bending chemicals a two-year-old child was exposed to every day. It concluded that a child could be "at critical risk" from just a few exposures to high levels of the substances, such as from rubber clogs, and imperilled by the amount it absorbed from sources ranging from food to sunscreens.
The results build on earlier studies showing that British children have higher levels of gender-bending chemicals in their blood than their parents or grandparents. Indeed WWF (formerly the World Wildlife Fund), which commissioned the older research, warned that the chemicals were so widespread that "there is very little, if anything, individuals can do to prevent contamination of themselves and their families." Prominent among them are dioxins, PVC, flame retardants, phthalates (extensively used to soften plastics) and the now largely banned PCBs, one and a half million tons of which were used in countless products from paints to electrical equipment.
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Young boys, like those in the Danish study, could end up producing less sperm and developing feminised behaviour. Research at Rotterdam's Erasmus University found that boys whose mothers were exposed to PCBs and dioxins were more likely to play with dolls and tea sets and dress up in female clothes.
And it is in the womb that babies are most vulnerable; a study of umbilical cords from British mothers found that every one contained hazardous chemicals. Scientists at the University of Rochester in New York discovered that boys born to women exposed to phthalates had smaller penises and other feminisation of the genitals.
The contamination may also offer a clue to a mysterious shift in the sex of babies. Normally 106 boys are born for every 100 girls: it is thought to be nature's way of making up for the fact that men were more likely to be killed hunting or in conflict. But the proportion of females is rising, so much so that some 250,000 babies who statistically should have been boys have ended up as girls in Japan and the United States alone. In Britain, the discrepancy amounts to thousands of babies a year.
A Canadian Indian community living on ancestral lands at the eastern tip of Lake Huron, hemmed in by one of the biggest agglomerations of chemical factories on earth, gives birth to twice as many girls as boys. It's the same around Seveso in Italy, contaminated with dioxins from a notorious accident in the 1970s, and among Russian pesticide workers. And there's more evidence from places as far apart as Israel and Taiwan, Brazil and the Arctic.
Yet gender-benders are largely exempt from new EU regulations controlling hazardous chemicals. Britain, then under Tony Blair's premiership, was largely responsible for this – restricting their inclusion in the first draft of the legislation, and then causing even what was included to be watered down.Confidential documents show that it did so after pressure from George W Bush's administration, which protested that US exports "could be impacted".
Now the Danish government is planning to lobby to have the rules toughened up. It is particularly concerned by other studies which show that gender-bending chemicals acting together have far worse effects than the expected sum of their individual impacts. It wants this to be reflected in the regulations, citing its discovery of the many sources to which the two-year-olds are exposed – modern slings and arrows, as it were, of outrageous fortune.

Why boys are turning into girls - Telegraph

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012

niccas, check out this cold cologne by Issey Miyake, this cologne is one of them underrated best cologne,

some bicch is bound to ask you what you wearing if you rock this (nice opener), check out the reviews if you a none believer

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Found this in the Loud thread. I give babygirl props for being honest


She pretty much put it on the line of what women respond to... someone that knows how to talk to and handle them right and put them in their place.

All that going to dinner, buying gifts, taking her on trips is unnecessary.

If you can't catch the woman off of your conversation and presence, then you got to keep it pushing. The number one rule of this game is to deal with the women that like you for you. When you add additives and preservatives... when you need dinners and gifts to deal with a woman, she doesn't like you, she likes your fringe benefits. She'll use up all your time and money while dealing with the negro she really likes.

Something ya'll young negroes need to learn too is it's true what Chris Rock said. A woman knows if she is going to deal with you within 5 minutes of seeing you...You need to maximize your looks. Trust me, it makes dealing with women WAY easier. Also, the type of conversation you have is important. Stop thinking you need to come through with debate-winning tactics. Stop treating women like your homeboys or your college professors. Talking about politics, science, and all these analytical things is for your comrades. It's not for the women you deal with. With women you deal with, keep it fun and laid back, but ready to check her if she comes funny with it. Having a 'cool' conversation with a woman is much more important than having an intelligent, rational conversation.

I been knew these hoes love them bum ass thugs. But the main question, and the solution, is how can a man rise above these extroverted trapping ass nikkas that be all up in these bytches faces, and be better men in general?

And got a link to that Loud thread?