Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

May 1, 2012
i wanna hunnid and fitty thousand!
understand the power of making a bytch feel non-existent if she care about you. that's how you defeat them if you really wanna hurt them. arguing back with them is just igniting emotional energy that they wanna burn, but you gotta be strong minded because she will try to say fukked up shyt to drag you into the argument. NEVER agree with them, that's defeating yourself.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
i hate pua but i read something on a pua forum and i agree


Let me simplify your life with a little something I wrote

WHAT?: THE 2 STRIKES RULE is the common sense rule which reminds you that if a woman is interested in you as a man/lover, she will not deny you 2 times in a row. It follows the basic fact of life that women will not give you time and attention unless you are attractive to them. Most guys complicate their lives trying to figure them out when they aren't getting what they want out of women, yet they really aren't that difficult if you can accept the fact I stated (if they want you they will not deny you) and follow the 2 STRIKES RULES.

If a woman is in any way interested in a man she might deny him once (and we'll give them the benefit of the doubt) but not twice in a row. You give a woman 2 chances to give you what you want. Do you want a date? do you just want to talk to her on the phone for the first time? a kiss? Giver her 2 strikes. If she likes you she won't deny you twice. If you keep at it after more than 2 strikes you are wasting your time with a woman that isn't attracted in you as a lover.

WHY: The 2 STRIKES RULE will only make you put time and effort on women that you actually have a chance with plus it will save your dignity and self respect, and remind you of a basic principle about women (if they want you, they won't deny you twice in a row). Besides it will keep you from being labeled as a creep by women cause really 3 tries is too much.
HOW?: This rule applies to all aspects of dating. Whether it be asking her out and not geting a date (1st strike), not getting a call from a girl you met the other day (1st strike), kiss close attempt (1st strike) etc etc etc
IMPLEMENTATION: It is simple to implement this rule. Follow the 3 steps after the 1st strike

1. Forgive
2. Benefit of the doubt
3. 2nd try

If they get a 2nd strike, THEY'RE OUT!

denied you for a date? flaked on you? ignored you? not called you back? resisted your kiss attempt? refused to give out her cell?? did not follow your commands? FORGIVE, BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT, GIVE IT A 2ND TRY WHEN YOU THINK THE TIME IS RIGHT, if that fails...2ND STRIKE! THEY'RE OUT!


Scenario 1) you call a girl to ask her out, tells you shes busy but she was giving you all kinds of signals the other day! what do you do?
Answer: If a woman is hot for you she will make time for you the first time you ask her out. If she really does have a legitimate reason (work, school, family, whatever) go ahead and try again! remember the 3 steps


If you are denied the 2nd time you ask her out, 2 STRIKES! YOU'RE OUT!

Common Sense: If a woman is attracted to you as a man she will not deny you twice. Sure she can have a legitimate reason the 1st time but a 2nd time? better for you to focus your time and energy on women that are really attracted to you. Please remember that women come up with all kinds of bs to deny the wimpy men that ask em out. I don't care what excuse she gave you, if she leaves you hanging for a 2nd time in a row it is time for you to move on. She does not want you as a man.

Scenario 2) you call a girl you met the other day and she doesn't answer and it's been a couple days, what do you do?
Answer: If you met a girl and she was interested in just being your friend she would answer. If she doesn't even answer your first call you can pretty much forget about her BUT if you want to be nice...


If you don't get a response the 2nd time you call her, 2 STRIKES! YOU'RE OUT!

Scenario 3) you go for the kiss close, are denied, what do you do?
Answer: If she wants you then you won't be denied, but maybe she isn't ready yet? or maybe you haven't built enough attraction and rapport? if so you can wait for a 2nd try later on..


yup you know it..2 STRIKES! YOU'RE OUT!

Common Sense: So you tried to kiss her again the following week and she turned her head?, 2 STRIKES! YOU'RE OUT! if she was interested in you sexually she would have kissed you as you already tried before and she knows a 2nd attempt pretty much should tell you that she doesn't want you (even though most guys can't understand that fact but she doesn't want to just say it). Definitely not interested in you as a man.


So you don't want to follow my advice? So still think you have a chance you hopeless afc? go ahead and break the rule and ask her out again some other time so you can only be denied again and she can let all her girlfriends know how creepy you are (and that is a really bad word for a woman to use for a guy). Go ahead and try a third time maybe you will get a different answer from the first 2...NOT!!

3 strikes is only 1 more strike after 2 but it really does make a huge difference.

