barbershop talk

  1. SirReginald

    Being In My TRANSITIONING Phase Is Hard (It's Painful Too)

    Not that type of transitioning weirdos :camby: Anyway, transitioning from boy to man is tough sometimes. Yesterday, I came to the conclusion (not broke or in debt) that I want to become more fiscally moderate. Which means, I'm putting myself on a budget. Also, I have to use time management...
  2. SirReginald

    Why Do "SOME" Women Think That They Can Change A Man? (They Can't Change Unless They Want To)

    Right now, I'm watching "Shadow Of Doubt" on ID Discovery. It was this chick who moved to St. Louis to start a new life. She started to date this dude that she met at a Baptist church. Anyway, the relationship got violent and she ended up getting killed (thought she could change a man)...
  3. SirReginald

    It's Hard To Find A "STRONG" Woman That Wants Something Out Of Life NOWADAYS

    I'm just going to cut to the chase, it's hard to find strong women out there that want success. Most women around my area just drink and indulge in stupid behavior. At 23, I'm at a point where I want something out of life. Every morning I get up early and prove myself. Yes, I'm blessed right...
  4. SirReginald

    How Do We Allow Immigrants To Come In The U.S. WITHOUT Marginalizing Black People? (Syrians & ETC)

    Should there be more job creation for them in a field where they prosper? What are your examples? I believe ALL immigrants should have a shot at the "so-called" American Dream.
  5. SirReginald

    Is There Such A Thing As An Mexican/Black(AA) Alliance? (Because I Don't See It)

    I heard some brothas and some Mexicans say that we have an alliance with em, but I don't see it :jbhmm: BTW, I have no issue with any ethnic group :whoa: However, that alliance may be a little exaggerated.
  6. SirReginald

    Men Who Cheat On Their Girlfriends/Wives Are ABSOLUTE Cowards (Spreading Diseases & Shyt)

    Even though I'm single I feel that I have a right to speak on this. If you have a girlfriend/wife and she's a good woman holding it down while you're cheating, then you're a coward. Number 1, you are spreading diseases f-cking multiple women. This is levels because other dudes could be...
  7. SirReginald

    Hispanic Guy I Worked With Yesterday Prayed & Got Angry Because I Quote, "Asked Too Many Questions"

    This was yesterday and it was weird as hell. At the steel mill I work at, they always ask for three to four temps everyday. However, they only needed one yesterday, so I was the only temp there. They want to hire me btw :jawalrus: Anyway, I was paired to work with a guy I never worked with...
  8. SirReginald

    Tall Ass Dudes Dating Short/Bony Women Has ALWAYS Looked Weird (It's Like Dating A Midget)

    Think about it, a 6'1 dude dating a 4'11 chick is weird. It's like a tall dude dating Pinky (short) and short women look younger than their age most of the time. Sorry, but as a 6'3 dude short/bony women are a no. Has it always looked weird to you?
  9. Kinguno

    Haircut suggestions

    My barber will be back from Jamaica later this week and I usually get a dark Caesar or a fade with the grain and low but not bald in the sides I want something new Any suggestions of what y'all get at the barbershop ? :patrice:
  10. SirReginald

    Maybe G*d/G0D Doesn't Do Things On Your Time, But His Time (Prove He Doesn't Exist)

    I always see threads on why G-d doesn't do this or that. Maybe, he gave you free-will and us humans are so screwed up "greed" becomes the number 1 priority instead of love. Listen, I'm Agnostic, but lean towards Judaism. G-d isn't a genie, but a guide that can lead you to things. However...
  11. SirReginald

    Real Talk, Sometimes I Do Feel Alone/Lonely As A Black Male (#TheStruggleContinues)

    I'll say that people know me and I am acquainted with people. However, I don't have anyone that I consider a friend in my life. All I do is work, keep up with my finances, and do my own thing. Sometimes, I do feel alone., but I have plans to get out more. I'm blessed because I finally have...
  12. SirReginald

    Most Of The Time Men Get Caught Up & In Trouble Because Of Women (Puzzy Kills #AdamandEve)

    No troll, men get caught up most of the time because of a female. THIS is NOT a gender war because I love my females (there's good women out there too). Anyway, there was this couple by the name of Adam and Eve. This was during biblical times. So, one day G-d told them not to eat the apple...
  13. SirReginald

    Could Liberia Ever Become The African-American Version Of Israel? (Should AA's Support It?)

    I somewhat know about the history of Liberia between us AA's and Liberians. There was some kind of conflict between the two and the CIA getting involved. Also, there was a civil war/cannibalism. However, some places of Liberia have improved. Billionaire (founder of BET) Bob Johnson said...
  14. SirReginald

    Are Brehs Who Date Outside Their Race, But Still Contribute To The AA Community STILL "SELLOUTS"?

    Before you hit that neg button :whoa: This has nothing to do with me. However, I've been hearing this new thing about brehs who have a chick of a different racial ethnic group still contributing to the community. Like, I mean protesting and providing economic wise. What do you guys think...
  15. SirReginald

    Black Folk Don't Really Know Who They Are (We Are Just NAKED People With Clothes On)

    Before I start this thread off, I just want to add that I know all Black people are NOT a monolith. We have Black Native Americans, Black Jews, Black Buddhist, Black LGBT, and etc. This is also CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM of my people. I will always cherish my history, but won't use it for...
  16. SirReginald

    Coli Brehs: What Is The Purpose Of Life? (I Ask This Everyday. What Is Life?)

    I ask myself everyday. What is life's purpose? Even for the poor people and disabled what's their purpose. I've been looking at the Kabbalah recently to find answers. Yes, I know about being a good person and etc. However, there has to be a reason why we are on Earth. Life is suppose to be...
  17. SirReginald

    BARBERSHOP TALK: How Long Would You DATE Someone Before MARRYING Them?

    I'd say two to three years :manny: Discuss :mjgrin:
  18. SirReginald

    (SPIN): What Do You Think Happens During Our Death/When We Die? (Hell Is On Earth People)

    Last thread of the day. I made three I know. Anyway, what do you happens DURING our death phase? What I think is angels take and show us our next destination I think there could possibly be a world to come where we all live in peace. Because hell is on Earth already. Burning cities,sh-t...
  19. SirReginald

    I Feel BAD For The People In The Middle-East (We're Kings Compared To Them *Including BLACK People*)

    I can honestly say that even though we in the United States have our problems with crony capitalism, systematic racism, sexism, and poverty we are living like kings and queens compared to them :manny: Face it, look at countries like Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, (North Africa) Libya, Iraq, and Syria...
  20. SirReginald

    I Was ONCE Suicidal, But I'm Glad I Didn't Kill Myself/ Take That Route (Here's My Story)

    This is going to be pretty long, so bear with me. When I first got out of college (2015 cert trade IT) I wanted a job. I posted about it on here I think. So, I was offered a job at this low level shop store. The place was run down and racist (customers were cool). Anyway, the first day I...