The strikes can be labeled as
1st strike: Benefit of the doubt
2nd strike: Decider
3rd strike (if you go for it): the self dignity removing finger crosser (cause this is what you're doing, crossing your fingers and removing your self dignity if you try more than twice)

Use this rule in all aspects of dating to simplify your dating life. There are so many scenarios where you can use the rule. If you have any questions or scenarios on the implementation of this rule, just ask.

however i only give chicks one chance but this isn''t bad


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
Stay away from females with emotional problems. Even if it might seem like easy p*ssy because they're vulnerable, DO NOT DO IT.

These type of women have a history of attaching and even though it might just be sex to you, and you tell them this directly, their brain will still misinterpret and you may be in for more than you initially anticipated.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Sex is the only real power women have over men. Once you remove the influence of sex on your actions you will always win and have the upper hand. These women know what they're doing they know after years they can call a man they used to deal with and get attention, simpin, or whatever they want. If you wanna play into that for the chance at some ass more power to you but what makes her p*ssy worth any more than the next p*ssy?
I agree most some chicks only bring sex to the table and outside of that that kinda wack. If you think about it like Patrice O'neal said women are kinda selfish. Thats when you find one that does simple things like take you out, buy you things, acts like she actually is happy to have you a partner not sponsor most guys with sense are ready to take her off the market. I don't think most girls know that simple fact cause they listening to their commitees trying to get the most out of a guy like they know once the sex isn't new the gig is up for them.

Always observe how your closest friends operate once they get around females. Their behavior may show how liable they are to sell your friendship out for the cooch.
Man you must know my man. Dude is cool but this dude will sell you out quick as ever for a chick. It doesn't matter if its old or new cooch dude is out. I don't get that but that's how it has some cats out here and why it will always be hard to get a better deal that works better for both parties. We gotta go on a relationship lockout people Lol
May 4, 2012
To all you young men out there struggling

Read this article

Why women lose the dating game |

Just wait be patient time is the great equalizer

Greg, a 38-year-old writer from Melbourne, started adult life shy and lonely. ''In my 20s, the women had the total upper hand. They could make or break you with one look in a club or bar. They had the choice of men, sex was on tap and guys like me went home alone, red-faced, defeated and embarrassed. The girls only wanted to go for the cool guys, good looks, outgoing personalities, money, sporty types, the kind of guys who owned the room, while us quiet ones got ignored.''
HWe barely had a date through much of his 20s and gave up on women. But then he spent time overseas, gained more confidence, learnt how to dress well and hit his early 30s. ''I suddenly started to get asked out by women, aged 19 through to 40

. The floodgates burst open for me. I actually dated five women at once, amazing my flatmates by often bedding three to four of my casual dates each week. It is a great time as a male in your 30s, when you start getting more female attention and sex than you could ever have dreamt of in your 20s.''

The only thing i do to these type of women is this:


They treat all of the good men like shyt in there 20's then expect us to be waiting for them when they hit 35. Nope sorry. I will be dating the 19 year old who wants to have fun with me because i am established.



Jun 13, 2012
#LurkSet #LurkLife
Always observe how your closest friends operate once they get around females. Their behavior may show how liable they are to sell your friendship out for the cooch.

When I see my former homies, who I thought were the homie, for what they really are; i.e. selling you out for a chick or anything dishonorable, messing up monetary income... I cut them from the squad immediately just like I would a female.

On some :ufdup:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The only thing i do to these type of women is this:


They treat all of the good men like shyt in there 20's then expect us to be waiting for them when they hit 35. Nope sorry. I will be dating the 19 year old who wants to have fun with me because i am established.


A lot of chicks think the well won't run dry but oh it does

When I'm 35 I'll be talking to chicks 27, when I'm
40, chicks who are 30

The Message

Lex with tv sets the minimum
Jun 19, 2012
A lot of chicks think the well won't run dry but oh it does

When I'm 35 I'll be talking to chicks 27, when I'm
40, chicks who are 30


I always tell girls they were better off cutting shenanigans out after 21: Drinking, smoking, pill'd up, powdered up, random acts of f^cking, poor diet, bad attitudes. All that catches up. Some hit the wall hard in their twenties - eff a thirties. lol Father Time is not kind to women.


Fire John Harbaugh
May 1, 2012

I always tell girls they were better off cutting shenanigans out after 21: Drinking, smoking, pill'd up, powdered up, random acts of f^cking, poor diet, bad attitudes. All that catches up. Some hit the wall hard in their twenties - eff a thirties. lol Father Time is not kind to women.

Cosign this

So many bytches I know that was bad when they was 21 are now :flabbynsick: and they ain't even 30 yet

Especially the ones who drink daily :scusthov:

They use to be arrogant as fukk and always on that a nikka gotta have *insert unrealistic laundry list of bullshyt* to fukk with me tip but now they the same ones on FB talking bout where all the good nikkas at,I just want real love in my life that's all I ain't asking for much :lolbron:

bytches need to realize they gonna get the best nikka they can get in their prime but they wanna be hoes when they look good and then settle down once they fall off :rudy:

The Message

Lex with tv sets the minimum
Jun 19, 2012
Cosign this

So many bytches I know that was bad when they was 21 are now :flabbynsick: and they ain't even 30 yet

Especially the ones who drink daily :scusthov:

They use to be arrogant as fukk and always on that a nikka gotta have *insert unrealistic laundry list of bullshyt* to fukk with me tip but now they the same ones on FB talking bout where all the good nikkas at,I just want real love in my life that's all I ain't asking for much :lolbron:

bytches need to realize they gonna get the best nikka they can get in their prime but they wanna be hoes when they look good and then settle down once they fall off :rudy:

Word. For anyone who wants to see the life of a former bad b!tch who's past her prime, yet trying to reform herself and rebuke her past stank demons - just tune into VH1...

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
To all you young men out there struggling

Read this article

Why women lose the dating game |

Just wait be patient time is the great equalizer

Greg, a 38-year-old writer from Melbourne, started adult life shy and lonely. ''In my 20s, the women had the total upper hand. They could make or break you with one look in a club or bar. They had the choice of men, sex was on tap and guys like me went home alone, red-faced, defeated and embarrassed. The girls only wanted to go for the cool guys, good looks, outgoing personalities, money, sporty types, the kind of guys who owned the room, while us quiet ones got ignored.''
HWe barely had a date through much of his 20s and gave up on women. But then he spent time overseas, gained more confidence, learnt how to dress well and hit his early 30s. ''I suddenly started to get asked out by women, aged 19 through to 40

. The floodgates burst open for me. I actually dated five women at once, amazing my flatmates by often bedding three to four of my casual dates each week. It is a great time as a male in your 30s, when you start getting more female attention and sex than you could ever have dreamt of in your 20s.''

That article is real talk.

Like a flower in September... i was also a late bloomer.

Joined SOHH when i was 20 (in 2002) and most of my posts were either

1. Jokes/bantering

2. Venting about my female woes (i was an average frustrated chump who was constantly comparing himself to the guys who were getting more lays than a potato chip company).

So in my mid twenties, consummated my collegiate career (where even then, i struggled with women, yeah, how pathetic) and said F IT! I'ma step my game up!

My confidence was high, and i began approaching beautiful women off the bat. Had an out going personality, a steady job, nice whip, dressed freshed and my game was tight.

Well, supposedly, i assumed my ability to swoon and swoop up women was up to par because of shiit i read.

And that was the problem. I kept getting flaked on and rejected by 98 percent of the women i interacted with and didn't know why.

The dilemma?

I didn't have enough experience under my belt.

You literally have to deal with the 3's, 4's and average chicks before you get the 8's, ninas and dime pieces.

So i reformatted my game, restructed my approach and focused on girls that i would have never considered (and "thinking" you're comfortable with women because you have female siblings and a bevy of homegirls isn't enough - dating is A WHOLE NOTHER BALL GAME! - but i learned that late - missed period).

The last 5 years of my life, i spent fine-tuning my sex life. What i needed to change, how to not simp, accountability, timing, approach, charm, wit, sex appeal, style, mystifying my personae, etc.

Turned that dirty 30 in May and since then...

I've just been on a roll. Dinner bread.



follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Problem with a lot of these women is that no one ever told them anything. They've lived a whole life of people cosigning them, bailing them out and empowering them. They just have to sweet talk their dad and put on that little pouty face and he's rushing to get daddy's little princess whatever she wants. She goes to school and gets told girls are made of spice and everything nice... Accountability for her actions? What's that? If she drinks and has sex and regrets it, that turns the man into a rapist. These women go around acting crazy, trying to put their hands on dudes and do all this screaming and yelling because they have legions of superheroes waiting to step in when the man gets her off of him. I can go on and on. Then you have the law system that pretty much rewards the woman no matter what she does. Automatic custody of the kid, usually over half of the assets since she will most likely get the house in the case of a divorce... alimony, child support, etc. Tie this in with the legion of simped out dudes who are willing to give women attention whenever and however they want it. Is it no surprise when you actually deal with these women, you're like man what in the world? Why is she acting so crazy? Why is she so unpredictable and cold? This is the sort of behavior that results from someone being spoiled rotten and never being held accountable. This is why you don't deal with women except on your terms. 1) You are saving yourself a LOT of headaches, and 2) you need to separate yourself from the simpled out yes men.